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No Better Name  by Cairistiona 11 Review(s)
LayneReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/17/2011
Thanks for that info on the old English custom of cake-baking. I was wondering why Flora made Bowen bake it in the first place. And ahh, Denlad, that was sad, his backstory. Poor man :/

Author Reply: Thanks, Layne... yes, Denlad's got a hard backstory--he really needs lots of hugs! And you're welcome about the cake-baking info. I do try to explain all those barely-touched on details if not in the same chapter then in later chapters. :)

Lily BagginsReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/12/2011
If you ever have ANY fear that Denlad isn't acting like a "real" person, REST EASY. Because he acts so much like my youngest brother, it's hilarious! Seriously, I would think you knew my brother, writing him like that.

I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter, with Bowen eyeing Denlad and wondering what's up with him. I've been in that sort of situation and it's very uncomfortable---especially if the other person carries a big sword! So this one had me giggling and feeling very empathetic with Bowen at the same time. And I do love Halbarad's take on the situation.

And Aragorn enjoying his breakfast---that was lovely! Golly, I REALLY need a Flora to come here and clean and cook for me, too! She's a workhorse.

Author Reply: LOL! Thank you, Lily, for that encouraging word. Just don't call your brother Denlad! *g* But how funny is it that Denlad's so like your brother??

I want a Flora here with me, too, because A) from looking around my house, I obviously didn't base Flora on me, at ALL; and B) from looking how I react to a sick kid--"Here's some ibuprofen; now buck up"--yeah, see "A".

SuzelleReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/8/2011
Hah! Research!! *g*

Lovely chapter as ever, my dear. The bit between Flora and Bowen was precious (good lord, that is a *lot* of baking!), and I love that now even Bowen is getting a bit of Denlad's backstory. Though my theory as to Denlad's crabby mood has yet to play out! Hmmm...*speculates*...

Out of curiosity, just how many children do Halbarad and Miriel have? I know that it's a lot (especially by Dunedain standards), but I Is Curious...

Author Reply: Yay for research! *g*

Thank you, Suz... so glad you liked this and that it's causing yet more Denlad-moodiness speculation. *g* And it was a lot of baking, wasn't it?? She must have one of those mega-sized stone baking ovens. Maybe Bowen built it with leftover stone from the patio project.

As for Halbarad & Miriel's children... that'll come out in an upcoming chapter. :) Suffice to say, it's a lot. Even by non-Dunedain standards. It's not for nothing that they all tease them that they're so fertile all they have to do is pass each other in a room and nine months later out pops another baby. :) Why I decided to make them try single-handedly to repopulate the Dunedain people, I have no idea. It just seemed to fit their relationship. *g*

NathReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/8/2011
Hmmm... if Denlad is going to keep this up, the carpets may not be the only things getting a beating... (or at least a severe threat of one). Interestingly, his beef seems to be with Bowen alone, rather than with Flora.

Good to see that Bowen keeps guessing at the truth of Strider's identity (which would probably upset Denlad even more if he knew).

And also to the good that Halbarad didn't strain his arm again hunting.

"Did you know her?"

Halbarad glared at him.

"Not in that way!" Bowen squawked.

*snerk* poor Bowen...

Author Reply: Hee! Glad that little exchange gave you a *snerk* moment. It's actually my favorite part of the chapter. *g*

DarkoverReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/7/2011
Dear Cairistiona: This was a most interesting chapter. As usual, you wrote superlative dialogue, and the parts about Denlad's past were helpful in providing background about him to readers who may not yet have read the first story. Both Halbarad and Bowen are beautifully in-character in this intriguing chapter, and I'm delighted that Bowen is beginning to understand something of the life that Rangers must lead. Concerning Denlad's suspicious and/or latently hostile attitude toward their host, I too am puzzled by it, but at least it hints at tempting material to come in future chapters. Also, I vaguely remember reading something once about the custom you mentioned about the father's cake, although I didn't recall the details, or know about the custom of providing buns and shortbread to guests. That was especially interesting! Thanks for this most recent and enjoyable installment in a story that keeps getting better and better. Sincerely, Darkover

