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Eleventy-one Years: Too Short a Time   by Dreamflower 5 Review(s)
AndreaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/10/2012
A wonderful story! I very much enjoy reading it.

"Twelfty" is a funny word indeed. I liked Belladonna's explanation why it isn't used any more ;-)

And I can very well imagine that Bilbo made mistakes on purpose to make Siggy feel better. It didn't work, though. But his father proved to be a very good teacher and found another way to solve the problem.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/10/2012
Yes, I would say some Bagginses were going to be make their mark later on... :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: *grin*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/9/2012
What a wonderful childhood our Bilbo knew. At least he had friends, and he has the respect of his father.

Author Reply: I think so! I am sure that Bungo and Belladonna were wonderful parents! And I am also sure he had friends, especially among his cousins.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/9/2012
Ah, a nice long chapter!

I enjoyed Bilbo the Future Poet niggling about rhymes, also his list of Important Bagginses.

Very clever about "Bingen." I couldn't decide if that was an early form of Baggins or not, and never thought of Labingi.

Two things, in case you have not found them yet: Chop's age relative to Bilbo is a literal blank, and the description of Otho's faults is odd indeed (the paragraph begins His mother laughed). Of course, odd is suitable for Otho....

Author Reply: *grin* I just could not resist allowing his Future Poet out for a little trial run, LOL!

I may not have had the evolution of the name quite correct philologically speaking, but thought that such a name might eventually turn into "Baggins".

Thanks for the shout-out! I thought I had put Chop's age in but clearly I forgot. And what happened with the description of Otho was my apparently only partially unsuccessful attempt to weed out one of my uses of "a bit". I try my best to get rid of that phrase, as my early stories are riddled with it.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/9/2012
'Twelfty' is my new favorite word. :)

What a remarkably detailed and fascinating history. Your love for hobbits and their way of life shines through every story.

Author Reply: *grin* It just seemed logical, after "eleventy", LOL!

I do love hobbits SO much!!! <3 <3 <3

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