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Rise Again From Ashes  by Independence1776 4 Review(s)
Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/5/2010
A dog - what a perfect solution. It will allow Maglor his privacy, yet guard him unto death. I can see Maglor enjoying his own personal Huan - following in his brother's footsteps, in essence. I can't wait for the next chapter...

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: He is the perfect solution, isn't he? I'm glad you're enjoying this.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/2/2010
Maglor gets a dog - yaaaay! Having a dog to protect him and for him to care for will do Maglor good.

More chapters soon, I hope!

Author Reply: Yes, yes it will. Maglor needs unconditional love right now.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/1/2010
Not such a bad idea, plus he will be company and he will get him up and moving in the morning, animals being what they are and demading breakfast on time!

Author Reply: And dinner and treats... :D

I'm glad you're enjoying this!

AngwenReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/1/2010
Yay, an author who gave Glorfindel a wife! Woo hoo! And Maglor getting himself a rescue dog. Greatness! My cockers & I approve. Nicely written & engaging.

One thing you could consider giving them is solar-powered tech. Small hand-held devices can be charged in the sun from a backpack now. Those elves on their bikes need MP3 players. ^_^ And who's to say that they can't tap into the satellites that provide the internet in Valinor... With all his papers in the floor, poor Elrond needs an iPad. It would make sense for them to have scanned the pages of their more ancient texts into e-readers to keep the originals protected.

On your airplane issue; to avoid the electricity thing, perhaps all that sort of tech is done on Earth proper and they just keep a light maintenance bay in Valinor? And maybe there are planes in Valinor at all because someone came West in one, so it wasn't manufactured there - maybe somebody really adventurous like Gildor or one of those that disappeared or had unknown fate - Nimrodel, or something? The Twins could have conceivably built gliders already, so stepping up to a cessna someone brought over & taught them to fly wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

I been thinkin' about that one... ^_^ Awesomely engaging tale! Makin' me think and such! Can't wait for Maglor to be reunited with his wife. What do you say to a man who walked out on you like 10,000 years ago (or whatever)? He may want to duck...

Author Reply: Glorfindel needs someone!

I actually hadn't thought of Tirn as a rescue dog, but it makes sense. (My dog is a rescue dog, and any future dog I'll get will be. I may want a purebred, but I've honestly never considered a breeder-- mostly because I don't want a puppy, but also because there are a lot of dogs out there who need homes.)

Solar-powered tech is a bit far from their tech levels how I invision them in RAFA. (I think it's about 1900s-ish.) But if I write more in the future, I'm definitely going to use it. As for the airplane: that's a *very* good idea. (Heck, one of the twins could have brought it over.) Thank you!

I'm glad I'm making you think! As for what his wife will do, you'll just have to wait. :P

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