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A Long-Expected Wedding  by Fiondil 18 Review(s)
ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/9/2013
Hi, here I am again, right on to your next story...

I'm I can read it when it is already completed, because this way, I could get my first laugh while looking over the table with the chapter titles.

Which only got louder as I read the first line. Now I will have the whole mammoth of an opening line from "Tale of Two Cities" buzzing around in my head for who knows how long, and it's your fault ;-)!

I like that you give the story a frame work, nestling it into the tale of another wedding, and Glorfindel as a witness to both.

Author Reply: And moving on.... LOL! You don't waste any time, do you?

This story is zany and lots of fun and simply wicked in what I put Finrod and Glorfindel and everyone else through before the wedding. I wrote this piece purely tongue-in-cheek. So, as a friend says, pop some pocorn, sit back and enjoy the show.

Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

TariReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/8/2011
Almariel a Balrog? How funny; I'd be laughting right along with them.

I was so excited to see a continuation of Elf Interupted and look forward to reading more. When do you find the time to do all this writing? This amazes me.

Author Reply: Hi Tari. Glad you found this story and are excited about it. I hope you enjoy it. As to where do I find the time... as in anything in life that is important, I make time. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/30/2011
Ah, but they are all to suffer from a good deal of mischief, I predict! Heh!

Author Reply: And your prediction would be quite true, Larner, as you will see in upcoming chapters. *grin*

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/24/2011
Bane of Námo's existence, indeed! That poor Vala must have been near a nervous breakdown ;)

Was snickering through half of the chapter, as it brought back so many memories of 'Elf Interrupted'. Tea with a balrog and all that. Not to mention all the warnings that hint at Glorfindel's immaturity at the time – if that's not promising havoc, then I don't know what does.

After this beginning, I suspect Glorfindel will have to spend the next few weeks telling his friends all about the time when he was released from Mandos and drove Kings, Valars and everyone to distraction :)

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. I suspect you're right about that. Oh well, it will keep everyone amused as they journey back home. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/10/2011
*squeals* I'm finally getting to hear the story of The Wedding! :D Yay! I wonder what'll happen next Wednesday...I don't have much specific to say about this chapter other than incoherent squeals of 'I love it, I love it I love it,' but this bit really stood out...

"...In fact, Finrod, Sador and I even called each other ‘hanar’ rather than ‘gwador’."

Eyebrows went up again. Galadriel gave him a haughty look that was ruined by the glimmer of humor in her eyes. "Well, if you think you can call me ‘neth’, you are sorely mistaken."

Everyone was grinning. Glorfindel glanced at Celeborn sitting next to his wife and saw how the ellon was trying hard not to laugh. Then he looked at Galadriel still sitting there imperiously and leaned forward, whispering very loudly, "Neth, neth, neth."

Now everyone was laughing, or at least the Elves from Imladris; those from Lothlórien were stifling their humor, knowing they would have to travel back home with their Lady and they did not want to incur her displeasure. Glorfindel leaned back with a smirk, as if he’d scored a particular point in a game, and took a sip of his wine. Galadriel, to her credit, refused to be baited. "So you were saying... hanar?"


(It also raised the question...what about 'muindor' and 'muinthel', which I thought were the Sindarin words for blood brother and sister? I thought 'neth' meant 'young' in Sindarin? And what's the Quenya for 'sister', exactly? I know "my sister" is 'nesanya', but is it just 'nes'? Or something else?)



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. I'm glad you enjoyed this first chapter, especially the interplay between Glorfindel and Galadriel. It's my favorite part of the chapter, too.

To answer your question concerning 'brother' and 'sister': _muindor_ and _muinthel_ were the old words (properly Noldorin a precursor of Sindarin) that Tolkien gave for 'brother' and 'sister', respectively. [In Quenya the words were _toron_ 'brother' and _seler_ 'sister.] But towards the end of his life he gave _hanar_ and _neth_ (_háno_ and _nésa_ in Quenya, respectively) without necessarily stating that the older words for 'brother' and 'sister' were no longer valid; they simply could be dialectal variations. I prefer to use the later forms of these words, at least in my later stories; in my earlier stories I probably still use _muindor_ and haven't gone back to update them. And you were close about the word for 'young', which in Sindarin is _nîth_. So,'my sister' is _nésa_ + _-nya_ (first person singular possessive suffix).

Hopefully this clears things up for you.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

AlquawendeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/9/2011
I've been lurking around for a while and been rather derelict in reviewing stories. Apologies! I've really enjoyed In Darkness Bound so far. It's wonderful to read a story take place in a time most writers don't write of, and also oft ignored characters and people.

Anyways, back to this story. I'm just elated that you've started the story about their wedding. It was such a surprise and just made my day. I cannot wait to read what you have in store for the characters, and how the wedding will turn out.

I like how you named the chapters. Do you or have you read a lot of Victorian fantasy fiction? The tone, which I like very much, reminds me of what I've heard of Lord Dunsany's fiction, and what I've read, especially Neil Gaiman's Stardust and Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle.

Author Reply: Hello, Alquawende. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying "Darkness" and I'm glad to know that you are elated to be reading this story. As for the chapter titles go, I read (and loved) Lord Dunsany, and wihle I've not read a lot of Victorian fantasy fiction, I have read Jules Verne and some others. I wasn't consciously thinking of them when I decided on the chapter title format, I just thought it would be fun to use this particular format for the chapter titles and you will see in subsequent chapters how funny some of them are.

Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

ELIZA61Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/9/2011
Oh God lord, a teenage Glorifindal run amok! I like everyone else at the table can't wait to hear the rest of this story.

Great begining Fiondil

Author Reply: Thanks, Eliza. I'm glad you enjoyed this first chapter and are looking forward to reading more. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/9/2011
Wedding shennanigens *glee* I wonder if I should start feeling sorry for poor Finrod *now* or wait until we see what sort of chaos Glorfindel & Sador will cause?

Author Reply: Hi Bookworm. Oh, I imagine you can start feeling sorry for Finrod now; he and Glorfindel don't waste any time getting into trouble, as you will see soon enough. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/8/2011
Fiondil, that squeal of delight followed by loud laughter coming from the southwest of you was me. :)

I've been thinking about going back to re-read EI and EI2 as well as Elf Academy in order to get my Glorfindel fix; and so it was such a nice surprise to find this opening chapter in my email inbox when I got home from the kids' Wednesday night church activities. After reading the Darkening chapter (I'm slowly catching up on them as time allows), this confection was just what I needed to lift my spirits.

I love how Glorfindel poked fun at himself with the comments about his maturity when he'd been released from Mandos and Lorien. BTW, I really liked the little interplay between him and Mithrandir. It seems appropriate to ask permission to share what he did about Mandos and Lorien.

I'm sure that the forthcoming chapters will give us the opportunity to see the mayhem that is the production of a wedding extravaganza in all of it's glory. With the key players involved along with Glorfindel, I'm sure that there will be moments when Finrod and Amarie will wish that they could simply elope. :)

Thanks for the gift of a new story! It's going to be great to go back to Aman to watch the fun.


Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. I'm glad this little chapter lifted your spirits and you enjoyed the interplay between certain characters. The Darkening story is pretty depressing, I know, so hopefully, having this little confection to look forward to each week will make reading "Darkness" easier.

And one of my betas had the same thought as you: that Finrod and Amarie should probably just elope and be done with it. *grin*

Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate it very much.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/8/2011
Oh, what a delightful beginning to an epicly delightful tale! Time to settle in with the weekly popcorn and iced tea for what promises to be a story to remember...

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. I'm glad you think so. And popcorn and iced tea sound pretty good. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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