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A Long and Weary Way  by Canafinwe 10 Review(s)
obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 80 on 11/22/2015
Oh, what a lovely evening. Even with Aragorn's discomfort at being celebrated it is a balm to his spirit. You describe the celebration so well. I love Bilbo reciting that poem.

Author Reply: Bilbo's poem... it and the part of his heart it represents have always been dear to me! I'm so glad you liked the celebration, and I agree: certainly a balm to Aragorn's spirit.

SnehaReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/12/2015
I just read the newest update but this chapter deserves a review of its own. How well you write the magic of elven song and the restraint between Arwen and Aragorn in their wait and actions! You absolutely must write about their wedding and betrothal! I love your portrayal of Elrond. From the books he came across as ageless, wise and gentle (nothing like the movies where he looked angry and was manipulative and petulant. I have made myself hoarse defending Elrond passionately!) I loved him in that brief glimpse, loved him even more in the appendices when he constantly referred to Aragorn as his son. That Aragorn took his leave lovingly from Elrond, not in sorrow or anger is telling (but not to Peter Jackson). He is perhaps to me the most tragic character in the books.
On a lighter note, your Bilbo is a delight. Affable, jolly and the bond between Aragorn and him is well written!

someoneReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/11/2015
Great chapter!

It seems that Bilbo is really determined to honor his friends, especially Aragorn. It is fitting to have him recite that particular poem (was it made for this occasion?). He must have truly enjoyed the Flight of the Eagle, perhaps even more than most of the others.

Good choice of a song for a duet! It is nice to see a song that is not about tragic love, as Elves' poetry seems to concentrate on it. It is also amusing that Aragorn couldn't think of songs other than love between an elf and a man. I'm also glad to see that Arwen seems to yearn for a shared future as much as Aragorn does. (Oh, and about her stage-fright: "after two score centuries and more", wouldn't that mean over four thousand years? Score centuries and more would be closer to her age, unless score has more than one meaning.)

It is interesting that although this chapter is about celebrating and people being happy, there is a constant undertone of almost desperation, that this happiness is almost an illusion and will not last. It shows when people speak of being joyful to spite the darkness, when Aragorn knows he will think of this evening in harder times, when it is said that Elrond practically forces the peace and warmth on his realm... It shows well the type of time they live in, and also that they do not intend to give up to the darkness.

Author Reply: Ooh, math fail! Thank you for that! I've fixed it. No idea where my brain was on that one...

In other news, thank you so much for your lovely comments, as always! No, the verses about Aragorn were written, so Bilbo says, "a long time ago when he first told me about himself" -- another conversation I'd like to interpret some day! -- and by this point are no doubt familiar to many of the residents of Rivendell. Still, it's very fitting for this moment!

I had fun determining what sort of a duet Aragorn and Arwen might sing: I'm pleased you like the choice! It is a tragic love, of sorts; only between siblings instead of lovers. But I'm sure that Elves would have had their moments of high drama as much as sorrowful remembrance.

It is wonderful that the sense of precarious, almost desperate joy comes through: thank you so much for reflecting on that. At this point the future is so horribly uncertain, and they are all in the deathly calm that precedes the storm.

LoriReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/10/2015
This was quite a different setting and theme than your other writing and shows the diversity of your skills. There was much to love in this chapter. Aragorn seeing Arwen’s pride in his accomplishments, Aragorn and Arwen’s relaxed, fun, tender, and romantic moments, Aragorn joining in the hymn of praise, the surprise and reaction to the Thorongil song, and so much more.

I liked this line “One of the wood-elves who had been a frequent rider on patrol when Aragorn had yet been Estel, roaming out under the close supervision of the sons of Elrond, clapped him on the shoulder,” because it reminds us that Aragorn was known and respected by many elves in Imladris not just Elrond and his family. Many fics seem to sort of give that impression at times. But I am sure that since Estel lived until he was twenty there and road with Erond’s sons before he even knew who he was that he would have had to have ridden with other elves on patrol before and had other acquaintances and friendships throughout the valley and household.

I loved their duet together. Simply beautiful. Elrond certainly enjoyed it. I can really see how if Aragorn wasn’t mortal, nothing in the world would make Elrond happier than to have those to marry. He so obviously loves them both and respects Aragorn tremendously for his character and accomplishments already. If only… one small but rather significant detail that gets in the way of the future father-in-law’s perfect bliss. But it is good to see that your Elrond, despite his personal loss and grief at the future loss, sees Aragorn and Arwen’s joy and truly supports them in it because he loves them and knows how unhappy either would be without each other. I think that is how it would have been. It was one point that really, really bothered me about the readaption in the movie.

Can’t wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: It's lovely that you picked up on that detail of the wood-elf rider! I agree completely: the valley would be full of people Aragorn knew and had forged friendships with. "All who know him come to love him", as Legolas tells us, and I am sure those who rode with Estel would be very pleased and proud to see the man Aragorn is now.

I'm glad you liked the duet, and I am sure you are right. Elrond would have had nothing but joy at their union, but for that one tragic detail. Even in the moment when he lays his condition on the marriage, Elrond repeatedly calls Aragorn "my son". And I firmly believe that one of the biggest motivations for that condition was to tie what Aragorn most desires with what Aragorn must do, to make it easier for him to hold to the course however much he might wish to do otherwise: a father helping his son to battle his greatest temptation.

I was horrified by what PJ did with those relationships. HORRIFIED.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/10/2015
Lovely chapter filled with great imagery. Thank you.

Author Reply: Thank you as always. You're so sweet.

AnneReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/10/2015
I enjoyed the celebration and pure joy that abounded in this chapter and all the characters that it touched on. One of my favorite lines was “often they fell to quiet laughter that seemed all the more raucous for its restraint.” I so completely understood that because it has happened to me.

