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The Well  by Independence1776 10 Review(s)
anonymouse (newly christened Maglor fangirl)Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/2/2020
Okay, I'm saying this in advance: sorry for the rambling 3 AM review.

But this is straight-up BEAUTIFUL! Tolkien and Christianity always subtly went hand in hand, but now they're prancing through the meadow holding hands! I LOVE IT!!!!

Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(I sincerely mean this: I hope what I have to say next will not diminish your enjoyment of the story. But I'm not interested in discussing this fic. I wrote it as literally the last gasp of my Catholicism over a decade ago. I'm now very happily Jewish.)

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/29/2010
This is a wonderful, wonderful story! I started reading your newest story and am enjoying that so I decided to see what else you had posted and I'm so glad I did. Very nicely done.

Author Reply: Thank you! :D I'm glad you liked RAFA enough to check to see what else I'd written. It's a huge compliment!

MîdhaerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/16/2009
Amazing. Short, simple, and touching. Worthy of a MEFA. Great job.

Author Reply: Thank you very much!

GalimerilReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/4/2009
That was beautiful.

Author Reply: Thank you!

BMReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/4/2009
That was beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing it!

My only curiosity was who was waiting for him at the boat!


Author Reply: Thank you!

*grins* I have my own ideas, but feel free to imagine who yourself. I think if I specified, the power of the story would be lost.

~ Indy

SilmarienReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/3/2009
Simply ... awesome.

Author Reply: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

SitaraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/3/2009
Well, although I had reviewed your story when I read it first time posted on, I like it too much to not review it a second time. It looks like I cannot get enough of it. So moving, so beautiful and, as you said, it's not at all AU, due to the exchange between Finrod and Andreth.

The image of Eru-as-Man rocking Maglor in His Arms is the most awesome thing one could imagine, in my opinion. Well, maybe there is an exception, something even more moving...the same image, only having Maglor replaced with his father. "smile"

Thank you again, Indy, for sharing with us your precious little story.

Kindest regards,

Author Reply: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing it a second time! I'm so glad you think it's worthy to do that.

Well, I don't have any plans to write one, but Nieriel Raina has one as the first chapter in her collection "NiRi's Narrations" here on SoA.

You're welcome-- and thank you again for rereading!

~ Indy

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/3/2009
I am certain I have read this elsewhere--perhaps on HASA. It is definitely a worthy one, and one I delighted to read then and again now. Yes, definitely thought-provoking.

Thank you for posting it here.

Author Reply: You probably have, on either SWG or, but not on HASA since I don't post there.

I'm glad you find it thought provoking! And thank you for reading it again. :)

~ Indy

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/3/2009
Oh, I liked this immensely! I like to find redemptive themes in Tolkien, even though it was not written in any way as allegory for Christianity. It can be hard to combine Christian themes into Tolkien because of that, but this is an intriguing possibility that you've explored with touching eloquence (as soon as I saw the stranger spoke Aramaic, I knew something good was afoot!). I really enjoyed reading this!

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it!

I'm quite glad Middle-earth isn't an allegory, as I… dislike… them. But I got the idea for the fic after the first time I read _Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth_, and Tolkien mentions in there some of the First Age Edain believe that Eru will someday enter into Arda. So it isn't completely uncanonical to imagine something like this occuring.

I grinned when you mentioned the Aramaic-- it was a last minute addition to make the location a little clearer.

Thank you!

~ Indy

AlassielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/3/2009
Yes! Yes! Yes! This is exactly what Eruanneth_Luin and I tried to say in our tale Makalaurë, but you have said it succinctly and with grace. Of course He would have forgiven Maglor, as all who understand the consequences of their deeds are forgiven. Thank you for this wonderful reminder to us all.



Author Reply: Thank you so much for your kind words! The story came to me in a flash after the first time I read _Athrabeth_, and I changed very little in the editing.

as all who understand the consequences of their deeds are forgiven.

That's not quite what I believe-- I believe He forgives, period-- but the sentiment remains the same.

~ Indy

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