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Interrupted Journeys 8: Through Shadow and Flame  by elliska 6 Review(s)
DotReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/27/2012
Drive-by commenting, I'm afraid, but my conscience was telling me to let you know I've been thoroughly enjoying this. I'm so sorry I got behind with reviewing (I need to win the Lotto and give up my job and read fanfic all day long) but I really have been thrilled with each chapter. There was probably a chorus of "poor Tulus" following this one so I'll just add my voice to it. You did an excellent, excellent job of showing all sides and just why he's so torn. What a dreadful situation. And even while making promises to Thranduil, he's still ultimately betraying him by not admitting what he knows. It's also a stark reminder of the troubles and politics and deep-rooted feelings that exist within this realm - that danger doesn't always come from outside. Anyway, I've loved seeing Legolas and Galithil come so far (it reminds me of the way I look in awe at my two-year-old nephew when he speaks in full sentences!!) and you've reminded me how much I love this world. I'm very much looking forward to the next installment :-)

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long replying to reviews. Believe me, I understand being busy! I'll tell you what--when i win the lotto, I'll share with you and we can both enjoy reading and writing. (It's a nice dream, anyway). ;-)

Poor Tulus indeed. He's in a bad place and only making it worse for himself, really. A lot of people will be hurt in the final outcome, not the least of whom will be Tulus.

And I'm glad you enjoyed Legolas and Galithil. It's fun to have them growing up.

I'm glad you are enjoying and I hope you keep doing so! :-) Thanks so much for the reviews!

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/23/2012
Is the end of september here yet? :D Another great chapter and poor Tulus. I feel sorry for him but at least he's warned Thranduil and Legolas and both are smart enough to put two and two together. Can't wait to hear more in the fall! :)

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long replying to reviews. Start of school is insanely busy.

Tulus is definitely in trouble here and only digging himself in deeper, unfortunately. Poor him indeed.

Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

MornReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/23/2012
What an impossible situation- poor Tulus! He's completely in wound up in this and i can't imagine this'll turn out well for him. Manadhien is so cruel and twisted. And Legolas completely trusts him! Oh dear!

Anyway, great story, can't wait for the next installments.

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long replying to reviews. I teach and the start of the semester is always insane!

Tulus is in an impossible situation and it will get worse yet. And yes, you are absolutely right that it is even worse because Legolas does completely trust him. Not good.

Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/23/2012
What I'm going to say about this chapter? I'm heartbroken for Tulus. He is an an impossible situation and the only way that he sees out is protecting Legolas with his own life. And his son, he is so far taken by the Dark!

Well, Manadhien is a formidable opponent. It is really a shame that she is in the wrong side. Very intelligent and using any weapons to reach her goal. Blackmail is very efficient. I think that Tulus should has tell Thranduil. Plotting her death is not enough and it could have being better to tell now than later.

Thanks Elliska. Waiting for more....Hopefully after the movies, the fanfics will pick their pace again, like the old time

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long replying to reviews. Start of the semester at school is crazy.

Tulus is in a really bad place, isn't he?

and the only way that he sees out is protecting Legolas with his own life

You got it.

Tulus definitely should have told Thranduil. It would have been much less damaging in the long run, but unfortunately, Tulus will only see that when it is far too late.

Hopefully after the movies, the fanfics will pick their pace again, like the old time

That would be awesome. I expect so and I am looking forward to it!

Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/23/2012
Ouch... Poor Tulus, he's juggling too many knives here... and betraying Thranduil, Dolgailon and Legolas at the same time, despite his proclamations. This is a trainwreck waiting to happen... :(
Excellent work, elliska, the tension was almost unbearable during the whole story.

Author Reply: Sorry for the delay in answering reviews. I love teaching, but I don't love the start of semesters.

he's juggling too many knives here

I love this analogy. Too true. He really is. And he is definitely betraying Thranduil. The end result of all of this is going to be worse than Tulus imagines it could be.

the tension was almost unbearable during the whole story

:-) Thanks! Glad to hear it.

Thanks so much for the reviews. I appreciate them so much!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/23/2012
Oh wow, poor Tulus. As a parent, I'm not sure what I'd do either--go to bed and pull the covers over my head probably.

But he had one remaining fear that he needed to prove wrong.

I liked the way you dropped this little hint and then let us find out what was up as Tulus did.

Manadhien is a nasty piece of work. I wanted to reach through my screen and choke her when she dragged out all the letters. I think Tulus has the right idea to be plotting her death. There's one elf they could all do without. She allied with orcs, for god's sake! And Glilavan is so willfully dense about it. I think he's so sure of his own cause that he believes what he needs to believe.

Tulus gives Thranduil good advice but I'm not sure it will save him in the end.

Author Reply: Sorry for the delay in replying to reviews. Crazy busy...blah, blah. You've heard me say it too many times now. :/

Tulus is in a really bad spot, honestly. I do think it would be really hard to turn in your child, especially if you were certain the punishment would be very serious. But Tulus knows he should do it. He just doesn't know how badly he'll pay for not doing it. Or who else will pay for it.

I love your comment about the 'one remaining fear.' That made my day when I read this review. As I think I mentioned elsewhere, I have been listening to Tolkien on CD during my drives to school and I noticed how often he does this sort of thing. And I really like it even when I know perfectly well what it is elluding to. It's fun. So I threw this line in during editing and I really liked it. Glad you did too! :-)

Manadhien is nasty. She's fallen about as low as you can. But she'll go lower still, dragging people along with her. Like Glilavan.

Thanks so much for the reviews! I really appreciate them so much!

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