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A Long-Expected Wedding  by Fiondil 10 Review(s)
ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/10/2013
I bet Ulmo had a lot of fun flinging the fishes out of the fountain! I was giggling as you were describing how more and more fishes just kept flying onto the market *g*. At that last fish - what a great final act!

Oh, I wish I had a good kitchen - and that I actually could cook well - because those recipes sound fantastic.

Author Reply: I'm sure he was laughing himself silly, Imhiriel. It was a neat trick on his part. I love to cook myself but my kitchen isn't very good either. The recipes do sound good, don't they?

Thanks for reivewing. I appreciate it very much.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 9/1/2011
Oh yes, there's most definitely more going on than meets the eye.

Is it only me, or is that bit with the dinner all of a sudden a bit suspicious? Or am I only always expecting something to happen, even if there's no real reason to be suspicious? On the other hand, it's your fic ...

What I like about Marilla is that she is always explaining things. No doubt Isildil would only get nasty if someone asks about the why or how.

Really, Glorfindel can't even go shopping without something happening! But all in all, it wasn't such a bad idea. The Valar love him, after all, and they were the only ones who could truly help, or Ulmo in this case. And even the others get enough of that fish. Maybe it was a reward for giving that elleth some of his precious fish.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. I think Arafinwe merely wished to have Finrod and Glorfindel do something constructive and perhaps more fun by coming up with a menu and when we learn who is coming from Vanyamar, it will make more sense. And I think you're right that the plentitude of fish was a reward for Glorfindel's generosity towards another even though he knew they needed the fish as well. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/24/2011
Apparently, first, Ulmo was inclined to be helpful, and second, the needs of all were being anticipated, beyond what was needed at the palace. Excellent!

Author Reply: Ask and you will receive... in spades. LOL! The bounty of the Valar (or God) is not to be despised. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Larner.

TkidReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/12/2011
Soooooo, i wonder how Finrod will be passing the time tonight? *grin*

Author Reply: We'll just have to wait and see, won't we? *grin* Glad you are still reading and enjoying the story, Tkid. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

galathilReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/11/2011
Can I have that fountain in my garden? Glorfindel can go fishing for me any time.I love the fish on his headhe!he!LOl Galathil

Author Reply: He can go fishing for me, too. LOL! Glad you enjoyed this chapter, Galathil. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/10/2011
Hmmm. "Spoke with the King last night - it really sounds as f this emergency did not come as a surprise to Masrilla. That just makes me even more suspicious about just who she is. So was Carnimir instructed to dawdle and gossip with the fish seller to create a small emergency with the ingredients, or was that all his own idea?

Trust Glorfy to go fishing in a fountain and come out of it with something bigger than koi or goldfish!!

As for recipes - if you are going to do a "cookbook" perhaps this will give some inspiration: (Language warning, and don't eat or drink while reading),0,0,Ringo-John---Roast-Suckling-Damnbeast.pdf

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Hilarious recipe, but I don't think we need to go that far, unless you find yourself short of perch for the salomene, in which case, you should hie thee to a fountain or pool or even your bathtub and pray like crazy, especially if the markets are all closed. LOL!

I'm sure many readers have their suspicions about Marilla. We'll see just who she is (or isn't) before this story ends.

And no, Carnimir wasn't instructed to dawdle; he was utilizing proper bargaining techniques. You start out by gossiping and pretending you're not really interested in the item you wish to purchase and the merchant pretends he's not eager to sell the said item to you. It's a game that is played with relish through much of the world.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/10/2011
You made me hungry, and it is too early to eat here in California and I'm at work! what a great menu, and they say that it is a simple one. Now I wish that I can make Salomene and Venison custard.
I like that this chapeter has less drama. Love Glorfindel call for help and how much he is loved by the Valars, that even Ulmo will provide fish for him.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. All you have to do is go online and look up medieval recipes. There are several sites that will give you the recipes for these. And this story will have both comedy and drama, but this chapter is much lighter than the previous ones, for sure. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/10/2011
O Kay, just what is Atar Arafinwe up to? Could Amarie be coming a little early by chance?

By the way how are Finderato's wedding clothes coming along?

I always knew Ulmo had a weird sense of humor, bless the wily old Valar for getting Glorfindel his fish!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. We'll see in the next chapter what Atar Arafinwe is up to. As for Findarato's clothes, that remains to be seen. And Ulmo was always known for his love of the Elves and Mortals, more so than most of the other Valar, so it's not surprising that he lends a little help to one of his favorite elflings. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

elizaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/10/2011
***snort*** Fiondil, you are going to have to give warnings at the beginning of your chapters, I just snorted tea up my nose from trying to drink and laugh at the same time

Thank you for the lovely interlude. Glorifindal is such interesting character. showing humility, humor and impatience. very lovely soul.

PS, the menu sounds lovely, you're going to have to include recipes.

Author Reply: Sorry about that, Eliza. Now that you're forewarned... *grin*

Glad you enjoyed this chapter where Glorfindel shines. Perhaps as an appendix I will add recipes. We'll have to see.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/10/2011
Oh, the morning vision of the plaza being pelted with fresh-water fish and the final indignity of the one on Glorfindel's head. Lovely.

But lovelier still was Glorfindel's generosity and greatness of heart coming through when he made sure that the elleth had enough fish for her special meal. It is that aspect of your Glorfindel that makes everyone want to make sure of his success and happiness. A very nice bridging chapter.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. Glorfindel's generosity and greatness of heart are what makes him such a special ellon. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

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