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Interrupted Journeys 12: To Fall into Shadow  by elliska 8 Review(s)
MarianelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/9/2014
Im so impressed with the two young boys taking the lead.Its also very touching to see them being so loyal to one another and I cant help but thinking of Aragorn and Faramir here or Frodo and Sam though theyre different persons. Galithil and Legolas indeed are brave like them all fore mentioned and wise despite their relative inexperience in war.But surely they have already seen enough cruelty to last a lifetime.I have followed your story from the begining and its fantastic and I m sure I said it before how you get it all to fit and relate back to old days in the story.The King and Queen should be very proud of their Children. And be proud of your story! Hugs/ Marianel Sweden

Author Reply: Exactly. That is exactly the sort of Tolkienesque friendship I am playing with here. It is really fun to take the young characters and show them developing into the ones we see in LotR. They have seen a lot. And unfortunately, will see more. But that is how they grow.

Thank you so much for reading a reviewing. I hope you continue to enjoy!

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/7/2014
This was a good break in the battle. Lindomiel gets the news from the south about Thranduil, Legolas and Galithil and her thought that it couldn't be any worse is so sad as it is worse than she knows. I have often thought that those who stay behind while others are fighting have just as much agony and stress waiting on news from the front. Lindomiel handles the situation with the soldiers as best she can, but I am sure she will be a lot happier when everyone is home.

Galithil is such a good gwador to Legolas. He tries to relieve some of the tension that Legolas is under and make him see that Legolas can take a break from being king when no one else is around. These two young adults have matured so much over the last several chapters it seems like we are looking at different people. The small detail of making a list of supplies that the village needs when both of them know that the palace doesn't have the supplies to send is so sad in a way. I wonder often how both will integrate back into being the youngsters that they were before when things become a little more normal. Legolas has not even started warrior training if I remember your story line and yet he has been in several battles now and made a lot of decisions that he shouldn't have had to make for hundreds of years. And he still has to get Manadhien to the palace for judgement.

There is still a long journey before all this ends. I hope that you will not give in to RL and will finish this story. I have read the previous chapters several times and truly wish to see how it ends. Thank you for all the work that you have put into it so far.

Author Reply: You nailed my thoughts on Lindomiel exactly.

And Galithil. Galithil had a pretty good example from his father and plus he really is Legolas's brother.

I wonder often how both will integrate back into being the youngsters that they were before when things become a little more normal.


Some of your comments here are so spot on, I can't even reply to them without hinting at too much.

I hope that you will not give in to RL and will finish this story.
Definitely not. I am too crazy to quit something. I may be slow at times, but I always finish.

Thanks so much for the reviews. I appreciate them so much!

MornReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/6/2014
Always great to see a new update of this. Hope real life is treating you well.

Realise i haven't reviewed the last couple of chapters. Laptop is broken so my phone is what I'm currently reading on and its a nightmare to type and the posting isnt that mobile friendly.

Its really good to see Legolas stepping up and i really like all the precursors to the fellowship. Legolas facing a Nazgul and the ring. As much as i love Legolas, I've always wondered what made Elrond choose him over all of the elves in his own household and his own sons who would've been just as qualified to go.

And credit to you for making us all worry about poor Thranduil even though we all know he'll be ok in the end (unless you're taking a seriously AU twist lol). And it was nice to see all the elves that declared themselves to Legolas. Being King may be a lonely job but having everyone's support before you even stary must help you feel like its all worthwhile.

And everyone (but Tulus) seems to have made it through the battle, all the family at least. Was worried Legolas would return to an overrun village and Galithil and Engwe in the hands of the orcs or dead. But i have a feeling they won't just have a gentle ride to the stronghold to await the king's recovery and successfully dispose of Marti or whatever we're calling her now.

Looking forward to see the aftermath of all this come out now Legolas has doscovered her dirty little secret too.

Author Reply: I had to replace my laptop recently. It is sooo unpleasant. And expensive. If I hadn't a new job, I couldn't have done it. And of course the new job is keeping me away from writing so it wasn't a good trade! Anyway...

I'm glad I could make you worry about Thranduil even when this isn't AU. :-)

it was nice to see all the elves that declared themselves to Legolas
I couldn't resist that. I imagine it would be very overwhelming, honestly.

i have a feeling they won't just have a gentle ride to the stronghold to await the king's recovery
Well, they'll get to the stronghold ok. After that...not so smooth a ride, you're right.

Marti or whatever we're calling her now
LOL! Too right!

Thank you so much for the reviews. I appreciate them so much.

indigoReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/5/2014
Ah another update! That was a really long wait. It's good to have a breather after several action packed chapters. I like that you allowed the main characters to have some time to reveal their reactions and some time to think through the whole scenario. I'm looking forward on how this will turn out.

The only thing that I'm worried about is the stronghold spy. I've been counting the names of the villain who were taken out or at least captured. Demil, Pelin, Mauril, the other two brothers (i forgot the names) and Fuilin are now dead and Solchion, Baranil, Lumil, Glilavan and Manadhien are all captured. That's all accounted except for the stronghold spy who could be Dolwon or someone else. Unless you have new character, (which I doubt since a good writer like you always provides some background or always include in the story), then that would be the spy or a new twist. I'm still hoping that you won't end this with too much bloodshed. I know that Legolas should have some painful experience to learn but don't do it too much. Too much is not a good thing. Poor leggy if you take one more main person in his life. I trust that you'll handle this well though. :)

Please update soon. :)

Author Reply: And another long wait again, though I plan to post again very soon. Work is keeping me far too busy.

