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Of Elves, Men and Peredhil  by Rhyselle 6 Review(s)
CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/14/2009
And this one is really well done on the intellectual level. The way you used contractions in Dior's speech (word count or not) highlights both his stubbornness and his mortality.

Author Reply: *blush* Thank you! You know, I really hadn't consciously thought about the contractions; it's just way that his voice sounded in my head. :) I had noted that he wasn't using the "thee" and "thou" instead of "you" when he addressed Namo, but I figured that he was upset enough that his manners went out the window.

I really appreciate your reviews, Celeritas. You always give me something to think about!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/14/2009
Good for Dior - his strength of will and faith in his wife shine even in the shadowy halls of Mandos. Interesting idea to explore, I don't think any fanfic writer has yet broached the subject. Of course, Earendil and Elwing and their parents don't get as much play in fanfic as the Feanorians, which is a shame.

Author Reply: Yesterday or the day before I read a really excellent one about the Feanorian attack on Menegroth where Dior and Nimloth died. It was written by Clodia. The title is "Blood and Fire" and is posted here at SoA. A very different interpretation of Dior in personality from what I have in my head, but extremely well written and believable, IMO.

Thank you so much for reviewing my fics, Raksha. I really enjoy your works and I'm just tickled that you enjoy mine.

ninquestilmenReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/14/2009
Nice drabble!! I particularly enjoyed it coz' it fits right in with my interpretation of the story. I too think Dior as mortal, although my reasoning takes a different line.

Some 37-40 years pass from the re-birth of Luthien and Beren, and Dior's rise to ruling Doriath. Considering that he already had young children by that time, it's my interpretation that he grew swiftly as would a mortal. And so I like to think that he was destined to die as a mortal. Sadly, I'm a lover of tragic romance...

... but your ending is beginning to grow on me :)

Author Reply: Hello! Thank you for reviewing! I too, hold with him being Mortal because of the rapidity of his development as well. Had he developed as an Elf, he most certainly wouldn't have been matured to the point of fathering children by the time he'd reached 30 years old. It's just that my interpretation is that even Mortal feär pass to the West and Mandos to make their crossing of the Circles of the World to Eru, thus putting Dior right where I want him for this drabble. *grin* The idea of looking at the ages of the Half-Elven to determine mortality also fits in with Elwing and Earendil, who were about 30 years old when Elrond and Elros were born.

I appreciate your commentary and that you enjoyed the drabble.

ShemyazaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/14/2009
Just a small point on the fate of Dior Eluchil. He was the son of Beren and Luthien as I have no doubt you know, however he was the very first of the Peredhil, the very first half-elf and I have no doubt that if the rules of the Valar stretched to his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren, Elros and Elrond, they would also have applied to him. A great deal is made of the choice given to Elros and Elrond, but remember that their blood relationship was even a bit more diluted than Dior's was, given the bloodline of Luthien as being half-Eldar and half-Maiar and the fact that Earendil was also only half-elven since his father came from the race of Men.

I think under the circumstances that Dior would have been given the same sort of choice and I can't find anything to indicate that Tolkien intended anything different. I suppose it could be argued that his mother was half-elven herself given that her other half was Maiar, but I do believe he would still have been counted among the Eldar.

Author Reply: Hi! Thanks for reviewing.

There's a point of chronology here. As written, Manwe did not offer the Choice of the Peredhel until after Earendil and Elwing had brought the Silmaril to Valinor. I am using just the published text of THE SILMARILLION as the inspiration for these drabbles, and as written, Dior was born after Luthien was returned to Middle-earth as a Mortal. He was the son of two Mortals, even though his bloodline was mixed Elf, Mortal and Maiar. After the Choice, we see that the descendants of Elros were Mortals and did not have the Choice offered to them.

So my interpretation is that Dior was Mortal. There was no indication in the SILM that Nimloth ever was considered to have abandoned her Elvish fate. But since even Mortals must go through the Halls of Mandos to cross the Circles of the World, I figured, as I've written in the drabble, he would not have abandoned her to be alone until Arda was remade. This way, if he and she are stubborn enough, and stick it out in Mandos until the time that Earendil and Elwing's Choice occurs; then Dior and Nimloth will get to make their Choice as well.

I'm a mushy romantic. I don't like seeing people who love one another separated for an eternity.

I hope that despite your difference of opinion on the fate of Dior Eluchil that you liked the drabble anyway.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/13/2009
Namo has two stubborn ones to deal with, then! Heh! Quite the pair here!

Author Reply: :) Thanks for being such a faithful reviewer, Larner!

Yes, they are stubborn, but for a good reason. The nice thing about the SILM is that Professor Tolkien left so much to our imaginations that we can interpret the personalities and events in so many different ways.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/13/2009
I know Dior was Paredhil, did he choose to be counted as Secondborn then?

Author Reply: Thanks for reading and reviewing, Lynda. Please see my reply to Shemyaza as to what my feelings are about the Choice of the Peredhel in regards to those who lived and died before Earendil and Elwing brought the Silmaril to Valinor.

As far as which Choice Dior and Nimloth made if they were granted the opportunity, my muse hasn't told me yet. *grin*

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