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Gil-Estel  by Mirach 4 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/10/2009
I, too, rejoice that they all share this tale; all know that Earendil was there for all of them!

Very nice!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad that you rejoice with them!

InzilbethReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/8/2009
I'm seriously in awe of your writing here and I think this is my favourite chapter so far. And that's a most interesting question you've raised there about whether Estel was named after Gil-estel. Within the context of the story, he probably was, but I'm not so certain the names evolved that way. Even though Earendil was one of the earliest characters created, the name Gil-estel doesn't appear until 'The War of the Jewels' and then it's the third invention after Gil-Orrain and Gil-Amdir. And 'Estel' of course was initially 'Amin' in the early draft of the 'Tale of Aragorn and Arwen', so who can say which came first! But never mind my pedantic and completely irrelevant ramblings, all that matters is that this is a truly brilliant chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you very much, I'm glad that you liked it! Thank you for the explanation of ethymology, I didn't know that! I always like to learn something new about Aragorn =) So I know that the name didn't evolve this way now, but still I find it a strange coincidence, and I think that Tolkien was aware of it too, when he decided on the final form of both names.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/8/2009
Somewhere there should be a reward for this story, it is so very beautiful and original, never have I read another story like this, thankyou for sharing it. Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: *blushing* oh, thank you very much! It's reward enough that you like it! There will be one more chapter tomorrow, and then it ends and I will really miss it, I think...

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/8/2009
Another stunningly beautiful chapter--quiet, full of wonder and self discovery for Earendil. I think we can all relate to his worry that he isn't doing enough, isn't doing what he's supposed to. Doubt that we've made the wrong choices plague most of us, and it's good that Earendil at last sees the purpose to his life. It touches a bit on that "free will" vs "pre-ordained" debate... Earendil chose to sail when he did but at the same time, it's as thought Iluvatar knew that Earendil's light would be a beacon of hope sorely needed during these dark times. Very thought-provoking chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you! It seems that as the story progresses, I'm getting through angst and hurt/comfort to reflections... I'm glad that you enjoy this part, too. And yes, the great "free will" vs "pre-ordained" debate... it's interesting that you mention it, because there will be more about it tomorrow ;)

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