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The Findaráto Diaries  by Fiondil 5 Review(s)
hawkeyeReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/29/2014
The knowledge that you are leaving, but not having any idea where you are going would be terrifying. Finrod's anxiety is well placed here, but he seems much more capable of handling it than he was before. I think I'd be just as rankled with someone else choosing for me, but I know Lord Irmo has their best interests at heart. Still, it would be nice to know where they are going and especially be able to tell their friends.

I loved seeing Finrod's gift. I can't help but wonder if the gift from Lord Manwë did actually survive. As a musician, it is amazing how much the body remembers about playing an instrument, even after years away. For Finrod this will probably be a gift in more ways than just to heal others. Thanks for another lovely chapter!

Author Reply: Finrod's matured enough to handle whatever comes. I don't specify a specific amount of time in which he's resided in Lórien, but it's been quite some time and now he's as ready as he'll ever be to face the outside world again.

I don't know if the first harp survived or not. Most likely not since Nargothrond was pretty much ransacked. And yes, body memory is deeper than we usually give it credit to be. And for Finrod, having a harp again is indeed a great gift.

Thanks for commenting, Hawkeye. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/29/2009
Somehow I have the feeling someone should have a talk with the Reborn and explain a bit more to them, instead of leaving them so uncertain about their options for the future. It would save them a lot of anxiety.

Glad Finrod got a new harp. And nice way to chose one :)

So he's going to be released soon? Somehow I have a feeling then the fun will truly begin - will be interesting to see Finrod interacting with his parents and the other people who knew him before he left.

Author Reply: Probably Irmo and the gang think it best for the Reborn to muddle through on their own. Life is full of uncertainties and this is just one example of it that they might have forgotten in the Halls of Mandos where everything is certain.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/14/2009
A very bittersweet chapter.... my heart truly goes out to him.... Lovely writing.

PS - I am traveling and borrowing a computer... hence, I cannot remain on it long. Tonight, they went out... so I get to read to my heart's content. And it is now content since I see new chapters of both your tales. Hooray!

Author Reply: Thanks, Agape. I appreciate you letting me know your thoughts about this chapter.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/8/2009
What a quandry to face at this time in his life! Poor child, in a way, seeking a new purpose and uncertain what much of anything truly portends. But at least he's learning to finish projects started even when he'd rather do something else.

Author Reply: We know, of course, what happens to him in the future, but at the moment the future is dark to him and he is faced with much uncertainty as to what his purpose should be in this new life of his. But, as you point out, he is learning to finish projects and that is a step in the right direction. *grin*

TariReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/8/2009
The harp is probably the most beautiful instrument ever created. While I love the organ, I don't think its sound is as soothing. There are all kinds of ways to heal people. This is a perfect way for Finrod to do so.

Author Reply: I always have enjoyed harp music and find it very soothing. And we know that Finrod is known for his harp playing so it makes sense that his healing abilities would manifest through the harp rather than through some other medium.

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