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Hollow Victory  by Kara's Aunty 6 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/4/2013
I can certainly appreciate just how hurt Sam feels right now. Frodo is in the midst of his own guilt and is taking much of it out on Sam, of course. Both indeed need to talk out what they've been through, although it's going to be like finding hen's teeth merely to pull at this point to get reason and rationality out of Frodo Baggins.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/27/2012
Oh, this is not good. I understand why Frodo freaked out, at least I think I do, because he's stressed out and speaking from love and worry. He's so angry at himself for what happened at the Fire and hates himself for that and doesn't know how to deal with it. His sense of shame is so great and sense of self-worth so low it's somewhere in the depths of Moria. Such would be the case of a rape victim which he is, if not physically. And Sam is not much better off feeling so helpless and useless. I do love the part of Aragorn and Eomer helping at the feast. I hope things will work out once our dears have the time and privacy to talk it out and get over their fear of saying too much as Merry calls it. I don't think they would like to do it in public, even among friends, but we shall see, shan't we? Even if they have to yell at each other and really mean it and then realize what is underneath - pain, shame, regret, and indeed love - then they can collapse in each other's arms, the infection drained and they can then work on closing the wounds together. But I am getting ahead of myself and have no time alas to read the next chapter to find out if any of my speculation is right. Hopefully over the weekend I will. I have been so looking forward to reading more!

Namarie, God bless, Your happy and anxious to read more Tookish berry :)

P.S. Dad will start dialysis probably next month. He's doing all right. Keep praying though and many thanks for it!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/25/2012
This must be very hard to accept, that suddenly Frodo is acting as if he is a master rather than a friend and near-brother. But this possibility is even more traumatic, it seems, than the original, and has left both Frodo and Sam even more scarred emotionally as well as physically.

Author Reply: Hello Larner,

you may be right. There's probably a good reason for Frodo's behaviour though, if only Sam knew what it was ...

Thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

robbieReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/23/2012
I want moooore! To see the two of them that distraught...
Brilliantly written. I can see it in my head, all the necessary details given.

Author Reply: Hello Robbie,

your wish is my command ...

Thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/23/2012
This is really unsettling, sad and mysterious. I find it gripping. I especially liked Sam's revulsion at wearing the clothes they wore in Mordor. That part of the book always strikes me as rather cruel.

Author Reply: Hello Linda,

I know what you mean about the clothes: the symbolism in the gesture is clear, but it still seems rather thoughtless of Gandalf to have made them wear them.

Glad you're enjoying the story so far, and thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/22/2012
The smell of green things growing filled his nostrils, and the familiar scent was almost heady in its intoxication, so delightfully normal and undemanding.

How lovely, and what a marvelous tale. But oh, dear Sam! My heart aches for him, and for Frodo, and for their friends who must watch this painful period before healing can begin.

Author Reply: Hello shirebound,

yes, indeed. It must be rather unnatural to see Frodo losing his rag with Sam and -shocker - Sam sniping back at him. But poor Merry, and Pip: it may get worse before it gets better, because the Ring-bearers have a lot of issues to chew over ...

Thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

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