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From Wilderness to Cities White  by Larner 2 Review(s)
PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/2/2015
Intriguing points of view and lovely fic to expand upon what others may have thought of Beregond's actions.

Author Reply: How hard it must have been for Beregond's superiors to figure out how he should be treated until his case could be heard.

Thank you so!

TeresaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/25/2011
This was an excellent fleshing out of that incident! I'd always wished that Tolkien had described what happened afterwards in detail; and your vignette paints it so vividly. I felt so sorry for all of them, caught up in such a terrible situation by Denethor's actions. Sigh...... if he had only waited to find out the entire truth! Denethor's actions caused so much pain; not only to his family, but to others. Poor Halagil! He and Beregond were caught up in something that might have been avoided if Denethor hadn't been so obsessed by the palantir and the Ring. Add in Denethor's grief over Boromir and his actions towards Faramir and his madness is understandable. But I know that in his right mind he would have thanked Beregond for saving his son. Thanks again for adding another fantastic glimspe of Middle Earth for the rest of us! :)

Author Reply: Thanks so very much, Teresa. I'd been wanting to visit this topic for a while, and with the choice I made for the January "Potluck" challenge to look at equal and opposing duties, I found I finally had the reason to do so. Sauron managed to wreak havoc within the seats of power within Gondor without any of his creatures actually having set foot there, and it's fascinating how he did so! Now two more lives are in the balance because of Denethor's descent into despair, I fear. But I do hope indeed that you are right, and returned to his right mind he would have thanked Beregond for saving Faramir's life.

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