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Two By Two  by Jay of Lasgalen 8 Review(s)
MistressOfImladrisReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/18/2017
This story is adorable. I can see why Elrond would not want to mention Elrohir's near-death experience, but I must say that I agree with the twins: Elrohir had a right to know.

Great job! This is going on my favourites list!

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/5/2005
Now I understand! lol.. I laughed so hard at the "Could I be you?" Hilarious! I loved it:-D

Author Reply: The twins were just a tiny bit drunk, hence the rather odd remark!

Thanks for reading this tale as well. It explains the back story to Námo's comment.

LKKReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/20/2004
“Good.” Elrohir nodded, satisfied. “El was wondering if he was me. I told him I was.”

Elrond blinked, looking a little bemused, and interrupted before the conversation could become any more convoluted.

Thank you, Elrond! I was going a little cross-eyed trying to follow the conversation myself. :)

Poor Elrohir. It must have been quite a shock to discover he had nearly died before he was an hour old. On the whole, he handled it well. The brief anger was clearly the shock talking.

Elladan definitely would have missed his brother had Elrohir not survived. I wonder if he would ever have asked about it? Or would he have just spent his life feeling the emptiness but never knowing why? Fortunately, that's a question that need never be asked.

I'm sorry to see Two By Two end, Jay. I'll be sure to pick up the next series when you start it.

Author Reply: Poor Elrohir. The surprise of finding out he'd been mixed up with his brother and might be Elladan was nothing compared with the next surprise. I think I'd have been angrier than he was.

I think Elladan would eventually have asked or talked to someone who would tell him - another shock! It's best to keep such things in the open, I think.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/15/2004
How hard for Elrond to have to retell this story. In todays day and age, we wouldn't think twice about this, but then..well, it is fortunate that a miracle happened and a prayer was answered.

I am glad they can look on Firene fondly too!

Author Reply: I think if Elrohir had grown up knowing the story it would have been easier for everyone in the end. His admiration for his father has gone up several notches.

I rather like Firiene, but she seemed to cause trouble wherever she went!

DotReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/15/2004
I’ve been following this all along. Sorry I haven’t reviewed before. I really enjoyed it, especially watching Elrond as a loving husband and learning to be a father. This last chapter was so touching. How awful for Elrond to have to relive that time. I like the fact that he apparently isn’t at all troubled any more by the fact that the bracelets were removed and can even smile about it but still feels the pain of what happened with Elrohir so deeply.

I’m glad you showed not just the effect the truth had on Elrohir but on Elladan too, because he’s the one who would have lived without someone he feels a part of himself. It’s interesting to wonder if he’d have known he had a twin should Elrohir have died at birth. I love the way you’ve shown them to be practically one person when they were young but have grown into two very distinct personalities, albeit still as close. Oh, and I also really like the little touches you add to the scene, like Elrond closing his eyes and reaching out his hand as he remembers what he did so long ago, and Elladan moving forward to grip his twin’s shoulder, not just as support but almost as though he himself needs to feel him there.

Great story as always, Jay.

Author Reply: Thank you for the lovely long review. I'm glad you enjoy the little details - I tend to picture a scene in my mind, as if it's on TV, and write what I see and hear, or else put myself in the character's position.

I think that if Elrohir had died, Elladan would have always felt very lonely, even if he never knew why.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/14/2004
There is never a right moment to make momentous announcements - which is why you're now supposed to tell children everything from the beginning. Things like adoption and near-death experiences and so on. Like the way they spotted at once that Elrond was expecting something much worse than the 'changed just after birth' story.

The twins were very philosophical about it all in the end. After all - near-death or not, they both survived and are there for each other.

Shame it's finished. Hope you had a good holiday.

Author Reply: I agree that it would have been better for El and El to have known all this from the beginning. It wouldn't have come as such a shock then. And things have a way of coming out when least expected, just as in this story!

I have more adventures planned for the twins, don't worry! And thank you, I had a lovely holiday.


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/14/2004
Oddly enough, the moment that stuck in my mind most from this chapter is when Elladan says "What do you mean?" and Elrond says "You know what it means." I think that stood out for me because Elrond's answer was true and realistic and yet kind of unpredictable. If I had covered up the next paragraph, I would not have been able to guess it. So it seemed really alive to me.

It's interesting to ponder if Elladan would have known he was missing someone.

Author Reply: I tend to run conversations and dialogue through my head before I write a scene, seeing the characters as real people. How would they react? What would they say? Elladan did of course know what his father meant - he just couldn't believe it. And I'm quite sure he would have known there was something wrong.

Bearing in mind the recent discussion on reviews, thank you for picking out particular sections you liked!

KarriReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/14/2004
A wonderful and thoughtful conclusion, Jay. It sounds like you have done your research into the loss of a twin. This line was my favortie: “El was wondering if he was me.  I told him I was.” But overall, I really enjoy your characterizations of the twins and how well you make each a distinct individual

Author Reply: I just tried to imagine how twins as close as El and El would feel if separated at birth. Despite their closeness, I try to make them different, not interchangeable, so I'm glad that worked.

When Elrohir said 'El was wondering if he was me. I told him I was,' he was just a little drunk. It made perfect sense to him, but probably not to anyone else!

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