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B2MeM 2011 Ficlets  by Eärillë 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/26/2011
Or so he thinks. A good look at the temptation laid before him and his reaction to it.

Author Reply: I held on the thought that nobody is born evil and that evil people might have begun with good intentions. In fact, I was inspired somehow by your piece about that soldier of Angmar. :) I had long been wanting to take a look at how one of the Nazgul might have begun, but did not wish to write from the oft-taken point of view of the Witch-King. I was happy when I found this. I'm glad you appreciated it too. Thank you for the comments!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/26/2011
He has good reason to react as he does.

Author Reply: Indeed. But during the deed, he might not have thought so. Overcautiousness, perhaps; but this was not only his cousin but also his chiftain and possible king...

The comment was thought-provoking. -- Thank you for reviewing!


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