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The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored  by Henna Gamgee 8 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 43 on 5/25/2007
The idea of being forced to accept tea from Lobelia would sicken me, I fear, and I'd be chary of eating or drinking anything she provided.

So, she's wanting a good word put in with Bilbo, is she? And what are she and Otho after--another loan?

lmwReviewed Chapter: 43 on 1/22/2005
I just found your stories the other day - thank goodness it's the weekend, so I have more time to just sit and read! I really enjoyed part 1, and was very glad to know there was a part 2 in progress. While I loved tLotR, I realy love the 'pre' fiction - young everybody! You write a terrific story, well thought out and consistent in character/interaction. And it's interesting to read! I can't wait to see what happens next. I like how you build Frodo and Sam's friendship - which becomes so important later in their lives. Talent - pure talent!

Author Reply: Thank you so much! :) *blushes* I'm a big 'pre' fiction fan, too (as I'm sure you can tell). So many interesting and complicated things happen between the characters in LOTR, I can't help but wonder how they got to that point.

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 43 on 1/9/2005
LOL! Oh, I have to say that I loved Lobelia's reaction to Frodo's statement about Hamson's wedding! Of course, I also loved Frodo's reaction to her sweetness. He was like a fish flopping out of the water! I hope you can give us another chapter soon (hint hint);)

Author Reply: Heh heh. Well, I got to thinking that Lobelia has probably tried every kind of nastiness in the book--but how would she handle trying to be nice? Not well, of coruse. ;)

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/28/2004
Oi! Two encounters with the S-Bs in one day! Frodo handled himself very well in both such dire situations. I particularly liked his encounter with Lotho. He really has learned how to keep himself under control and exactly how to respond to the cretin. But this has to be my favorite line, “Ugh!” Frodo exclaimed. He wiped his cheek with his sleeve, shuddering at the thought of being kissed by Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, of all people, and trotted on down the road at a rapid pace.

Wonderful chapter!

Author Reply: Hee hee, thank you! It's a good thing Frodo has learned to handle the S-B's, considering how I keep throwing them at him... ;)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/28/2004
This is a very interesting chapter indeed. I am sure that Fatty is soon to be thoroughly disillusioned of Lotho, since we know that by the time of the Quest he is once more among Frodo's closest inner circle.

And a *friendly* Lobelia? She's so awful at it--it's no wonder Frodo found her scarier that way! Rudeness suits her better! LOL! Whatever bee has she got in her bonnet now? Something to do with the Fair I am sure.

I do like the way this chapter portrays the young Frodo--with his own little circle of friends, and though he *does* like to spend time alone with the books, he's not nearly the outcast loner that a lot of fics like to show. Very nice!

Author Reply: Well, thank you! I've never liked the outcast loner take on Frodo... I always thought he seemed to have a fair number of friends and be generally well-regarded, in the books.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/27/2004
You've given Frodo such wonderful friends! But what a shame that Fatty has fallen away from his former playmates.

And ooooh, your Sackville-Bagginses are wonderful. I like how you distinguish between pettiness (Lobelia) and cruelty (Lotho).

Author Reply: Well, thank you. I do put a lot of thought into my Frodo-tormenting characters... 0:-) Makes the Frodo-tormenting more believable, I find. *whistles innocently*

esamenReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/27/2004
Yay! Yay! (Dances around computer) A new chapter of Anchored! And this one's better than ever! I was worried that you had left, never to return.

This is GREAT. I can just see the expressions flitting across Frodo's face as he spends time with friends and foes. Ooo, that Lotho is so nasty . . . he's going to do something bad to our hero, right? and Fatty is going to have to come to his senses sooner or later, right? And poor Frodo is going to end up passed out and being cared for by Bilbo and Sam? Oh, that would be the best Christmas gift ever. Meanwhile, I'm just looking forward to the next conversation between Bilbo and Frodo in Bag End's kitchen. Are you going to include an illustration of tiny food? I can smell supper cooking already.

Merry Christmas, and thank you, wonderful Obelia . . . My best wishes to you for a great winter vacation, and many happy hours spent visiting Middle-earth . . . I do hope that you grace us with a huge helping of your own imimitable Frodo-Bilbo h/c. No one does it as well as you. I just love that good old-fashioned bedside manner. It makes me smile all over.

Love across cyberspace, and please update soon,


Author Reply: Oopsie, I didn't realize I never replied to these ones! :-O Lovely to hear from you, as always. :) Fear not! I have no plans for leaving-and-never-returning. What would I do without my (sort of) monthly hobbit-writing fix?! Grad school would drive me insane, that's what. And yes, Lotho has plenty of nastiness in store for our hero. And actually, there will be some h/c that may please you in ch. 46 or so...

esamenReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/27/2004

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