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The Revenge of the Wood-Elf (Telerius galadh)  by Orophins Dottir 7 Review(s)
technetiumReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/8/2004
Glorfindel's not a morning elf, is he? I understand that feeling. I love the banter between Elrond and Glorfindel. I hope we get to see more of Gimli and Eowyn soon. "What loyalty, Elrond! Would you hug a tree for me?" - very nice. I was grinning the whole time I was reading this.

Author Reply: No, he is not. At least when he is stuck in Mirkwood. My elves tend to share my personal characteristics. I am more of a Night Elf.

Thanks for the review!

LindorienReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/6/2004
You shall be on board with your mother-in-law...
Oh dear, can I say 'damned' in a public review? I loved all the little nuances. The mind-meld call, making Glorfindel comb his hair, Glorfindel complaining that somebody's eaten all the grapes again. All the explanation regarding the throat-slitting incident...
You know -- your mind would be a scary thing to probe.

"Go there NOT, Elrond! Ne'er shall you return!"

So,um, how occupied WAS Celeborn keeping Galadriel?

Author Reply: VERY OCCUPIED. Congratulations, Lindorien! You are the first to pick up my very veiled innuendo! *ponders the state of elven sex. does it need to be more blatant? No, cannot go there. Impossible.* Does this mean your mind is normally in the gutter?

Yes, the Great Glorfindel doth not like being wakened. He is not enjoying his stay in the Woodland Realm.

Elrond can probe my mind any old time he pleases. *smacks herself to get herself out of the gutter. She thinks she has just stepped on Lindorien's mind. It was squishy.* No one believes that I actually do love Master Elrond. Somehow, he just always gets into trouble in my stories.

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

MarnieReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/18/2003
Fabulous chapter! Glorfindel and Elrond are obviously the stand up comedy routine of the epic :) Who knew that Galadriel was widely respected among the elves for her ability to accessorize But I have to agree with Glorfindel that Elrond's in laws aren't *that* bad :) 'Mad witch of the Galadhrim'!

Author Reply: Everything being relative, Galadriel sitting for two weeks in the top of a tree with poor Celeborn being rained upon beneath pales in comparison to having one's throat slit! Yet, Elrond doth have a difficult bed to lie upon. She is not an easy elf to deal with, his mother-in-law. In my eighteenth reincarnation, I would aspire to be Galadriel in a frock.

Humble Scribe to His Majesty Thranduil

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/17/2003
How do I misspell so many least I'm consistent! Do not let Thranduil know...sheesh! That's why you're the scribe and I'm just the wine spiker! :>)

Author Reply: Hush, my precious. Ever shall I tread the paths of the nuns and light thy path to grammar. In these parlous days, thou must acknowledge thy true worth as a purveyor of prozac.

Kiss Haldir for me, and tell my Orophin that soon I shall yet again be at his side!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/17/2003
Ah, my lady, you post with more speed than a Hobbit can consume his elevenies. And as you can see...Orophin is in great need of your comfort. Haldir has made mention of your soothing influence upon his younger brother as often as he may find a moment, but fears that your liege will cause strife should he become enlightened to Orophin's desire to capture your heart...and personage away from the king. I beseech you to be cautious in what your lord may learn of our plans.
The Lord of The House of The Golden Flower is less than a sweet bloom e'er his awakening. However, it is an understandable predicament that he finds himself in when awaken so abruptly from his slumber. He is wroth in his fatigue and the stress of keeping peace within a household that seems to wage war among themseves as readily as men shun bathing. Yet, he is a clever elf and is well versed in his dealings with The Lord of Imladris. He is ever kind in his desire to assist the young dark elf and his mortal love. Surely, it would be a hardship upon the son of your leige to have to interrupt their journey to the Havens ever so few miles to bath in cold streams. Ne'er are elves afflicted with the bodily illnesses that afflict men, but Glorfindel is wise to consider that the dark elf's companions may grow quite ill of humor should such requirements be manifest upon the trip to the fell land of New Zealand. A wise, wise elf, indeed.
And you my lady, keep your wise counsel and let not your lord hear of Orophin's wishes. T'would be ever so dangerous for the brother of Haldir and Rumil and I fear my lady, that we would be compelled to rescue you from the dungeons. Do not let slip from your memory how aggrieved your leige was when he thought that the mortal from the fell land of New York City had captured you. Be ever vigilant!
Your humble servant and Shielf Mama, The Karenator

Author Reply: Ai, ever do I savor thy words: "a household that seems to wage war among themseves as readily as men shun bathing". Such an image! Are we listening Aragorn?

Fear not over Orophin. He is a condition of my employment with my noble liege. The mortal from NYC is but gravy, and thus a concern for Thranduil as are all things that his scribe hath not written down in words of one syllable. Orophin is my breath of life! We scribes have a strong union, my lady. I lived not in NYC for 17 years without learning how to organize!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/17/2003
Every time I turn my back you've posted another chapter!

Glorfindel is a hoot! My Glorfindel, cloned, perfected V1.0 has very similar morning preferences and loves grapes too! Although, methinks I know where the grapes have gone.....

Well, I am glad that Zippy is on the mend and the family has made up. However, I think that Thranduil had an episode of temporary insanity and it will need to be addressed by the Valar, eventually.

I am curious to know if Galadriel objected to Elrond as her son-in-law on account of his hair color.....

Author Reply: The blanket burrower and bed hog is my particular pet. Who cannot love this cheerful elf? Oft think I that he is all that stands between Elrond and madness!

I suspect that when the new extended DVD is in my hot little hands I shall be incommunicado for at least a day or too. Purely doing research on what the sins of the Abomination may truly be you understand. Hence, I update in advance.

Humble Scribe to Thranny the Nut Job

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/17/2003
NOw that was an entertaining conversation. These two are completely irreverant, especially Glorfindel. Their assessments of Galadriel, Celeborn, Thranduil, Giluviel, Legolas, Eowyn, Gil-galad, and BW were all hilarious and spot on. In the meantime, I am deeply grateful that someone would have to use the telephone to waken me and I have the ringer turned off.

Author Reply: Ah, yes! Glorfindel can always be counted upon to cut to the chase. My last perilous days with Thranny drove me to seek this overwhelming harbor of sense and decency and calm. When the ship doth go down, I wish to stand next to my Glorfy! Gil-Galad, however, would be a close second. I shudder to think what the noble spear chucker will think when Galadriel informs him that the Abomination hath reduced his role to but 5 seconds in the Prologue and that he is yet portrayed by an extra. Much wailing shall there be in our fair land!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

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