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Rise Again From Ashes  by Independence1776 2 Review(s)
MajorankaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/9/2010
Hi, I've just come across your story and I'm absolutely blown away. The story idea itself is great, and you did a very good job of writing it. This is one of the rare finds that are not only written well, but also fit believably in Tolkien's world. Overall I think you managed to portray both Elrond's and Maglor's characters very realistically. I know how difficult it is to write emotionally charged scenes, to strike that perfect balance between conveying the powerful emotions and avoiding mushy over-the-top moments. For me, especially the meeting with Eärendil was very well written. Maglor's reaction to seeing a Silmaril - fear - rang very true to me. Elrond is great as well and it is interesting - and sometimes funny - to see him being , in fact, the father figure to Maglor here.

If I am allowed to make just one nitpick, I feel that at times Maglor's fear of physical harm is a bit exaggerated, especially in the last chapter. In my humble opinion, he has endured too much in his life to be afraid of being beaten up - because this is, I would think, the worst thing that most people in Valinor would dare to do to him, physically. Moreover, he feels he deserves punishment, so I believe he would be too ashamed to place a condition of "do not hurt me" for meeting a friend whom he has killed (or to wish he could sic his dog on said friend) :-) However, this is just my personal view of the character and I understand that others may see him differently. I am enjoying your story very much nevertheless.

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, and to seeing more of Valinor politics, family tensions and awkward reunions. Thank you so much for writing this.

Author Reply: Thank you so much. Your review brought a huge smile to my face. I love that you thought the meeting with Eärendil rang true-- that was the most emotionally draining scene of the story to write.

I love nitpicks and concrit! Maglor's fear, I think, is reasonable, but he also suffers from an anxiety disorder, something I never explicitly mention. However, your opinion has a lot of merit as well, so thank you for telling me. :)

Thank you for reading it! :D

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/7/2010
A chapter, and interaction, that manages to be humorous and sad and profound all at once. Maglor is doing very well, considering the misery that he knows he has caused - accepting forgiveness isn't always easy.

Author Reply: Thank you! No, accepting forgiveness isn't easy.

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