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From Wilderness to Cities White  by Larner 2 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 40 on 11/17/2013
And his kinsman will remain with him also as the beloved dead do. Indeed he will never be alone.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Halbarad must have been most satisfied to know that although he must leave Aragorn's immediate corporeal company, still another would be there to serve much the same role for the one who soon would be the King Halbarad had seen him as for so long. No, never would Aragorn be alone, for his kinsman's love would never abandon him in spite of Halbarad's death, and now so many are come into the household of the King Elessar to remind him that he is indeed loved always.

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 40 on 11/17/2013
What a lovely snapshot of a moment along Aragorn's journey of grief over Halbarad's death. I can just imagine Halbarad whispering that in Aragorn's heart (and him wishing perhaps he could give Aragorn a gentle slap on the back of the head, for emphasis!)

Author Reply: Oh, but the thought of Halbarad giving Aragorn a Gibbsian head-slap is delightful. And I'm certain he would, given the chance. Halbarad's love and support will never abandon him, and others will be there to give the tangible proofs that he is worthy of the lordship granted him now.

Thanks so, Cairistiona!

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