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The Findaráto Diaries  by Fiondil 4 Review(s)
hawkeyeReviewed Chapter: 31 on 8/2/2014
He's finally going :) But I'm not as happy as I thought I'd be, and I get the impression that Finrod isn't either. I also wonder if Arafinwë guessed there was more to it than Finrod was telling him, which I'm sure was hurtful. Hopefully their relationship hasn't been irreparably damaged. On the other hand, I can see Finrod's frustration by his parent's cautiousness and the escorts.

I think Finrod knows he's not being entirely honest. As much as I'm looking forward to seeing more Maiar and Lord Irmo, I hope there isn't fallout for it. Eärnur worries me too. I think he could potentially get hurt and made to feel like he's just a convenient excuse.

Interesting that Finrod didn't check the door, though I agree. He's probably being watched :) I can't wait to keep reading. Thanks for writing! :)

Author Reply: I'm sure Arafinwë knows more than he's letting on. He is, after all, Finrod's atar and atar's know these things. ;-). I doubt their relationship will be irreparably damaged, but there may need to be some fence-mending on Finrod's part. As for the escort, well, that's just prudence and common sense. He is, after all, haryon. He's not, strictly speaking, a private person, so guards are a necessary evil.

We'll see how Eärnur reacts to all this once he arrives.

Thanks for reviewing, Hawkeye. It's appreciated.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 31 on 1/24/2010
Even if he could not meet him, it must have been a certain comfort for Arafinwë to hear so much good about his son in Beleriand, to know he was a great king and his people loved him.

*sigh* Finrod is still quite oversensitive about people, about the way they question him etc., isn't he? It is quite a difference to see this relatively immature Finrod and to compare him to the one in EI2. Somehow I get the feeling the Valar aren't happy with his little outing to Lórien, but we will see ...

Author Reply: And here's another one I missed! I'm sure Arafinwë took great comfort in hearing all the good things about his son when he was in Beleriand. I think that's why he is able to deal with Finrod as he does, knowing something of what his son became before he died.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/31/2009
I like the insight into Arafinwe and his feelings. It seemed like Finrod was surproised by this a bit, too. I feel sorry for Finrod in his lonliness but I'm glad that the new Order is woreking well for everyone.

Author Reply: Thanks, Ellie. I think Arafinwë is sure there is more to the request than just wanting to go to Lórien to see Eärnur whom Finrod does not even mention at first, only when pressed. We'll see how it turns out over the next couple of chapters.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/31/2009
Poor young man! He has so much to seek, and it's natural he should wish a companion who shares many of his own experiences and appreciations. Now, to see what happens now.

Author Reply: Very natural, Larner, especially someone who's 'been there, done that' and can thoroughly understand where he's coming from. We will see how it all turns out in the next chapter.

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