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The Making of a Ringbearer III: Aweigh  by Henna Gamgee 9 Review(s)
BakonekoReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/4/2016
I love this whole seties so much. It's been a couple of years since I came back and reread it, and it's always a treat. Hoping that one day there will be more chapters so we can make sure Frodo and Henna will be all right! (I mean, obviously, with Frodo, but I still want to see how things will progress.) Love all the Gamgees, love the Brandybucks and the Tooks, and even the Sackville-Bagginses - in a "love to hate them" sort of way!

I know how hard it can be to return to old writing, but I will keep hope alive and keep watching my alerts! Hope that life is treating you well!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/5/2016
I'm sad that this isn't finished, but even so, it was so worth the read. I have really enjoyed this series -- it has been just what I was hoping for when I started it. Thanks so much for writing!

BitsayReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/13/2014
I have read all three of the Making of a Ringbearer series and they are exceptionally entertaining! Well crafted and the 'voices' of the characters are really true. Thank you so much for the mnay hours of entertainment you have given me and ai do hope you will be finishing 'Aweigh' very soon! Please, please, please, please!

EefReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/4/2013
Are you still writing about this? I'm awful ashamed I only recently discovered your work. I can seem to get enough of Tolkien-lore, or Lord of the Rings-lore, to be exact, these months. I have been restless, and restless still: almost disturbed that the enthusiasm will ward off with time, and I personally don't want that; I relish Professor Tolkien's works with high heart, so I am currently indulging in some 'fanfiction' as they are called, which are, almost tied to the book's plot formula. And it has been hard and exhausting search, 'cause I may say so, most of them are just to satisfy the 'fan'- nature of the most dedicated and passionate readers, and I find their plots too much of an exaggeration of the story. But so far, I have read a couple most decent, but from time to time can still make me... well... wince; I may be a bit prejudiced because we all have our preferences, but that is always a woe of a reader. And by my likes so far, yours seem to fit the best, and I just don't mean that out of my great adoration for your writing style, but also, you have kept the essence of every character rightfully. Especially Sam Gamgee's; I could feel the taylor of his character development very similar to Tolkien's expression of his Sam in his letters, and I would very much love to read more of this development in the future chapters. I also loved Merry and Pippin's, and oh, the rest of the bunch! Even those trivial characters! I do like your straightforward approach with the writing style and take on their personality profiles, and I am most thankful of yout craft and effort! But admittedly, I miss the two veteran folks in your earlier chronicles, those are Gandalf and Bilbo. I became even more fond of the elder hobbit because of you! Though I am sure you are just doing what an amicable writer should, and that is to keep a firm noose on their original nature as was reflected from the books. I also loved Gandalf passing in and out of their lives, then turning up once more, in a most unexpected time! I hope I should read about them again, even just glimpses. Oh well, I will leave that to you! Thank you so much again, and I hope I am not causing some inconvenience. I also apologise if my english can be a little about the bush, or altogether vague and confusing; it's not my first language you see, but no mqtter; just want to drop my cents off your table before you start writing again. Take care and God speed my good fellow!

LuthorielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/23/2013
I've really enjoyed reading this series. I'm guessing that Frodo is going to get sick again, so maybe after he recovers he should go into the Old Forest. In the Fellowship of the Ring, Merry mentioned Frodo going into the Old Forest.

BakonekoReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/11/2013
I'm so glad you're continuing with this story, as it's always such a treat to get a notification about a new chapter. And I am so in love with your Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, the other Gamgees, and just all the characters. More domestic adventures, please!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/29/2012
Thank you for such a lovely birthday mathom! It's delightful!

I like this look at a Frodo left on his own for a change--it had to have happened, and more than once in seventeen years! But it's seldom mentioned or written of. (We hobbit enthusiasts tend to prefer interaction.)

I do hope that Henna pulls through.

And Merry the mushroom enthusiast! I love it!

And also, pardon my nosiness, but it looks to me like there is a little foreshadowing of some Frodo h/c coming down the pike?

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/29/2012
“I came to say good-by, and to ask if there is anything I can do to help.” He knew the Gamgees would never accept his money, but occasionally he could persuade them to accept some other form of aid.

Bell looked at the young gentlehobbit fondly and gave his arm a squeeze.

It's little details like that that give your story such a homey feel.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/29/2012
Merry's getting along well. And I fear that Frodo is becoming ill, poor lad!

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