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The Revenge of the Wood-Elf (Telerius galadh)  by Orophins Dottir 3 Review(s)
LindorienReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/6/2004
Yikes! almost forgot to review. I am moving on to next chapter. Thranduil could use a little Paxil. He is far to tense about everything.

Author Reply: My esteemed friend and best bud on Arda, The Karenator, quickly procured Prozac from a Canadian pharmacy. We think the great King is alright. We settled our own nerves with single-malt Scotch. Very nice.

Thank you for the review!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil
(now released from his padded dungeon cell)

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/17/2003
Lo! My heart is filled with a gladness that nearly cleaves my most humble heart into. Not only does our fair Zippy live, but at his side is your liege. Though your sire be far from settled in spirit, the potion, Prozac, offers hope that he shall refrain from any further tumultuous behavior and thus regaining the favor of both his sons. Alas, the dark elf is yet fond of his sire and graciously forgiving of his father's grevious error. The lighter brother has't more pain secreted in his heart, but by his mother's hand from beyond the sphere of this world, he, too, has lain aside his foul temper and once again embraced his adar. Alas, now shall the Kingdom of the Woodland Realm rejoice for her sons are safe within her bosom and a new beginning of wedded bliss is poised upon the horizon.
Oh, my dear lady, I can breathe at ease again. Your liege is in truth a kind and gentle elf. This was indeed a fell maddness that nearly took him. I still fear that the black breathe has tried to secure him, but he is ever too strong for such and broke free. What else can explain this loving adar to take up blade against his own kin? Relief, my dear scribe, absolute and complete relief is now my state. My knees have grown weak with worry and Haldir is waiting ever so patiently to carry me to his woods for much sought after rest and .....pleasure. Do join us as you are able as Haldir tells me that Orophin has asked after you and is eager for your company once again.
Your humble servant and Shield Mama, The Karenator

Author Reply: Ah, yes, we should truly see about Orophin. We have been neglecting him of late, and he has already extended one tormented toe into the coming chapter in courteous protest. He is keeping Glorindel up with his nightmares, lady. Therefore, I do consent to small leaf-counting expedition among the mellyrn. 'Twil be good for the young one to keep company yet again with his brother so I shall make the sacrifice. Did you know that one's electronic carrier pigeon can be rigged to leave a "vacation message" for that pesky mortal who doth seek me from the fell land of New York City? Gil-Galad hath taught this to me. A nifty trick he has picked up somewhere along the paths of errantry.

Forget not the balrog fingers, lady, for I fear Haldir may need a little more sustenance than grapes!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil (who now sleepeth sweetly watched by his loving sons)

P.S.--Thinketh thou that we may encounter thy willful hobbit along our paths? If so, double the order of balrog fingers!

MarnieReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/17/2003
I went away for one weekend and I missed so much! For Lo! Zippy was returned to us, and BW achieved all any Mary Sue could wish for, being at once Celeborn's daughter, Thranduil's daughter, Legolas' sister, Elrond's advisor and Arwen's best friend. And yet I still like her! Truely amazing is this turn of events, and glad I am that Thranduil stayed his hand, poor mad old elf :)

And now I am in great wonderment as to what the fell Board of Directors is being cozened to do...

Oh - loved Haldir - just as mad as Legolas, only quieter :) And of course Celeborn and Galadriel are wonderful :) I really don't know where Elrond gets this prejudice against blond elves from!

Author Reply: And, BW is still short and plain! Only her beloved (and perhaps Celeborn?) sees her as beautiful! You just wait and see what happens when she and Eowyn do their own impersonation of Mary-Sues beneath the shadow of Taur-E-Ndaedalos! Can we say artistically applied mud and strategically torn white dresses? Although, Eowyn does have this small tendency to want to take the direct approach by smiting people with her sword.

Haldir, more grapes for the assembled multitude!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

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