Two very well crafted and intriguing lines that captured my fancy were:

‘To be beloved of those who cannot spare the leisure to bow to fashion is to be beloved forever,’ and

‘And perhaps it shall not triumph at all, if things promised in the seedling-beds of history blossom into their fullness in time. We have seen promising shoots sung of this evening.’

They painted such interest word pictures in my brain.

Aragorn and Arwen’s colluding about their upcoming song was adorable. I did like the almost kiss scene. It appears that this Aragorn hasn’t and won’t kiss Aragorn until his wedding. That definitely means that the anticipation and nervousness of his wedding day and night must have about killed him, even more than I thought. I would love to read a story with your take on that sometime. The pure bliss and satisfaction at the end would have been worth it all I am sure.

Author Reply: How lovely to know that you understood just what I mean by that restrained laughter! It's always great to know when lines are particularly striking to a reader.

I don't think Aragorn and Arwen have *never* kissed... but it's a perilous undertaking and not to be lightly indulged, and it would have been very inappropriate at that moment. I've toyed with the idea of a wedding day piece. Have to put it on The List, I guess! :-)

AromeneReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/10/2015
*makes noises of pleased delight* How wonderful! I loved the focus on moving away from what's happened and the nightmares of it, and actually taking the time to be joyful, as that is what truly keeps the Shadow at bay.

Author Reply: Oh, I'm glad you like it! Yes, that's the natural progression: through suffering to grim memories to reliving bitter times and then into healing. I feel it follows the flow that Tolkien shows us in his works, too.

RobnrunReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/10/2015
It is no small thing to write a party/ball scene as well as action. The break to the dialogue with Glorfindel was well timed. It kept things from dragging and felt realistically placed in the evening.

Author Reply: Thank you so much! I'm glad the break in the evening helps to keep the flow and the realism. It's an important moment for most introverted personalities at large gatherings: a little quiet time to refresh oneself, the better to make merry.

DoggieGirlReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/10/2015
Ahh Aragron and Arwen sang a duet together! That created such a nice image and your description of its sound made me think it was truly a sound to hear. I loved that it was Elrond who requested it. I really do believe that he wants them happy and loves them both. So to see them together, so happy (so in love despite their care to hide much), singing such great music together, it must bring a parent true joy however bit tempered in the knowledge of the tragic twists of fate.

I loved Aragorn's refresher course! I completely understand the need too. But the results were precious. The moment where there noses where so close and they both realized each others' desire was powerful. But I greatly admire Aragon for nobly diverting the moment. It was not the right time or place. But at least we know that they do have those feelings. I am curious though on your own personal views about kisses though. Do you think that restrained, chaste kissing is ok after in engagement? I was a little unclear as to the exact reasons why Aragorn broke away from the moment - it was not the right time or place considering where they were and who was watching, or that the kind of kissing both of them desired was a little more than what would be acceptable at this point, or if he thought kissing wasn't something they should do until he had indeed won her hand by claiming the kingship of Gondor and Arnor. So if you could clarify your meaning it would be greatly appreciated.

Aragorn is so much more relaxed in this setting. It makes me wonder and think that he possibly will never feel has relaxed a celebration in Gondor as king. Here he is known and respected by all as a beloved son, friend, and fellow former dweller in the valley. He has no pressures of rank, no people constantly looking to win his favor. He can just be. Somehow I doubt that will be able to be said about the more public gatherings in Gondor.

I am so glad that Elrond suggested that Aragorn could dance to a slower song. You raised my hopes as soon as Glorfindel made mention of the dancing. It would have been cruel to take that away. So I am eagerly looking forward to reading another chapter on this rapturous night.

Author Reply: I agree: despite the sorrow their marriage must bring, I truly believe Elrond wants Arwen and Aragorn to be happy. Dear as they both are to him, no father could begrudge them such joy, and I am sure it does Elrond's heart good to see how deep and true their love for one another is. I believe he must indeed find joy and consolation in that.

Ah, the almost-kiss! The chief reason Aragorn refrained was because it was neither the time nor the place. They have been trying so conscientiously to keep their shows of affection within certain bounds to spare Elrond any undue hurt. Furthermore, it is just not appropriate to make what should be a private experience between two people deeply in love into a spectacle for the entire household. My views about kissing (and indeed sexuality in general) are secondary to those Tolkien shows us in his world. Faramir and Éowyn kiss passionately after their first declarations of love. If it is within their dignity and chastity to do so, then certainly it would be acceptable for Aragorn and Arwen, who have been betrothed at this point 37 years, and who are both far older and wiser than that other great pair of lovers. They simply have more restraint than the younger couple on the cusp of victory or defeat. It's just, as you say, not the time or the place. Thus the unfulfilled kiss becomes a metaphor of their greater desires yet beyond reach. There is no such thing as premarital intercourse among Elvenkind: the act of making love is in fact the sealing of the wedding bond, independent of any public ceremony or celebration ("Laws and Customs of the Eldar").

I think you are right: Aragorn will have few such comfortable revels as King. I think that it would be different in Annúminas than in Minas Tirith, too: in the North he is surrounded by his kinsmen, his friends, his faithful Rangers, and of course his three hobbit companions. But in Gondor... pomp, place-seekers, and ritual splendour would certainly keep him from relaxing as he does this evening.

I couldn't keep him from dancing. I may be cruel to Our Hero at times, but I"m not spiteful. ;-)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/10/2015
Oh my, how we would love to hear Aragorn and Arwen singing together! I love the idea of that. This chapter is such a delight, and Bilbo's words and perceptions are spot-on.

Author Reply: You really are my litmus test for how well I've written Bilbo, you know! Thank you so much. I'm glad the idea of the singing rang true. Thank you!

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