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A Deck of Heroes  by Larner 7 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/18/2009
Sauraman's fall is so sad as he was once so great.

Author Reply: Saruman had forgotten his beginnings, I suspect, and now sought temporal power instead, in the end losing all he'd ever had that had made him great.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/14/2009
Saruman felt his heart twist within him, realizing he was now little better than those who followed in the train of Olórin.

And still there is that arrogance that forbids Saruman to join Gandalf and his followers. Gandalf had given him the chance to change sides, but he simply ignored it.

And that makes him lesser than all those around!

Author Reply: You are so right--his refusal to do what he knew was the right thing to do did indeed make him lesser than the lowest among those who accompanied Gandalf and Theoden or the Ents into Isengard. In his case, pride definitely preceded his fall.

EllynnReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/14/2009
Very interesting chapter and a great description of Gandalf and Saruman.

"Only he and Gandalf between them knew, however, that this act was but a show for the others, that there had been no power left within it for him to draw upon."
Very intriguing idea. I never remembered it before, but now that I look at it, it seems quite true.

Author Reply: I do not know if Tolkien himself saw Saruman's fall as I do, but I do believe it a plausible possibility. Thank you so very much, Ellynn.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/14/2009
So finally the realisation hit for Saruman what he has done and become ... Yes, now he's not much more than the mortals in Gandalf's company. He may still be immortal, but he's lost his power. Somehow very fitting that he lost what he craved most.

Author Reply: Oh, yes, indeed--the more he grasped for power, the more quickly that power slipped through his fingers.

Thank you so again, Kitty.

VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/14/2009
What a powerful scene! I liked the way the POV remained ambiguous throughout the piece; a good way to represent how their minds struggle with each other.

Author Reply: Thank you so, Virtuella! To realize he was no longer counted among the Istari and could no longer count upon the power of his former position held in his staff must have been quite the shock to Saruman, whether he lost it due to having wasted it as I postulat or due to the physical destruction of it as a reasonable alternative. Thanks so very much!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/13/2009
Oh my, what an encounter. What was seen on the outside was but a fraction of what was going on between these two beings.

Author Reply: I like to think that at the moment the two of them saw one another Maia to Maia. Saruman had spent almost all of his potential by this time, after all. The breaking of his staff was merely a formality, I suspect.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/13/2009
I think this confrontation between Gandalf and Saruman is my favorite of these so far!

Indeed, what Gandalf "said" to him silently sounded very Gandalfian! And the idea that Saruman's staff was now powerless is a good one!

I am enjoying these very much.

Author Reply: I'm so glad it does sound like Gandalf. Thanks for letting me know it worked! This must have been a shock to Saruman to realize just how low he had sunk.

Thanks so very much, Dreamflower. These have been so interesting to write!

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