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The Revenge of the Wood-Elf (Telerius galadh)  by Orophins Dottir 6 Review(s)
technetiumReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/8/2004
Oh, my! I didn't think Thranduil would go that far.

Author Reply: Madness descended upon him and he almost destroyed what was most precious to him. You will soon see his remorse, so forgive him.

Thank you for your review.

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil (the Heartbroken)

LindorienReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/6/2004
Jumping Jehosephat! (I do hope I spelled that correctly)

I'd say more but I am flabbergasted.

I scurry ahead to the next chapter.

Author Reply: Two strange words in one review. I salute you! Thranny was definitely not having a good day. Was anyone?

Humble Scribe to the Impaired King of Mirkwood

Cherry2000Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2003
This story has really shaped up to be a great piece of work. I like the character development and interaction. I also really like the mental speaking they do to themselves. It's funny how it is a little less formal than when they talk to someone else.

Looking forward to more chapters!

Author Reply: Thank you for the kind review. Alas, you have joined us at a period of great angst. Thranduil is having one of his "moments" as it were. Fear not, however, for I have managed him for many long years. I think I may need to get a bigger cage though. Just kidding! He truly is an estimable elf despite this chapter.

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2003
Oh my Lady...(fumbles in pocket for a small brown vial)... after your urgent missive that I received per this electronic carrier pigeon, I did avail myself to what is deemed a 'spam link' and with great speed did purchase the potion,Prozac, that you so kindly offered as suggestion. Into your lord's finest vintage did I pound a tablet and to my great relief he made no mention of any foul flavor, but did wrinkle his nose in that manner that I am certain you have observed when some troubling thought sets upon him. For a short while I thought this sufficient, but upon hearing the peal of his anger ring throughout the halls, I have yet again fortified his wine with another of the small compact potion. Do you think this too much? I have great concern now that he kneels upon the hard stone of his throne room with both sons clasped to his breast, sobbing. You do not think this Prozac to be some agent of He Who Shall Not Be Named? Pray, my lady, have I errored and brought some fell malady upon your lord? Though I cans't help but believe that had it not been for this soothing remedy that your lord would have in his great anger caused grevious harm to his son. I pray, my lady, that I have not wronged your lord. He is most dear to me as are his sons. I wish only for them to be reunited as father and sons. It is my fondest wish that this crisis has passed and all will be well within this much beleaguered family.
Your humble servant and Shield Mama, The Karenator

Author Reply: As always, you did well. The King sleeps and I have bandaged his son's wounds. I have slipped Glorfindel one of the prozacs so that the two beloveds may lie together this night. With a slit throat, I think Zippy deserves it even if all he manages is to snore. Legolas may be a problem as he evidences an unforgiving attitude towards our liege. Zippy as ever is gentle and BW is quite used to mad Thranduil as he threw her into his dungeon when first they met. She seems to have been convinced by her beloved that this is a normal homecoming episode. Legolas, however, could be problematic. This may be yet another "issue" between father and son. Our hope is that Tingalen writes now to her beloved father, Celeborn-Who-Can-Fix-Anything.

Humble (and Harried) Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2003
I am so shocked I do not know what to say!

I can't beleive Thranduil would actually harm his son, no matter how angry he is.....surely he recalls the kinslayings and the generations of hurt....

Oh, my, but the brothers were both so brave....

I am going to go cry over both things :(

Author Reply: Well, this was a surprise even to me. It just sort of "wrote itself". I love Thranduil but something in him obviously snapped for a moment. Zippy shall find it easier to forgive than Legolas I suspect. His is the most giving nature of the brothers. The Karenator has supplied prozac and we are liberally dosing our liege's wine to keep the brothers safe.

Humble Scribe to the Lunatic Thranduil

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/16/2003
No, no, no. Where is the Thranduil I know and love? A little carried away, are we? Zippy better get better.

Author Reply: Ah, well, Thranduil! Yes, I do ever love him for I am his scribe but there are times when he really goes round the bend. He does not like that his biddable son has defied him. He is more used to Legolas' defiance. The blond has ever been a problem. I mean, even as he has a knife thrust into his throat does the dark elf love his father. Tingalen better take her beloved further in hand or he shall not survive the story!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil (aka the Wack-O)

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