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The Hunting Trip  by Ithilien 10 Review(s)
Thundera TigerReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/16/2003
Ithilien, what a silly question! Of course I'm going to try to review every chapter. It wouldn't be fair to you or the story if I didn't because this story has captivated me like no other. Absolutely outstanding, compelling, mind-boggling, congealing, etc., etc., etc. And congrats to you, too, on the MPA awards. You more than deserve it!

Right, then, let's hit this Chapter 43! (Incidentally, were you aware that the entire chapter is in italics? Thought you might to know. It was a little bizarre.) Anyway...

This chapter opens with a brilliant piece of humor by Aragorn, and one that I'm insanely jealous of. I wish I'd thought of it! But anyway, Aragorn's musings on whether or not Elladan, Elrohir, and Legolas only pretended to talk to forest creatures was absolutely hilarious. For some reason, it really got to me when I read it, and it's so in character that I have a hard time imagining the canon without it.

The scene then changes into something very...quiet, for lack of a better word. The description of the running water is a very soothing one, for all its ethereal quality. Maybe it's because I've always been drawn to running water, but regardless, the conversation between Aragorn, Faramir, and Gimli seemed to continue this mood of quiet. There's tension, but it's not running as thick as it could be. Rather it's a time for introspection. Like the deep breath before the plunge when you wonder how long you can really stay underwater. It's not tension but preparation. It's not silent, but it is quiet. I have no idea if I'm making any sense, but in the end, I guess the important thing is that I LOVED this part primarily for the mood. Your dead-on characterizations and wonderful command of language made it all the more enjoyable, and it was...well, quiet. And then the quiet breaks by the arrival of Arwen, dogs, men, and elves. It's a great scene of things coming together, and it's a wonderful conclusion to the quiet introspection.

Next up, the scene with Kattica and Eowyn also struck me as quiet, but it's a different sort of quiet. Before, it was a quiet between friends who are concerned but are themselves in no immediate danger. That's changed now, and the breath before the plunge is for a much deeper plunge. More is riding here, and it's amazing how you bring that to light with simple phrasing and descriptions. I was incredibly relieved that Eowyn and Kattica seemed to reach an understanding, but Legolas's condition worried me to no end. I was also concerned because Mattias wasn't given a voice in this chapter, and that didn't sit well with me. It's these little tidbits of tension you add that allow the chapter to go from quiet, to tense quiet, and then to the final scene, which was brilliant.

But before that, we sidetrack to Gimli. I love the fact that you got him up a tree. I've never convinced him to do that myself, but you've put him a situation that requires it. And it's marvelous! I love his musings, and I love how this seems to put a pause on the entire chapter. If we were taking the plunge-breath before, we've not reached the hitch just before the dive. Wonderful build, and then we get the last scene.

It was like a repeat of the build the chapter had been doing, only much faster. Kattica starts out quiet, then the tension starts to mount as Eowyn is positioned, and then the chanting starts up. It was an exhilerating moment because unknown words are starting to fly and Kattica is trying to give Gimli a signal of some sort (the plan begins to congeal in our minds) but Gordash is uncooperative and then Curtik is revealing himself to be a complete manifestation of Bala and...gyah! It makes for an exciting ride because everything happens at once. And the following chapters just keep that riding going. But more on that when I wander off to review them. Until then, thanks again for such a beautiful story! Out of curiosity, do you have anything in the works right now?

Author Reply: Gosh, far be it from me to hold one back from reviewing. Okay, *grin* you have my permission to go ahead if you so choose.

As to the question about stuff in the works -- oh yes, there is stuff in the works, if only I could find my muse. Randy. He wandered off after watching an episode of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" last week and I haven't seen him since. Rumor has it he's off shopping with Nightwing's muse, but I'd like to believe he's only out on a very long Starbuck's break (Those two! When they hit the stores together you don't want to see the Amex bill! Better it were just coffee and scones, believe me). I have a couple of short fics to do for birthday presents ahead, and then I have a short, three chapter AU that Lamiel has agreed to beta that focuses on a rather bad event within the Fellowship, and then a very lengthy post-ROTK epic that will be something huge like Hunting Trip, taking place in Fangorn and encompassing a history and adventure that parallels the life of Thranduil to Legolas. It promises to be rather scary and angst-filled, I think. The working title for the moment is "Dark Forest" and the soonest I will have that cooking is likely to be February. That alone should consume at least another year of my life. Oh, and I still mean to revamp some of my older stories and get them posted here too. Yeah, there's stuff going on. Now if only Randy would show.

I'll get the cleaning crew over to that mess in chapter 43. Thanks for pointing it out. *click* Italic clean-up in 43. Italic clean-up in 43. *click*

Thanks for the great review!

