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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
DianaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 3/14/2014
Hi Fiondil,
Lots of good stuff in this chapter. All of it was very well written. Looking over the reviews I learn last year you had some medical problems, which I hope are better now.
Looking back at your last response to my last comment and looking at what I wrote, I get the feeling I offended you. If I did I'm sorry. I'm only talking about my *own* experience.
I still think you're a great writer! I'm enjoying this story a lot! Have you ever been published any where?
Blessed Be

Author Reply: Hi Diana. I'm better now, thanks. And no, I've never been book-published, if hat is what you are asking. That's too much work and what I do in writing these stories is for fun.

I wasn't so much offended as just slightly annoyed. People tend to generalize from personal experience, but personal experience is necessarily narrow and limited and it's dangerous to make sweeping statements because they are inevitably false at least on one level. It's something I try hard not to do in my life if I can possibly help it (and sometimes, being human, I cannot). With my own background in linguistics and sociolinguistics I am perhaps somewhat more aware of language and language usage and am as careful as I can be to be conscious of how my characters will speak that is not false to them.

Anyway, I'm glad you are still enjoying the story. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/5/2012
Snowball fight, Atto! Yay! You know, I've never really made a proper snowball. I've gone to see snow a couple of times but I don't think my snowball attempts have been much good. I'm sure I'd do better if I had more practice. :)

Lol, I love how the men who pretended to be sick got instantly better. :P

And of course I love, love LOVE the fact that Roy FINALLY asked Sarah and she said yes. FINALLY! :D It was about time! Hehehe. Now you have THAT wedding to write about too, and I hope it won't be as catastrophic as Roy's uncle and aunt's (since you did say later Elves don't bother with generations so much ;) hehe)



LyanaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/25/2012
LOL - Glorfindel the pillow - he is SO not going to live that down! Though I have to say that when I started reading that part, I thought he was going to wake up finding that, because of his dream, he'd wrapped himself around someone thinking he was protecting Idril or someone else! I'm glad they were able to move Patty without waking her up - she probably would have been mortified. It may well have been the expression of an unconscious mind, but I'm not so convinced it had to do with warmth... We'll just let Glorfi keep thinking that. :-)

And Alex the tactician - very useful! Being able to use his skills this way has to be therapeutic for him. But the specter of Farrell looming over all - brrrrrr.

Engagement! Yippee! As the end approaches, it seems like time is going faster for the elves too; in other ages, I'd think that an engagement after such short time knowing each other would be considered very hasty.

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. You're right that it's going to be awhile before Glorfindel lives that down, particularly with Daeron and Vorondur. And poor Patty would've been mortified, so luckily she never realized what she'd done.

There is always Farrell in the background, unfortunately, and he will continue being a spectre for some time.

You may be correct about time speeding up for the Elves as well as the end approaches. There's a certain urgency that was never present before. Luckily, the Elves don't seem scandalized by the 'hasty' engagement (and when you used that term, I had visions of Ents shaking their heads. LOL!).

Thanks for the review. It's very much appreciated.

LizbethReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/25/2012
Recoveries, a chance to wash, an engagement, a snowball war AND s'mores to boot? It doesn't sound like things could go any better under the circumstances, but I hope that everyone can hold up under the stress. Glorfindel and the healers (elven and human) seem to be having the worst time of it. I'm crossing my fingers that Glorfindel's ring does its job as he keeps on getting worn down.

The situation with Patty and Glorfindel was quite funny, though I'm sure he'd disagree. *grin* I especially liked the reference to Victorian melodrama. I wonder what the elves were up to back then?

All in all, it was a fun chapter! It provided a nice diversion since I have been confined to my room due to illness and paranoid family members, so thank you. A sudden change of weather caused the ants that live in the walls to swarm out and attack my parrot's cage, so it's been an interesting week. I hope that your recovery continues to go well also.

I hope you don't mind my "reviews"... they always seem to just be a bunch of blathering gibberish to me, but I enjoy the story and I feel like I should say something in return!

Author Reply: And here's yet another review of yours that I managed to miss, Lizbeth. Weird.

Anyway, the whole thing with Glorfindel and Patty was lots of fun to write and Daeron and Vorondur's comments on the subject were not only hysterical but embarrassing for our fearless leader.

And your reviews have been just fine. Thank you for taking the time to leave them. I appreciate you doing so very much. And sorry for the lateness of my reply.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/25/2012
It's funny how a storm like this can put a stop to everything. It is as if life is on hold. Luckily, the worst seems to be over. The snowball fight was a great idea. They were fortunate that they didn't have real fights on their hands between the students. Being cooped up like that for days on end with sick people on top of it makes for frayed nerves real fast.

Author Reply: Hi obsidianj. You're right about that. Storms of a certain nature do seem to put life on hold. And the worse is over, though they're not necessarily free and clear. Luckily, the storm (or at least the very cold temperatures) didn't last long, allowing people to get out and about. I think had they been forced to remain inside even a couple more days, then you would've seen tempers blowing and blood flowing.

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/25/2012
Well, it certainly took Elrohir long enough to make the all-deciding step. *g*

It's nice to see that things are improving, even though I always have the nagging feeling that you're only luring us into false safety before the other shoe drops. Anyway, nice chapter, I especially liked Alex using his training in the snowball fight.

