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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 13 Review(s)
SerindėReviewed Chapter: 60 on 9/11/2012
I love the barefooted and tee-shirted Finrod and the whole kitchen scene including the three gaping youngsters and supposedly some friendly banter about certain kitchen duty.

Author Reply: It's a great image and I could so see it, especially the three gaping youngsters. And I'm sure Finrod and Glorfindel well remembered a certain royal kitchen and were clearly teasing one another over it, much to everyone else's amusement (or almost everyone else). Thanks for reviewing, Serindė. I appreciate you doing so very much.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/24/2012
Glad to know the night went without any incidents. With you, one never knows.

Oh man, just considering what the Valinórean Elves are going to have to learn in the kitchen alone makes one realise what a harrowing undertaking the whole thing is.

Ha, Mithlas too! Nice to see more and more familiar names pop up.

On the one hand, it's good when Farrell leaves them alone, but on the other hand, I find it slightly suspicious. As is the fact that Alex didn't hear anything from the Agency yet, even after sending the papers. Did someone intercept his post?

Well, to use Alex and Derek, of all people, as babysitter for the three amigos is something I'd not have tried, but oh well. It's your risk, not mine ;)

*grin* I guess our two intelligence officers should have thought about the backstory for the three Elves a bit beforehand. That didn't go too well.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. There are a lot of things about modern life that makes you realize what an undertaking it will be to integrate the Valinórean Elves into Wiseman society.

Alex and Derek really should have thought about how they were going to introduce the ellyn and then tell the ellyn so everyone was on the same page. We'll be seeing Farrell shortly.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/24/2012
Oops! Methinks a little more thinking about background story would have helped and the bending of a certain stiff neck would help too.

Author Reply: Right on both accounts, harrowcat. They really should have agreed on their backstory for these three before foisting them on the other students at the Academy. They (the students) are dummies and some will know that these three aren't Mortals, being aware already of the existence of Elves. Thanks for taking the time to review. It's always appreciated.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/21/2012
It's going to be a long week!

I too am concerned about Farrell.

This tale has been such a delight. I do so hope you're enjoying writing it!

Author Reply: Hi Agape. Yeah, it's going to be a long week or two for all of them. *grin* And I'm enjoying wrigint this as much as everyone is enjoying reading it. Thanks for reviewing. It's always appreciated.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/17/2012
I love the scene in the beginning with the alarm ringing and Derek not so eager to get up. Sounds very realistic when I think back to my student days. So, Alex and Derek have the Three Amigos shadowing them. Oh, joy! Just what everyone wanted. They better get their story straight or they are in big trouble. The students at Elf Academy are no dummies.

Author Reply: Hi obsidanj. I well remember those days myself and have modeled the doings (and attitudes) of the students on those memories, figuring many readers would be able to identify with student life, as you obviously do here with the opening scene. And yes, they do need to get their stories straight or they're going to be in a lot of trouble. Thanks for reviewing. It's appreciated.

LyanaReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/15/2012
Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I got to the "Darrel, and my other brother Darrell" line! And here's a niggle - did Valinor never come up in history classes? Or was that Maiar-induced amnesia for the students to not recognize the name? Or just somebody who missed that class? Inquiring minds and all that... :-)

Ah, Alex - I'm pre-emptively cringing wondering who Findalaure is going to insult next. I can just see him being a jerk about some guy's girlfriend and getting clocked again...

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. Oh, I'm sure they learned about Valinor in class, but maybe they've been taught the Sindarin form _Dor Rodyn_ instead, or maybe Larry pronounced it differently so they didn't catch it, or maybe there was a Maia keeping tabs on the lads and inducing the guys not to pay too much attention, or it could simply be that those listening just assumed Larry was making a joke. "Valinor. Yeah, right." Who can really say?

At any rate, we'll see how things progress soon enough. Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/14/2012
Valinor is here in Finland?! LOL

They really need to think of a good backstory for those three, for Valinor doesn't sound anything like a Swedish or Finnish place name (at least to me) and that will be very difficult to explain later if someone starts wondering *grin*.

