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Interrupted Journeys 12: To Fall into Shadow  by elliska 6 Review(s)
cbelleaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/9/2014
Elliska, you've done it again! I am hanging at the edge of my seat, and now I have to wait? Ahh! This chapter was great- I had to smile when the mouse was an assistant of Radagast- I remember the mouse next to Glilavan's foot in the last chapter, but didn't think much about it. Glad to know that some animals are on Thranduil's side, at least! Speaking of Radagast- doesn't he have some magic? Can he like, fight- or at least be of some good use- when Manadhien targets Thranduil and the crew?

I love how you show how Legolas struggles with being treated/ spoken to as a prince. I think in previous chapters, he was able to escape some of that formality and responsibility, as he was still young. Now, with Helindilme, Artiel, and even Colloth reacting to him and his words as that of a prince, he is going to have to start growing into the role. Great way to ease him into it's like you're prepping us for the adult Legolas we see in Tolkien's work :)

Keep it up!

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long in replying.

I'm glad you liked the mouse. My Radagast definitely has some magic and he will be of many uses in the battle to come. I love Radagast.

You will see more of Legolas's struggles. You are exactly right about what I mean to do here--show him growing into his role. You'll see more of that in the next chapters too. A lot more than Legolas will be comfortable with.

Thanks so much for the reviews. They really mean so much to me, even when I'm slow in responding!

picaraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/4/2014
I enjoyed the story telling in the beginning and the Noldo's reaction Legolas being asked to do stuff like carry the basket. I also like her advice.

Galathili is definitely treading where angels fear to tread here. That seems like his old self--fearless. But Manadhien's opinions about the Simaril were an interesting POV and so was Galithil's observation that he has a lot in common with her but has responded so differently. Very true. She really is evil saying she wants to see Thranduil suffer watching Engwe die. You know, and then there's that attacking two villages just the try to set herself up in power over them...

Legolas really shines in the last part, with his determination not to let important information slip by.

But everyone in is trouble here. Dolgailon's right. Tolkien tells us Legolas and Thranduil will survive this, but I imagine everyone else is fair game, so I bet this will be costly. Please try to update fast.

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long in replying.

Yeah, she's an evil piece of work. Completely twisted, no doubt. You haven't seen the worst of her yet.

I'm glad you liked Legolas in the last part. He'll be taking on more and more. That's one of the points of this story.

And yes, the cost for some of the decisions made is going to be very high.

Update in a few hours.

Thanks so much for the reviews. They really mean so much to me, despite how slow I am getting back online!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/3/2014
I don't want to write a review...I want you to update right away!!!! The tension in this chapter is so real, that I have to walk away to calm myself before write this quasi-review.

Now everybody is in the forest, everybody! at least, Manadhien doesn't know Radagast. The mouse, good, a spy from another one. I've never be so happy to see a mouse in my life, not even Mickey!!!! I think that for first time Dolgailon's elves has the upper hand, they know that she know that they know....whatever.

You have placed everybody in the game, it is like observing a chess game between masters. Both have great plans and contingent plans upon contingent plans, will see who is the best, but I think that it will be a very bloody batle...

I really liked the beginning, so peaceful, and the description of the rising of the Sun was very good. Loved to see everybody spellbound to Helindilme, even Colloth (are they both single? ;) we need some frivolous thoughts here to help the tension.

And just for constancy sake, poor, poor Tulus.

Really, you are great. Thank you

Waiting for more, please....

Author Reply: I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for a reply and a new chapter for so long!

Yeap, everyone is in this game. Everyone. It is going to be very bloody, I'm afraid. With lots of twists before the end. That's why I wanted that one last nice peaceful scene at the beginning of this chapter. Something for Legolas to remember...

You'll really feel sorry for Tulus before the end...

On the up side, I'll have a new chapter up sometime today. :-)

Thanks so much for the reviews. Even though I have been terribly slow in responding, they really mean a lot to me and I appreciate them so much!

MornReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/3/2014
Well, it is unravelling now for sure. Dolgallion won't be getting that message I presume. At least he is kind of aware what is going on but I am certain now she is going to slip through the net. Let's hope it is without too much damage to Thranduil's realm. At least his guards are loyal enough not to talk. He has certainly chosen his allies well in all of this.

And I shudder to think how dark and damaged Manadhien is. Obviously wanting Thranduil to sit and watch his Uncle's death and the glee in her at the thought. And as to her plans for Galithil, I don't even want to think.

