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You Can Lead a Took to Water  by Lindelea 7 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2010
I know I squeed over this at LJ, but I had to re-read it here at SoA. And since I've had time to calm down from my initial state of gleeful hysteria, I had to tell you about the parts I loved most.

Like your opening:
The young hobbit was hardly frightened, here on his father's land, and he wasn't the kind who frightened easily, at any event. As a matter of fact, he was rather more inclined the other way, rather more bold and curious than was good for him. Or so his mother, a solid and steady Banks had been heard to say on more than one occasion.

To which his Tookish father would answer, after a shake of the head, that the lad was, after all, a Took, and descended from the Old Took himself, and so a little spirit was only to be expected.

To which the mother would sigh and observe that “a little spirit goes a long way.”

To which the father would heartily agree. It was why, more often than not, when Pip's older sisters or cousins were not keeping watch on him (he was, after all, only eight), Paladin was happy to set the lop-eared sheepdog on the task.

A perfect snapshot of the Took family dynamic, and of the young hobbit who'd one day grow up to be Sir Peregrin.

And this:
'Lop!' Pearl added her own shout, but beside her, Eglantine put her hand to her heart in sudden comprehension.

'It's Pip,' she gasped. 'Something's happened to Pip!' And she stretched out her hand to the dog.

At the repetition of the name he loved best, Lop stopped his barking and ran to Eglantine, seizing her hand between his teeth, though so gently as to make no mark, and tried to pull her after him.

I love Eglantine's mother's intuition here, and also, it's fun to see Lop "play Lassie". ( I suppose it would have been too funny-- and too difficult-- to have Robin down a well, LOL!)

I adore Lop-- I imagine him as a sort of border collie mix, much like the first dog my husband and I had years ago as newlyweds.

Thank you again for this bit of wonderful story!

Author Reply: Ah, lovely encouragement, and as I'm sure you know, quoting your favourite bits is great encouragement indeed!

It was delightful to chat with you today, and as you can see, I'm continuing the plan of updating the WIPs while working on finally finishing the one we discussed. (And then, dare I say, another? And hopefully another? Ah, well. Must take it one at a time, I suppose. Foot by foot...)

Belated thanks for this lovely review.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2010
Exciting, and I'm glad you found the time to be able to leave this (first part of a) tale with us! Lop was cute, brave, and had a ridiculous amount of Dog Sense of which I wholly approve. And I hope Pippin doesn't take a chill!--though he did the right thing in staying and making sure Robin doesn't drown.

Hoping to see more!

Author Reply: Writing time has been incredibly rare, the past few months years, but I'm hoping to be able to routinely add to stories now that the RL schedule has eased up a bit...

Much belated thanks!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2010
Great story! I think I remember Robin from your other stories. And I'm really curious to find out why and how he landed in the stream. Pippin's explanation is quite logical, but I think there's more to it.

I also like Lop who reminds me of a lop-eared dog my great aunt once had.

Last, but not least: Happy birthday to you :-)

Author Reply: Lop-eared dogs are something special. Belated thanks!

Nélindë GreycloakReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2010
Oh, so sweet! I've always wondered when it was that Pippin saved Robin, son of Jack-or Jack, son of Robin, depending which story you're reading.
Anyways, beautiful story.

Author Reply: Thank you (very belatedly, I'm sorry to say)!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2010
Ah--Robin! How wonderful to find him, and just in time! Now, to get him to warmth and safety--and now.

A most happy birthday, and DO check out the first offering in my new collection!

Author Reply: Bless you, and belated thanks for the encouraging words.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2010
Oh, what a lovely birthday gift to us! I love Lop, and his devotion to his "hobbit lambkin", and I'm quite in suspense to find out what's going to happen next.

Author Reply: Sorry to keep you in suspense for so very long! I am finally getting some writing time again, after too long away, and am finding there's a great deal of work to be done.


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2010
What a great chapter Lindelea. Thank you for your birthday present. Can't wait to find out what Robin is up to. and, 'What has he got in his packsies? We wonders, yes we does, precious!' *grin* Well I can probably make a good guess.

Author Reply: You're welcome! (Sorry for the long delay between chapters, and replies.)

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