I like that you allowed the main characters to have some time to reveal their reactions and some time to think through the whole scenario.

I'm glad you do. That is always a risk. Some don't like the break in the action. But I enjoy the opportunity for characterization too much to pass it up. Also, I think it is realistic. People do react. :-)

The only thing that I'm worried about is the stronghold spy.

Oh yeah, worry about that. Definitely.

Thank you so much for reviewing! I appreciate it so much!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/5/2014
Your lLegolas is just perfect, perfect, a true prince. And Galithil, his Father son, but even better. He has the responsibility that his Father lacked and he is loyal to Legolas to the very end. I would like to review more, but I'm your update was a blessing

Author Reply: I am sure you are feeling better by now, I am so slow these days.

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I have been having fun with almost adult Legolas and Galithil. he is loyal to Legolas to the very end Too right.

Thank you so much for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

LenielestelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/5/2014
Oh thrilling! I had the hardest time paying attention to my work all day, when I saw this chapter appear in the morning! And what a chapter!!!

Poor Lindomiel, nobody wants to worry her, which just makes it worse! And poor Hallion, thinking he can protect her from disturbing news....

Legolas is really showing how much he is his father's son, isn't he? They will have a lot to talk about when Thranduil wakes up... I love how supportive everyone is to Legolas. I do hope someone tells him it is okay for even kings to cry sometimes, at least in private!

And Galithil! A natural village leader if ever I saw one!

Wow. So much going on, so much potential for future happenings! Excited to see what comes next!

Author Reply: As annoyed as I am with work taking up every moment of my time these days, I'm glad I caused you distraction in yours. :-)

Yeah, protecting Lindomiel just isn't working out, is it? I couldn't resist showing her reactions.

I'm glad Legolas is showing himself as his father's son. And yes they will have a lot to talk about. That was one of the most fun parts of this story to write.

And I'm glad you liked Galithil. You are very right about him, as time will tell.

Thank you so much for the review. I really appreciate it!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/4/2014
Great chapter.

The first section was interesting because it's really all about people's reactions and feelings. Mostly it's Lindomiel, of course. What a flood of bad news she gets! But Boril's guilt over guilt an elf was also touching. This is the kind of scene I have trouble writing since I'm so impatient and tend to move on to the action. Nilmandra always says I cut emotions short. So I thought this was well done.

In the second section, it's a lovely moment when Dollion et al arrive. I also liked Legolas's issuing of commands to others and his command of himself. Of course, he's been trained both for command and for battle, but training is a lot different than the real thing. And that's a nice parallel between Glilavan's concern for his father and Legolas's. I want Tureden to shut up, though. His I-told-you-so attitude annoyed me no end. I don't know how Legolas stayed as polite as he did.

The section where Legolas holds court rings true in how perilous it is to try to follow the law when people's anger and vengefulness are roused. I love the way Galithil stands at Legolas's shoulder, the way he's done for all their lives. That shows up even more strongly in the aftermath. Thank the Valar for Galithil. I love the way he says he's seen Legolas at his worst and know him as well as Legolas knows himself. That's a great moment, the best kind to write.

In the Hall, Legolas shines particularly when he simply refuses to argue. But of course, at this point, Thranduil's fate is the most important remaining question.

Nice brief foreshadowing of a trip to Mordor and a tangle with Nazgul. (Is that plural? Is there a plural form?)

Author Reply: Emotions are hard to write, but I actually enjoy it once I get figured out how I think the characters would react. So I liked that part. And besides, can you just imagine how horrified poor Lindomiel must feel? I couldn't pass that up. :-)

The battle scene was actually hard to write. There have been so darn many of them in this story. I'm glad it came across ok. Tureden would definitely try my temper too. Legolas has more than one reason to not be pleased with him and unless it gets cut, he'll have words with him before this story is over.

The section where Legolas holds court rings true in how perilous it is to try to follow the law when people's anger and vengefulness are roused.

Exactly what I was going for. I thought it fit in with the 'more perilous and less wise' characterization and also with the fact that these people live in the south, far away from the king's authority, likely for a reason. Legolas will have to work hard with them.

And writing Legolas and Galithil for me is always fun.

Thank you so much for the reviews, daw. I appreciate them so much!

ZardiReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/3/2014
Well, I pretty much had my heart in my throat for this entire chapter! Even though I know Legolas will be fine, and Thranduil will ultimately be fine, I still managed to be really scared for them (especially Thranduil!) the entire time.

Good for Legolas, sticking up for what he believes is justice. He is so mature beyond his years (elf years, anyway), and the scene where he almost lets it all out was heartbreaking. I know he's having to grow up out of necessity, but I hope he gets a chance to be a kid again, even if only for a little while.

And, of course, there is the ever-present fear for Lindomiel's life. I hope this episode won't end with her death, but I know you'll handle the story capably no matter what.

How many more chapters do you think it will be before Thranduil and/or Legolas get back to the stronghold?

Author Reply: I'm glad even a 'middle' chapter had you nervous. That is a good thing. :-) Legolas is definitely beging forced to grow up fast here. I'm afraid its not over yet either. Legolas is back to the stronghold in the next chapter and Thranduil is already there. But there are 13 chapters and an epilogue in this story, so there's still more to come. Manadhien is going to the stronghold as a prisoner, after all. It can't just be as simple as that where she is involved.

Thank you so much for reading, and for reviewing, of course. I appreciate it so much!

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