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Distractions  by GamgeeFest 7 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/13/2009
Glad to see Frodo up and about and recovered. And interesting that Hildifons is making a guest appearance here as it were too, after all Dreamflower wrote about him. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Frodo is much improved. My Hildifons had much different adventures and fate than Dreamflower's Trotter. That's one of the fun things about the minor characters and all those names on the family trees. We can do whatever we want to with them. :)

Thanks for reading!

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/11/2009
Lots of delightful stuff going on in this chapter. You are balancing all of the plot threads quite nicely!

Okay, so this was my favorite line: "I ain’t never looked at any of my sisters that way." I don't deny my bias, but OMG I am getting such a kick out of Sam in this story. Not just his heart, but his Gamgee practicality, eye for detail, and astuteness. ;o)

Author Reply: Thank you, Cookie. Our hobbits were quite busy in this chapter. :D

That line was a last-minute addition. I'm glad you liked it! Sam is ever the practical one, and he's a spy, so he's learned what to observe and what to disregard. Merry would be wise to listen to him.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/10/2009
Legolas bowed slightly. “Good day. I am Legolas.”
“Gud dai, Legless,” the Haradrim said.

LOL!!! That's great. Do you know the story by Kara's Auntie where Bill the Pony refers to Elf and Dwarf as "Legless and the Gimmi"?

There's much going on in this chapter! And a lot of it behind the scenes.

So, Merry has decided to find Strider a lass? I'm quite sure that would distract our king, but in a different way than Merry might expect ;-)

I very much enjoyed Pippin's conversation with the Haradrim and his invitation! Sometimes impulsiveness makes things much easier. I don't think he will regret what he did. On the contrary, the hobbits will hear about Hildifons. I don't know if his story will be good or sad, though.

Last but not least, one might get the feeling that Frodo sent Legolas to spy on Merry. Is that so?

I'm looking forward to reading more!

Author Reply: I have read Kara's story, but I had forgotten that Legless was Bill's nickname for the Elf. :D Seems Legolas can't escape it.

Merry really does need more to do, I think! Strider better find him something to occupy his time quick. Pippin is impulsive, if he's anything, and it usually works out well for him, so he's learned to trust it. His new friends will have some interesting revelations for him, both of Hildifons and Isengar.

Legolas is working as a free agent. He would have done better to spy on Merry than to ask Faramir for intel. ;)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/10/2009
Poor tired Merry! And he won't be getting much rest if he's pulling a 24 hour shift at Theoden's tomb. No wonder he's coming up with a daft idea like finding a "lass" for Strider! Otherwise, he'd realize Sam was right.

I am so excited by Pippin's discovery! I can't wait to find out what happened with your Hilidifons! I look forward to the revelations! *"Legless"* LOL!

Your stories are always so full of wheels within wheels-- I've still no idea at all what Merry's "fake prank" will be! But Frodo's been forewarned by Legolas, and it would not surprise me if he does figure out at least part of it.

And I do hope Gimli's gift to Pippin works, because I'm sure all of them miss hearing him sing.

Author Reply: Merry isn't as tired as he lets on. ;) Though perhaps will a full night's rest he might have been able to supress that idea. Now that it's seen the light of day, it's going to be hard for him to weed it out. Beware, Strider! :P

I'm writing that chapter right now. We'll find out a bit more about Isengar's trip to Harad also and solve the mystery of why he never discovered anything about his brother. "Legless" and "Leggy". Legolas is not having a good time with nicknames in this story! LOL!

You'll soon find out what Merry's prank is. There is a teensy bit of a hint in this chapter, if you look really closely at what he says. Of course, it's a very itty bitty hint. ;) Frodo's forewarned and feeling good about it. We shall see if he figures it out.

Gimli's gift is well-given and Pippin does realize he needs to face his fears at some point. He just needs a little shove out the door.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/10/2009
"Now that Strider is grooming himself regularly, he might be able to catch himself a lass.”

Love that line! Actually, I love this whole chapter. It's so very hobbity, with each hobbit written so individually and true to character. :)

Author Reply: LOL! Merry is so irreverant! To say such things of the King. But then, King Elessar is just frumpy old Strider to him. ;) It was nice getting back to the hobbits in this chapter.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/10/2009
Now Merry is taking up match-making? LOL This should be almost as interesting as Pippin's new friendship with the Haradrim and Legolas and Faramir trying to out-wit the hobbits, or Merry mostly. I enjoyed catching up on this tonight.

Gimli was sweet and I do hope his gift to Pippin does the trick at some point.

Author Reply: Merry spent a lifetime with his mother, the ultimate matchmaker. Some of it was bound to rub off! :P Pippin makes friends so easily; his impulsiveness usually works out well for him. Legolas and Faramir are far out-matched! Neither of them really have what it takes to outwit a hobbit bent on mayhem. heh! Gimli cares for his hobbits in his own way. I do think those beads will come in useful.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/9/2009
Ah, but they are a busy bunch! Love the gift to Pippin, and Pippin's impetuous invitation. And am glad Frodo got some sleep!

Now--to work on my own stuff!

Author Reply: Busy little bees, and making just about as much noise! Pippin's impulsiveness usually works out best for him, so we shall see what happens at the luncheon. Those beads are a gift well-given.

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