Author Reply: Thanks, Darkover! I think any time you use a recurring OC you really need to include the basics about his back story, not to drive it into the ground but just to bring new leaders into the loop. And then also, you need to reveal a little more about that character at the same time so he grows over time, just as a real person would. Which should pretty much answer your speculation with a resounding "Yes, more tempting material yet to come!" *g*

As for the customs about childbirth, there seems to be no end of them. I googled "childbirth customs and superstitions" and got seemingly thousands of them. It took a while to sort out some would be plausible to Middle-earth! It's interesting to research how people coped with risk in the days before modern medicine.

Thanks as always for the review!

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/7/2011
Now here is another chapter which is going to grace my list of favourites. The entire scene between Bowen and Flora was totally delicious, so understatedly funny and soooooooooo true to life. The bit about Bowen putting sugar on his eggs had me chuckling out loud. It was perfect, as was Flora's cleaning rampage.

I see Denlad has still got a bee under his bonnet. I'm really getting very curious about what is bothering him. I enjoyed the glimpses about his back-story too. The truth is I enjoyed everything about this chapter.

I absolutely love the little bits of folk tradition that you add to your stories. They add a lot of atmosphere to them, especially to this folklore buff here.

Well done indeed.

Author Reply: Thank you, Estelcontar! Soooo glad you chuckled at the humor in this--I do like to toss in funny little bits like that. To me it makes the characters feel a little more real, somehow. I'm glad you liked the folklore, too. To me it adds a layer of connectedness (if that's a word) to real life between Tolkien's world and our world to throw in little things like that from "real life" that fit seamlessly into Middle-earth. As all of this is intended as a possible "ancient history" of England, it didn't seem amiss to include a few folkways like that.

Thanks for your review!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/7/2011
What a dear story. I'm so happy that Strider is on the mend! And poor Bowen with so much on his mind now, but hopefully all will go well.

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound! I didn't expect you'd have a chance to read this yet so I'm pleasantly surprised to get your review. :) It is nice to see Strider smiling again at last, isn't it! Now to see about that baby-on-the-way...

curiouswombatReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/7/2011
Hmm - I wonder what is bothering poor Denlad?

I have a good, historical, recipe for pepper-cake - I really must make it some time!

Author Reply: Oh, I'd love to know your recipe! I wonder if it's the same sort of cake that my research source referenced. Do you mind putting it up on your LJ if you do decide to make it?

I'm sure Halbarad will suss out Denlad's problems, eventually. The question is, will he be sweet and kind about it, or, as he implies, pummel it out of him!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/7/2011
A baby is coming soon! Good that Strider is getting better and we have kingsfoil. Maybe they will be needed.
And Denlad, I think that he is going to be reprimanded.

Author Reply: Yes, a baby on the way from the looks of it! Poor Bowen, he's beset by Rangers and now the hour he's been dreading is looking to be at hand. He may be the one in need of kingsfoil before it's all said and done.

Thanks for the review!

LisaGReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/7/2011
Interesting custom with the birth cake...I've never heard of that before. See what you learn when you read fan fiction?! :)

I hope Halbarad can get through to Denlad...if not, I'm sure Strider has noticed the boy's mood and can sort him out.

If Flora needs assistance with the birth, will it be Strider or Denlad that will help? Strider may not be well enough to help, but I bet Denlad has probably never delivered a baby and will be petrified to do so. Maybe a tag team of Denlad doing the physical work with Strider coaching will work.

Author Reply: Thanks, LisaG! Isn't that a fascinating custom, the birthing cake? I found so many different superstitions and customs when I started researching it, all very fascinating. I've worked a few into this story that I thought seemed like something a Breelander might follow, so there's a few more to learn about in upcoming chapters. I am to educate! *g* Okay, no, that's not entirely true--mostly I just like to play in Tolkien's sandbox. *g*

Hmm, as to who will help the delivery... I can only say wait and see! :)

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