LittlefishReviewed Chapter: 43 on 12/11/2003
Yikes!!! Was this chapter loaded with whammies or what!? You certainly know how to play with a girls emotions. I went from being scared for Arwen, worried about Legolas, happy for Kattica, amused by Gimli, and finally scared for Kattica. Each section was masterfully written, of course, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The end is near now, and I am seriously shaking with the need to find out what is going to happen next! I have precisely half an hour until I have to go, and so I am going to keep this short so I can read on. But as always, this chapter was wonderfully done! You are so good. *Sherrie shakes head in wonder*

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 43 on 11/10/2003
Everytime I think that my favourite heroes are about to make the day, the evil authoress throws another obstacle in their way! At least Arwen prevailed against the dogs (or rather tamed them as it seems), and she managed to gather even more forces than they had hoped. Though without Kattica pulling off her part, I fear Henneth Annûn will be hard to take, not to mention the immediate threat that Kattica herself, Éowyn, Mattias and Legolas face. And Legolas does not trust Kattica to help him (other than Éowyn), and I cannot fault him for his lack of trust.

But as it seems I now dare hope that all will be revealed in the next chapter?

tapetum lucidumReviewed Chapter: 43 on 11/2/2003
I think I have one of their albums... Captain Planet - he's our hero...

Ok, Both Aragorn and I have lost it. He is talking to a squirrel. The only thing more unbelievable would be if Gimli climbed a tree. Waiting must be so hard, they are smart to forge ahead and get this resolved.

I knew Arwen could handle those dogs. I am glad the calvary finally arrived. They need to set up a better message system next trip.

Poor Eowyn - will she ever forgive herself for the mess they are in. Sea longing is far more dangerous than she realized. Eavesdropping is always dangerous. Kattica is sweet to reassure her. Who did this to poor Legolas? I didn't know it was this bad. You are truly evil. She is right, it is not his nature to give up.

Ok, the stage is set, everyone is in place, there are plans and counter plans. Everyone is trying to out manuver the other. This is getting really complicated and I REALLY want to know how it ends. Great job!

luinthienReviewed Chapter: 43 on 11/2/2003
Oh man!!! Not only do we get an update, but we're treated to 2 chapters!!!
This is soooo awesome!
You have woven such a intricate, beautiful, complicated, original story. The dedication and time and sweat and tears that you've poured into this story is truly evident. I'm sure that you have had a love-hate relationship with this story. But we readers are reaping the benefit of all of your hard work.
I believe this is absolutely the best story that I have come across. I am anxiously awaiting (but also dreading) the end to this wonderful story.
Keep up the excellent work!!!

IceAngelReviewed Chapter: 43 on 11/1/2003
You always seem to post just at the right time!
Yesterday I was on the point of sending you a desperation email telling you that gypsies are running round in my head and look! two chapters!! hehehe
Again I'm reviewing before I've read it - but I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful timing (maths exam tommorow, then lit, then IT, then chinese etc) so THANK YOU! I'm off to read!

NightwingReviewed Chapter: 43 on 11/1/2003
This is the meanest cliffie of all! Yipes! Gordash had better come through or I'll rip his lungs out.

Lovely descriptions of the beauty of the waterfall, and of the sunset and stars. You paint the picture very well that this is the night for the relationship of the celestial bodies to unleash power for those who know how to summon it.

All of the thoughts running through Eowyn's mind about her bringing the sea-longing to Legolas were quite interesting, especially the realization that she had enjoyed exerting control over him, much as Kattica had. Like you and me too,(and all the other authors) who happily seize the opportunity to affect and control him somehow. The endless fascination the beautiful elf has on mortal women!

I also thought it a very nice touch that Gimli put himself up a tree for the sake of his friend. He wants to see him so badly... a lovely glimpse of the depth of their friendship and the dwarf's emotional state right now. He's about to get a hell of an eyeful, too...

And now, it's time for some serious action. My sword is in my hand, let's do it!!

*~SuGaR~*Reviewed Chapter: 43 on 11/1/2003
awww...great...does nothing ever work as planned in this story?!?!? *sigh* and still no evil-witch least we know it will be happening soon...rite?...rite!?!?! Well, enough evil, scary things today. Hope you get Legolas up and about for the action. aww...just makes you wanna give him a big squeeze aside from the fact that that would probably be a bad thing considering his condition. Still clinging on to see the end!!! Bai and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!~


LamielReviewed Chapter: 43 on 10/31/2003
What a cliff-hanger! I knew things were going too well--when the soldiers arrived, it seemed set up for some other catastrophe. And Bregus is too strong, and too suspicious, to fall for Kattica's plan entirely. Bad things happening here, very bad. I do hope you can update again soon! I know, I know, two chapters at once is too great a gift to be asking for more already, but I can't help it. We're so close to the end--this is exciting!

I loved the opening with Aragorn talking to the squirrel, by the way. Hee hee! I used to convince my little sister that I could talk to our pet cats in the same way. Somehow I suspect that it might be more true for Elves, though.


tigerlily713Reviewed Chapter: 43 on 10/31/2003
Ah, but if it had all worked out perfectly, we wouldn't have need of another chapter! Great work, I look forward to more! ~Lily

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