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Dreams Wrought  by Larner 5 Review(s)
RSReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/13/2024
I am loving this.

Author Reply: As a girl Aragorn moved me most, although now I love him equally with Frodo, Sam, and Gandalf most of all. Am so glad you like it so. Thank you so!

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/26/2024
Larner , these are wonderful

Author Reply: I am so honored, UTfrog. I'm trying to give a framework for the love story of Aragon and Arwen. I have to admit, however, that when first read LOTR as a girl of thirteen I had quite forgotten Arwen from FOTR, and found myself wondering, where did she come from and why is she marrying MY man? Heh!

DADGADReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/26/2024
Oh Dear, poor Estel! A rather scary prospect - an interview with a stern potential father-in-law. I feel a bit sorry for him...

Author Reply: Indeed--it could not have been a comfortable conversation. I agree--one that must have caused young Aragorn some trepidation!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/25/2024
I hadn't thought about Estel's predecessors falling in love with Arwen in their turn. What price, indeed?

(I thought the first chapter sounded familiar when I clicked on it today, but I didn't realize I had read it earlier and left a review. So you have two reviews there from me.)

Author Reply: And you have posed this thought twice now. Heh!

Well, this was written first and became my birthday tale. Hope you enjoy it. Now--to write the other we discussed earlier.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/25/2024
The ultimate bride-price indeed! Aragorn earned every treasure he obtained.

Author Reply: I suspect that Aragorn determined early that should he manage to have his own love returned he must have decided early he would pay this bride price in full--with change, even.

Thank you so, Shirebound!

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