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Enigmas- The Life and Love of Linwe and Frodo  by MysteriousWays 4 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/18/2004
Squeeee! They've met!! What a lovely meeting it was, too! Tingling and bells--so beautiful! So wonderfully written.


MirielReviewed Chapter: 13 on 1/12/2004
Sorry it took so long to review, I just realized that this was up!

Oh my goodness! We have arrived! And the moment was just as lovely as I anticipated.

You really must update this soon. I'm dying to know what they will do, what they will say, now that they have found the one with whom their hearts have been entwined for so long.

Author Reply: Was it just what you had hoped? I am so glad.

I am in the process of working out the kinks on fourteen. It has some really lovely bits in it and there is a scene with Frodo and Linwe that I consider the point at which I really became a writer, and learned how to use words to paint a picture. I hope to have it up soon.


KeenerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 1/6/2004
Wow! Every time I read this it just keeps getting better. I loved this chapter and chapter 12, since they seem to be the happiest. Also, Linwe finally met Frodo! I love how although they've just met, it seems they're already in love. :) Again, this is a very beautiful and touching story. Keep up the good work!

Author Reply: Oh my!
Iu have been away from this for too long. I posted all of that before the holidays got into full swing and I have not made it back. It is a good day to find such lovely reviews waiting for me. Thank You!


Samwisegirl12Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/12/2003
Wonderful. Simply wonderful! Keep those updates coming, Mysterious Ways!

~ swg ~

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