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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 10 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 80 on 2/2/2013
The witch hunts of earlier times would certainly have been an incentive for the twins to keep their abilities to themselves. But I agree, they must have learned a lot the Amanian Elves never needed.

I don't know ... unused to the ways of Mortals or not, Finrod's request is still highly unusual for our world, so I can understand Glorfindel. Besides, as he said, he has to be careful with the Mortals in authority, and this insistence of a trial that doesn't fit into their judicial system could mean to step on a number of toes. Seeing that Michaelson is already a bit annoyed with them ... I really wonder what Finrod is planning.

Ah good, the bad guys are going to spend the holidays behind solid bars. Totally agree with that Deborah, the prisoners would vanish for good the moment they are released, and I am not even sure Farrell wouldn't again try to kill. So I feel much better if they stay imprisoned.

*shakes head* Maddy seems a bit naive, or is it wishful thinking? No judge worth anything would just allow her to take these murderers and then let them go, no matter how much she wants to. She really needs to learn that her people can't be allowed everything, and that there have to be consequences when they overstep the line so badly.

Counseling particularly for Zach and Derek sounds like a good idea. Glad Alex thought of it.

For some strange reason, I have the distinct feeling that some people in Aman are having the quietest time since Finrod and Glorfindel have been reborn. Without these two around, it has to be so peaceful to be bordering on boring.

Author Reply: You may be right, Kitty, about the people in Aman have too quiet a time now that both Finrod and Glorfindel are gone. *grin* Oh well... so it goes.

Thanks for reviewing and offering your insights. I appreciate it.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/25/2012
Interesting. Finrod has his own mission? To heal these lands as he helped heal Aman? I still have a bad feeling about this trial, considering just how much it is against modern sensibilities and laws, but perhaps it will help Maddy understand something and so helps the situation.

Author Reply: Hi someone. Of course Finrod has his own mission and it may have something to healing these lands but we will have to wait until the next sequel to find out for sure. As for the trail, we'll just have to see how it goes and what it reveals. Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/20/2012
I loved the courtroom scene. Luckily, the lawyer forgot the tiny detail of being certified in Alaska before he can work there. He probably thought the people in Wiseman are so far off, they don't know or care about such details. Now to see what Finrod's court will do? You raised the expectation for that event. I have the feeling there might be an appearance of Nate... or at least one of the Maia. I hope Alex will do the tour on Monday. Although I would like to see Finda also doing a tour. Can't decide which I want to see more.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked the courtroom scene, obsidianj. You're the first to even mention it and it was an important scene. Yeah, Sanderson was being a bit cocky and arrogant here. Hopefully, he'll take Ken's words to heart and tread a ltitle more carefully around ol' Judge Harrison. *grin* As for Finrod's trial and who shows up... that will be revealed soon enough. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/19/2012
It sounds as if the Twins have had some narrow escapes when their success at actually managing to heal people when the local doctors, priests, shamans and whatnot have failed.
Smart of the judge to deny Farrell & co bail. If ha had been silly enough to grant it, they would have been out of there like a shot, and never been seen again. And it looks like everybody - except for the prisoners, Maddy, and Mr Sanderson are looking forward to Finrod's trial - I expect they will squeeze in as many people in the Grange Hall as possible.
It will be interesting to see if any Maiar or Valar are going to show up, too. Actually, I think there will be a number of them there, but the question is really going to be if they are going to show themselves - or perhaps which ones of the Valar will show up. I'm betting on Námo, myself - he seems to enjoy popping in and confounding everyone. And he always makes an impression. ;-)

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, I think the Twins did have some narrow escapes in the past, thus their reluctance until now to take up being healers. With the healers from Valinor there, though, they may decide it's 'safe' to practice again.

We'll see just how the trial is set up and who shows up. I know a number of reviewers are looking forward to seeing at least one of the Valar or a Maiar showing up. We'll have to see.

Thanks for the review. It's very much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/19/2012
Well, I would have been surprised if Ratty and Co., had been granted bail and I don't think Judge Harrison is quite the 'Country Hick Judge' Sanderson seems to think he is. In fact I think the Valar have been encouraging people to move to and from Wiseman for some time now, to make things a little easier for everyone!

I am sitting here going over the logistics of feeding close to forty people Thanksgiving dinner,let's see, 4 turkeys, four big pans of stuffing, a half ton of mashed potatoes, half a ton of sweet potatoes, brocoli, carrots, corn on the cob by the bushel, sweet corn casseroles, rolls, butter, gravy let alone a bakeries worth of pies and cakes, I hope they have a very large refrigerator and a resturant size stove!Just thinking!

Looking forward to Finrods court, it will be very interesting and some thing to look foreward to, we are having a big sale at the Store of the Evil Empire of the Mid West at the Mall of Doom this weekend and I am working all three days! Arrgh!!!!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. You may be right about the Valar inspiring certain people to come to Wiseman and I suspect Judge Harrison is one such.

And the logistics of feeding forty people Thanksgiving dinner is quite amazing, isn't it, but at least the Wiseman Elves know how to do it.

And Finrod's court should prove very interesting for everyone.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. As always, I quite appreciate it.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/19/2012
Ah brothers - can't live without them, can't strangle them either =p With just a few lines that last scene perfectly captures how Finrod & Glorfindel feel about each other XD Hm, a trial huh? I tend to agree with the Wiseman crew - I don't really like the idea. BUT, I suppose we'll wait & see~

Author Reply: Hi bookworm. You're right about brothers and I have 4 of them myself. LOL! As for the trial... we'll see how it goes. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it very much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/19/2012
I am looking forward to this trial and seeing how it pans out. I have a good idea seeing Finrod in all of his authority sitting upon the bench will be most--entertaining as well as instructive for those who are accustomed to our legal system.

Author Reply: I suspect that you are correct about the entertainment and instructive factor of Finrod holding the trail, Larner. We'll have to see how it goes. Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

Arwen75Reviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/19/2012
Like the others I can't wait for the trial - should be interesting to see the mortal reactions..... Thanksgiving means less to me personally (but I am British so not a holiday I celebrate :)), but looking forward to seeing how the Valinor elves see it. This story is still livening up my Monday & Fridays - normally manage to read it at lunch time - which on a Friday at the moment means escaping reading the 2 PhD theses I have to examine in the next month or so. Will admit I always look forward to lunch times on both days to see what the elves and Artemus/Alex are up to now.

Author Reply: Hi Arwen. Well, the trial will be very soon and cover several chapters, so that should make you happy. *grin* And I'm glad this story brightens up your week. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

galathilReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/19/2012
I agree with everything that Utfrog said.I also can't wait for the "trial". It might be Winter weather wise,but every other way its the height of Summer.I am camping with Cub Scouts this weekend all 66 of them wish me luck. Galathil

Author Reply: Good luck indeed, galathil. LOL! And as I told UTFrog, the trial will begin on Friday (it will actually cover several chapters), and Monday's chapter will deal with Thanksgiving, which I know people are also anxious to see. Anyway, I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate it very much.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 80 on 10/19/2012
Sure hope Finrod's trial is in the Monday chapter! I want all the elves in full formal robes. I also hope we get an appearance by one or more Valar. Finrod alone can be terrifying, but add in the rest of the elves and Maddy and the lawyers, not to mention the prisoners, all will certainly get the idea that they are in big trouble!

Author Reply: Hi UTFrog. Monday will be "Thanksgiving" for the people of Wiseman, so the Finrod's trial won't be until Friday. And you may get your wish on all scores. *grin* Thanks for reviewing. It's appreciated.

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