I don't like Findalaurė's attitude, but the Elves of the older generation seem to be quite happy, and Finrod looks like he's at home. Lovely breakfast scene.

Author Reply: Hi someone. Apparently. LOL! They do need to get their backstory straight or there is going to be a lot of questions asked. The students aren't stupid and some of them are already aware of the existence of Elves.

Findalaurė does have an attitude problem. The older generation, many of whom had once resided in Middle-earth, are indeed quite happy to be there and Finrod probably feels very at home, especially now that he's reunited with Glorfindel. And I'm glad you liked the breakfast scene.

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's always appreciated.

SiiwReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/13/2012
The Elves are getting new and easier names from the humans, just like the Valar got from the first Elves. I bet they didn't complain this much.

Findalaure is starting to REALLY annoy me.

Author Reply: Hi Siiw. Well, they all need "Mortal" names, just like the Wiseman Elves, so they can blend in a bit more, but you're right, they are easier to say and remember than their actual names, at least some of them.

I think Finadalaurė is beginning to annoy everyone. LOL!

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it greatly.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/13/2012
It is going to be hard for everybody, but for the three amigos is going to be harder. I think that I can understand them and at least, they are trying.

Now, reading The Grapes of Wrath, I don't know if that will educate them on seeing kindly to mortals. I mean, it is a classic but so depressing. I read it very young at school and saw the movie, it scared me off of the that period literature. I don't know why they insist junior high to read that, it is not an age that you can appreciate it.

Waiting to see Farrell's next move. And the new adventures of the Valinor elves, I can't wait to see their reactions to the new world.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. It's going to be very hard on a lot of people. I suspect that the ellon just picked out a book at random. It could've been any book in the room. I agree with you that some of the classics we were forced to read in school were really not appropriate for that age group and on top of that they were usually very boring.

We'll be seeing what Farrell's up to eventually. For now, we're concentrating on how Glorfindel and the others try to integrate the new arrivals and especially how Alex and Derek handle the three amigos.

Thanks for taking the time to review. I appreciate it very much.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 60 on 8/13/2012
Heh. It looks like the proud princeling and his pals aren't used to seeing the princeling's dad engaged in such un-princely activities as making breakfast. But it makes me wonder if said princeling and his pals are the sort of ellyn who would starve to death in a well-stocked kitchen. If so, they are going to need a quick education in homey, everyday activities. And if they are picky eaters, I also hope they will learn to be more accepting of foreign (to the) cuisine.
They had better also learn to listen to what Alex says, but given Lawrence's attitude, it is likely that they are going to land in a fair amount of trouble before they learn sense. And they'd better start calling Alex by his name, instead of calling him "Mortal" all the time!

So the men were thronging around the three new additions to the scene. But I wonder - where were the girls??? Perhaps they just are planning their attack? Or perhaps they are just portioning out the prospective spoils already. Tee-hee. I can see that even the gals who like them dark-haired will line up for a chance at the blonde bombshell.
The newcomers are definitely going t attract attention. Hopefully, they are going to be able to limit it, but if they are able to enlist some of their allies to help out a bit, perhaps it will be manageable.

Hmm. I don't really see Nielluin as a Nell - she has too much of her mother in her for that IMO. I suspect she is going to take to the modern world like a fish to water. I bet she is going to think it is deeply unfair for the boys to go to the Academy, and it is going to be interesting to see if she is also going to maneuver herself into the Academy. She definitely isn't the type to sit at home doing embroidery!

Now what is Farrell up to? And what is going on at the Agency? The silence is worrisome!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Well, it's up for grabs whether Findalaurė is shocked to see Dad dishing out fruit or dressed as he is. *grin*

I'm sure the ellith are around somewhere. Probably being shown other ameniites by the Wiseman ellith while their men-folk play in the kitchen.

As for Nielluin being Nell, you have to admit that the Mortal name is very similar in sound to her actual name, so it's natural to call her that. She seems to like it, so I doubt she'll want to change it to something else. *grin*

As for Farrell and the Agency... we'll learn about all that soon enough, I promise.

Thanks for commenting. It's very much appreciated.

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