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Dol Guldur  by Arnakhor 2 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/20/2018
Thank you for setting the stage. While it can be interesting to plunge into a story without a firm grasp of context (sort of akin to working out a mystery), it is also helpful to have a context to begin the reading, as well.

Aranarth took over after his father's death c. 1974, and wrote down the events of 2063 according to this introduction. I know the Numenorians lived longer than commoners, so it will be interesting to see at what stage the Chieftain is in his life span when this story begins. From what I read about his birth and death years, it seems he'd be somewhere in middle age in 2063, is that correct? I guess I'll find out.

No time for more, but looking forward to the next chapter when I have another block of reading time.

Author Reply: Aranarth died in TA 2106. Born around TA 1941, life span 165 years give or take. So in TA 2063 he is around 122 years old. Hence the hair gone grayish but he's still strong. The Testament of Aranarth is something I invented as his telling of the story of the events of TA 2063 where Sauron is expelled from Dol Guldur. Arahael is his son per Tolkien genealogies.

Mardil is in the Tale of Years history that Tolkien had in appendices, and Eradan is his son in the genealogies. I invented Eradan's sister Drianna. Aranarth had at least one brother. I gave him two and named them Arthed and Ardugan. Fram and Frumgar are named by Tolkien as being of the Eotheod, Rhovanians who migrated north to the Langwell. Centuries later they would return as the Rohirrim. Breor I invented as Fram's son, as Tolkien did not detail who Fram's children were to rule after his death. Hagar I invented as Breor's son.

There are other minor characters, cavalrymen, and the two bobcats of Radagast who appear from time to time.

mystarlightReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/27/2018
I really enjoy your story. Thank you for sharing

Author Reply: Thanks so much for you comments and for reading. There are many more chapters to come. I think you'll find Radagast the Brown's role and that of the creatures who become his allies both satisfying and poignant. Gondor's Steward and his children and Aranarth's brothers and son also feature prominently.

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