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. I'm sure all the Elves are relieved that Elrohir finally stepped up to the plate, as the saying goes. Babies and weddnigs. You can't beat them.

Things are improving for them, but that doesn't mean they're out of the woods yet. As for how are the other shoe will drop, we'll have to see.

Thanks for taking the time to read and review. It's greatly appreciated.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/25/2012
And great fun was had by all! Glad that Shane's mom is now mollified, if not precisely happy with the situation.

Author Reply: Indeed. And I'm sure everyone is happy that Shane and her mom have reconciled and that Mrs. Becekr is on her way back to NYC. Thanks for leaving a review, Larner. It's much appreciated.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/25/2012
Poor Glorfindel, his friends aren't going to let him live that down any time soon, will they? *grin* I even could be a tiny little bit envious of Patty ;) Coming to think of it, can I claim to be cold and needing to gravitate towards his body heat (or one of the twins) when we have 25 degrees Celsius – plus, of course? *whistles innocently*

Looks like they finally convinced Elrohir to ask for the hand of his beloved. Good :) With Glorfindel telling him that the parents want it, too, there's really no need to hesitate any longer.

Building snow forts and making snowballs for a nice fight sounds like a good idea to stave off cabin fever – which will break out soon, no doubt, if they can't keep them otherwise too busy to miss their electronic toys and all that stuff.

Oh, glad they have at least one generator back up running again; that should help a bit. And it was good to know how things are overall. Medical help sounds good, too, I don't like how much the twins are exhausting themselves to keep the situation under control. Though ... where is the Administration? Maybe I'm too paranoid, but with Farrell and an unknown number of his colleagues around, I am more uncomfortable with that than I normally were. And speaking of Farrell, now that the plows are out and the temperatures going up, he would be able to move around, too ... not sure I like that idea!

Another day gone rather well, and they even announced the betrothal! Yay! I just wish the twin's parents and friends could be there for the wedding, too. I wonder if there's a palantír in Valinor they could use to watch the wedding, at least? To know that would be nice for Elrohir, I believe. Coming to think of it, couldn't the Maiar at least take letters back and forth between Wiseman and Valinor?

Now, with the mortals all fast asleep, I hope the Elves get their much-needed sleep as well.

How are you doing? I hope you are getting steadily better.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. No, Glorfindel's not going to live this down any time soon. And you can try, but when its 25 degrees out, that's a real stretch. LOL!

Now that people can get outside for a while, there's little danger of cabin fever striking. And with the roads accessible again, it does mean that Farrell and the other agents are now free to move around. We'll see what they get themselves up to soon enough, as well as what's up with the Admininstration.

And I'm sure something will be arranged so that people in Valinor can witness the wedding and sending letters back and forth does sound like a good idea. Maybe someone will even think of it. *grin*

The Elves have been taking turns resting throughout the day. Glorfindel was the last of them. Once they get full power back, then the students can move back to their rooms and the Elves can return to Edhellond. That time is near, but not yet.

I'm doing well and getting stronger each day. I'll be able to return to work the first week of June and I can begin driving then as well which will be a relief. Having to rely on others to drive you where you need to go is a real pain, though I know my friends are happy to do so, knowing that perhaps someday they may be in a similar position and needing someone's help. What goes around, comes around, as they say.

Anyway, thanks for enquiring and thanks for the review. Both are appreciated.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/25/2012
What a nice chapter! You made me laugh at work with Glorfindel's new promotion to pillow. Love the jokes between them. Is he getting old because he needs 3 hours instead of 1 to recover? Ah, the delights of being an elf!

No Poor Alex today.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. Yes, another "no poor Alex" chapter. I'm glad this chapter tickled your funny bone. And even Elves get 'old', but I think it's just that this particular storm and its circumstances is taking a greater toll on Glorfindel than even he realizes.

Thanks for leaving a review. It's really appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/25/2012
A wedding, a wedding! Yay! Do we get save the day cards?, virtual ones that is!

I am a little worried that Glorfi has not been able to find any of the Collage Admin people, I hope nothing bad has happened to them. At lest Marian and Derdre are safe.

Well at least Shane was able to convince her mother that she is happy where she is and is not being 'held' by a cult of any kind!

Mm, chilli after running around in the snow sounds good, it looks as if the Elf Acadamy was well stocked with supplies, the food might get a little boring after a while but at least they have some, not like some of the other places on campus. (Note to Administrators, look into stashing emergancy supplies any where student might go in an emergancy, I know are store has some in case we have an earth quake, or we did, some years ago!)

I am nibbling at toast while writing this, so sorry about the toast crumbs, I am looking forward to tomorrow, I am actually off on a Saturday, would you believe, there is something seriously wrong with the scheduling computer, it has me off two Saturdays in a row!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. The reason for Glorfindel not finding any the Admin people will be made clear in the next chapter.

The food may be a bit boring but it is filling and helps keep the cold at bay. I don't think anyone's complaining yet.

Two Saturdays in a row off! Wow! You really lucked out. Enjoy your day off and thanks for leaving a review. It's greatly appreciated.

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