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The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored  by Henna Gamgee 9 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 53 on 5/27/2007
And we know what came of that ambition and bitterness, after all.

Interesting situation here.

BakonekoReviewed Chapter: 53 on 1/4/2007
I'm so glad you've started writing this again! Now I have to go back and reread all the edited chapters. =) I love your Making of a Ringbearer tales. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Author Reply: Thank you so much for reading, and especially for reviewing!

TatharReviewed Chapter: 53 on 1/3/2007
Eeeeek, I forgot to leave a review!!! Shame on me. And after you finally updated, too!!! *hangs, er, branches in shame*

Anyway, you can probably already guess how much I loved this chapter, and why. ;D Lotho-Frodo confrontations, Frodo standing his ground against the S-Bs, and of COURSE Folco. Aw, Willow's out of town, eh? So sorry, Folco dear. I'm sure she'll be back soon. *makes Daisy face and cackles*

*ahem* Um, if I seem more inane than usual it is because (a) I just got to talk to you for a bit on AIM *finally*, and (b) I had a LOT of caffeine today. Apparently it's not quite out of my system yet. @_@

And I don't know if I'll have time to reread all 52 updated chapters (good grief, I can't believe YOU had time to edit them all!), at least not right now. But I'm sure I'll have a hobbity mood at some point (when I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork or something, most likely) and just sit down and at least read some of them. Not that I'll remember what's been changed, of course, but I could probably do with a review. :P

At any rate, this was an excellent chapter to update with after such a long hiatus, Commander! I commend you, although I was hardly expecting anything less. ;) And yaay, now I have an excuse to nag you horribly until you update again! *cackles some more*

*gravely hugs and salutes*

*runs off cackling*

Author Reply: *gravely returns hugs and salutes*

How sad is it that not only did I forget to reply to your review, but that I don't even remember the chapter you reviewed?! :-\ Very, that's how sad. :P Anyway, I wish to thank you, Lutnant, for your extremely diligent reviewing. Re-reading the edited chapters is not necessary; that's for when you're an elderly Admiral and have forgotten this story even existed. ;)

*nods gravely*

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 53 on 1/3/2007
YEAH!!!!! I'm so very happy to see you're finally continuing this again! This series is one of my favorites and I've been dying to know if my suspicion of where the list to Bilbo's witnesses is correct. :D

I hope you don't take this the wrong way as I mean it to be complimentary, but this chapter in particular reminded me of Harry Potter and the Dursley's awful treatment of him. Otho, Lobelia, and Lotho are so nasty towards Frodo--they reminded me very much of Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley from HP. Poor Frodo, bless him for being brave and sticking it out with the SBs when he could go to Buckland or Tookland. I certainly hope Bilbo comes home soon and relieves his heir of this stressful situation.

Very much looking forward to more of this tale, Obelia medusa!


Author Reply: Ah yes, Harry Potter. :) The whole LOTR universe/story reminds me of HP, actually. I can only assume that J.K. Rowling took a lot of her inspiration from Tolkien. I never meant for the S-B's to fill the Dursley role, but it just sort of happened. ;) Thanks for reading, and especially for commenting!

AltheaReviewed Chapter: 53 on 12/31/2006
I am so glad that you are continuing this story. I've had a lovely time cathching up with all that has gone on before. I'm looking forward to reading more. I feel very sorry for Frodo having to live with the S-B's. I'm so glad that the Gamgees are there for him and hope that Frodo finds a copy of Bilbo's will soon.

Author Reply: Thanks for reading! I wouldn't dream of abandoning Frodo to the S-B's for all time. The show must go on!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 53 on 12/31/2006
I'm so glad to see an update for this! I was afraid you had abandoned it and that poor Frodo would be stuck living with the S-Bs forever. Lotho is so despicable, but with parents like his its not too hard to understand why he is the way he is. Too bad he couldn't have taken some pointers from Frodo and learned to be compassionate and friendly towards others. I surely hope that Bilbo gets back soon, or that Frodo finds that will!

Author Reply: I felt especially bad about leaving Frodo stuck with the S-B's all this time... Thanks for your patience! :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 53 on 12/29/2006
Yay, I'm so glad you're planning to finish this.

One high point of those dark days was the Gamgee family. Without their steadfast loyalty and concern, Frodo’s days would have been darker indeed.

Awwww. I certainly hope Bilbo's on his way back!

Author Reply: He'll get there, fear not! :) Might be awhile, though.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 53 on 12/29/2006
Oh my! This chapter was definitely worth the wait! Now I'm wondering why Lobelia is so certain Bilbo is not coming back? Have she and Otho made arrangements to waylay him and prevent his return?

And what a foreshadowing of what will come when Lotho does finally get his hands on Bag End! Poor Frodo--a good thing he has friends like Fatty and Folco! And I hope his Brandybuck relations get wind of what's going on!

Dear me! I do hope we don't have to wait quite so long for another update!

Author Reply: Whew, only a slightly-more-than-two-week wait this time. Just call me Obelia "kind of speedy" Medusa. ;)

I do enjoy foreshadowing, even when we all know what's going to happen with Lotho. And I believe we will hear from the Brandybucks in the next chapter. Thank you for your patience! :)

middlepigletReviewed Chapter: 53 on 12/29/2006
What a wonderful treat it was to open up Stories OF Arda and find this update,
I have enjoyed this tale very much. Can't wait for Bilbo to come home and deal with those nasty S&B's, What a chapter that will make.

Author Reply: You'll have to wait awhile for that chapter I'm afraid, but hopefully it will be worth it. Thanks for reading! :)

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