Legolas is interesting too. How quickly he goes from asking for stories from the healer and teasing and shoving his guard to his full responsibility as a prince. I worry for him and his cousins in the forest now (and Hallion when his mother finds out!) I think on the quest he must have lightened their dark path considerably. The scene that I'm always reminded of with him is running over the snow to find the sun for them which I think sums up his character so well.

And a big cliffhanger now before we find out exactly how badly this is going to go wrong.

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long in replying!

Oh you are so right! It is all unraveling on all sides. I'll try to keep my mouth shut other than saying that.

Manadhien is seriously twisted. She had been driven to how she is by really evil events in her life, but she has responded to them in all the wrong ways. Her responses are going to be so much more wrong.

You're right to worry about Legolas and everyone else. Again, I'm keeping my mouth shut. (But I'm glad he reminds you of the 'going to find the sun' scene. That is really the basis of my character building for him. He can be and is a formidable warrior, but he's still managed to be merry).

Get used to those cliffhangers. You've got several more chapters of those to go. :-)

Thanks so much for the reviews. I know I have been terribly slow in responding, but they really mean so much to me!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/2/2014
I love it when characters seem to have secrets or maybe just don't understand what they see, so I'm curious about why Arthiel is uncomfortable when Legolas bows. Is it the same thing Helindilme suggests about Legolas being a "prince" with privileges and power as he nears adulthood? Or is something else? Hm. I think it's the prince thing, but I remain willing to learn more.

I'm also glad (in a writerly way) to see Legolas still suffering from killing another elf. Writers sometimes subject their characters to terrible things and then just fluff it off or forget it.

Galithil's conversation with Manadhien is a good example of how different war looks to the two sides. She even seems to deserve sympathy for her suffering, though not her reaction to it. What a blood thirsty bunch. I love the way Galithil realizes he has to claim his right to respect. He and Legolas are both growing into their adult roles. Legolas is quite impressive in arguing with Hallion and then deciding what to do when they find the owl.

Battle plans laid on the fly look very scary to me. Fortunately, Dolgailon knows what he's doing. I hope.

Oh look. There's Radagast. Talk about help from unexpected quarters. Thranduil embarrassment over jumping from the mouse's contact made me laugh.

Author Reply: Sorry to be so slow in replying. Again.

You're right about Arthiel. As a villager's daughter, even one married to Dolgailon, Legolas as he gets older is a bit more...not daunting, exactly. He makes her a little nervous, as Thranduil does. He just doesn't see himself that way.

Agreed. You just don't see people shake stuff like that off. It sticks. So it needs to stick here. Oh it will.

I enjoyed showing a bit of Manadhien's POV in this, even through someone else's eyes. She has her reasons. Some even elicit some sympathy. But nobody is going to be feeling sorry for her when this is all done.

Yeah, on the fly is going to be the problem from here on out...

Thanks so much for the reviews. I have been terribly slow in responding, but, even so, they really mean so much to me!

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/2/2014
With all our modern technology, it is hard to imagine what it would have taken to plan and execute a battle as you are describing. Everything is happening very quickly here and Manadhien has the advantage of numbers of warriors in this confrontation. And I feel that with the attack on Maethroness' village beginning Legolas is going to get drawn into the battle somewhere along the way. I can see everyone ending up in the village with Manadhien and her henchmen.

It was great to see Radagast appear in your story. He would be a great ally here because his spies are animals and not necessarily owls and hawks such as Thranduil employs. It is lucky that Manadhien does not realize that the person with Thranduil is a maia. He will be needed when the attacks start and the losses start mounting. It seems that destruction has already started. I was sad to see that the owl has now been killed.

Hopefully in all the confusion and fighting Tulus and Hurion can escape from their capitivity. And you have left us with an evil cliffie!

Author Reply: I am so sorry to be so slow in replying.

I agree that depending on birds for the fastest means of sending info must make this really hard. It is moving too fast for that. You're right about people getting drawn in.

I love Radagast. His part grows in the next few chapters. Definitely an important ally.

I felt bad for the owl too, but he had to go, poor thing.

Keep hoping for Tulus and Hurion. They need all the hope they can get.

Get used to those cliffies. Sorry. :-)

Thanks so much for the reviews. Even though I have been terribly slow in responding, they really mean so much to me!

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