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Interrupted Journeys 8: Through Shadow and Flame  by elliska 6 Review(s)
ZardiReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/16/2014
Don't ever apologize for long chapters! I absolutely loved all the Thranduil and Legolas interaction in this chapter. He is turning into adult elf we all know and love. Also really liked Mithrandir's little scene with them. :)

MornReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/16/2012
Typical Gandalf turning up just in the nick of time. Knowing what happens in the future I have a feeling Thranduil's suspicion of his interest in Legolas isn't uncalled for. I can imagine his reaction when he gets the news that his son has been sent to Mordor!

I like Legolas' new found maturity in this and I'm glad he decides to be responsible and stand up to his father. Perhaps he would execute Manadhien if he reacts like that to one of her guards! I can't imagine he would give her the mercy he has shown here. I have a feeling there'll be more drama to this before he has to make that decision.

Thranduil's reaction to Amglaur's death is interesting of course, it was a very complicated relationship. I feel a bit sorry for him, it must be hard to mourn someone like that.

Gutted to see this bit finished, I've enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to the epilogue and the future stories :)

Again, thank you for writing.

Author Reply: I can imagine his reaction when he gets the news that his son has been sent to Mordor!

Isn't that reaction fun to imagine! Talk about an explosion!

Legolas definitely did the right thing to stand up to Thranduil. Thranduil's final reactio to Manadhien is going to be drastic, but you are right--there is a lot more to see in the interim. She stays around for a long time to cause trouble. :-)

Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/16/2012
The idea of Galithil and Legolas going back to the Green was particularly powerful, because they're no longer the elflings they used to be, and even more clearly than after Galithil's parents passing. Now they're part o the council, they hold responsibioity, theve seen treason among elves, they've seen the real dangers of dark evil at play and not "just" orcs and so the "age of innocence" is deinitely over for them. And yet, as Thranduil and Lindomiel show, there's also time for merrymaking and forgetting and enjoying the beauty that is there.

For all the plot twists and revelations, what really hit me in this chapter was that sense of "normalcy" after the tragedy. And yet, the epilogue sounds ominous, as these things usually go. excellent storytelling there, elliska!

Author Reply: The idea of Galithil and Legolas going back to the Green was particularly powerful, because they're no longer the elflings they used to be

Yes, exactly! Not the same people they were at all when they last spent time on the Green with Amglaur. They have both really experienced a true loss of innocence. So has Lindomiel, to the same extent they did. And she can still be merry. That is something Legolas will eventually take away from this experience. After all, in Fellowship, he goes looking for the sun.

Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/16/2012
Well, everybody fitted in the roles very well while Thranduil was in disability. A credit to their education. I really liked the complicity between Legolas and Hallion.

Yes, Legolas was very brave to stop his Father, but was the right decision. Very tense situation.

The nerve of Demil...Death sentence to him and finish it!

No, I won't be happy if Gandalf starts to pay attention to my child.

And what is the problem between Galadriel and Thranduil in your universe? Don't remember.I always assumed that Thranduil was realted to Celeborn, but not to Dior.So, is he realted to Elrond as well?. The elves' genealogical trees are so complicated.

Now, a question no related to this story, who is playing Thranduil in the new movies? Haven't see it.

Your mother is from Spain? three of my grandparents are from Spain, all over, from the Basque country and Canarias....what a mix..and my father in law was born in Asturias. I'm from Cuba, currently living in Florida for me:)

Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed Hallion and Legolas. I just couldn't resist letting them have a little fun in the garden while Legolas was kept busy. And I'm glad you liked Legolas and Thranduil. It was definitely the right thing and I'm glad it came across as tense. It certainly should be.

Demil gets his in the end (and his end comes sooner than other's).

And what is the problem between Galadriel and Thranduil in your universe?

Hopefully, I will get around to including a conversation between Thranduil and Legolas that explains this, but in case I don't: the short version is that I think Thranduil would be uncomfortable with Galadriel's Ring of Power and, while no one was supposed to know where, exactly, the Three were, surely Thranduil would suspect she had one.

In my imagination, Thranduil and Celeborn are cousins because both of them have Elmo for a grandfather (or in Thranduil's case, great, great grandfather). Given that I am saying that, Thranduil would also be a distant cousin of Dior (and so is Celeborn, in canon). And that would make them both related to Elrond too.

Lee Pace is playing Thranduil, but they don't have any pictures of him in costume yet. Dying to see that! :-)

Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/15/2012
Another great chapter! I enjoyed it and am sad this story is coming to an end! I still look forward to the last bit :)

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed and I hope you continue to! Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/15/2012
Loved the opening scene between Thranduil and Lindomiel! It's so good to see a married couple in love. And also in lust. :-)

And Legolas continues to surprise both me and Thranduil with how much he's matured. The image of him and Hallion lying in the grass with their feet up made me laugh, as did this line, because they were so unexpected.

"That must be frightening," Legolas said.

I had to pause to sort out who all the bad people were. You've created such a long, thickly-peopled story arc that I can't always keep up, but it quickly because clear what was afoot. At first, I wasn't sure whether Dannenion and Dolwon were they involved, but now I'm sure they weren't. Demil/Bronil is "contemptuous" of them, and then they give the guy up and are shocked by the blue arrow.

The presence of an elf from Menegroth and Sirion is really powerful. That was such a high-stakes, evil effort, shocking from elves. And the threat to kill everyone at the table is beyond appalling, especially since it's made so casually. It does worry me that he keeps glancing at Tulus.

Mithrandir certainly appeared when most needed. As he is wont to do! Though Legolas played a role in making sure he wasn't too late to save Thranduil from himself, the kind of loss that's hardest to recover from. I did like the "let God Manwe sort it out" moment. Too bad it didn't work out.

The moment with Legolas afterwards was great! Thranduil has to exert his ruler's authority, but he does it privately and then puts his arm around his son.

I had to laugh when Mithrandir tells Thranduil that he and Galadriel are alike.

I'm sorry this story is nearly done. I've enjoyed it so much.

Author Reply: I'm behind on line--sorry for being so long in answering!

I'm glad you liked the opening scene. I cut that and put it back a lot of times because this chapter was so long. But I thought Thranduil and Lindomiel deserved a nice moment together. :-)

I had fun putting Legolas and Hallion in the garden. I think Hallion would involve Legolas as much as he could in Thranduil absence, but I think Legolas would have his own way of being involved. ;-) I do enjoy having Thranduil see that though. He must have been amused.

I had to pause to sort out who all the bad people were.
*Grin* If it makes you feel better, I had to look back to make sure I had spelled Fuinil's name consistently throughout. Crazy huge cast!

Yep, everyone gets a shock at how serious these elves are. As more comes out about their involvement in past deeds (and I cut a lot of that in this story because I decided to keep it for later), Thranduil we will he is up against truly scary people.

Gotta love Mithrandir! And Legolas. I wish I could have shown Galithil's reaction to Legolas standing up to Thranduil (which even he would have had the good sense to reserve for the privacy of one of their rooms). He would have had a field day with that! ;-)

I'm so glad you enjoyed! And I appreciate the reviews so much!

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