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Distractions  by GamgeeFest 6 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/23/2009
Now what are those two up to? We wonders, yes, my precious, we wonders...

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Up to no good! Beyond that, specifics will have to wait. ;)

Thanks for reading, dear!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/21/2009
“Which hobbit is it?” she asked. She could not in good conscience spy on either of the Ring-bearers, nor would she feel comfortable spying on the Ernil i Pheriannath.
“Sir Meriadoc, Holdwine of Rohan,” Elrohir answered.
“Oh. All right then,” she agreed.

LOL!!! Poor Merry ;-)

But why did he buy those clothes? They might have something to do with his "fake prank", though.

And now that all eyes are on Merry, Frodo can start preparing his "answer".

I have no idea what this special delivery might be, only that it's very unusual!

Author Reply: Merry is without allies in the City it seems. If only they were in Rohan. ;)

Merry's scheme will come into light soon enough, and Frodo knows better than to waste a perfect opportunity to sneak off. ;) Unusual indeed. Frodo is probably the only one to ever make sure a request to that proprietor.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/20/2009
Now Frodo is up to no good. This is much like Minas Tirith itself, it goes in circles until it reaches the top. LOL

(“Decoys are always most effective on the battlefield,” Legolas said.) I think Legolas has it all right, he is ready for battle.

The twins may get more than their share of entertainment out of whatever is coming.

I also wonder what sort of cure Gimli has for Pippin's loss of his music. I liked that idea by the way. I can see Pippin being less-than ready to sing as it would likely stir up bad memories.

Can't wait to see what happens next now that I'm all caught up again.

Author Reply: Frodo is just laying out the first steps of his plot. It will be up to Merry what happens next. ;)

Legolas is battle ready, but he hasn't quite the experience in hobbit prank warfare as he has in other sorts of battle. He'll need help if he wants to get anywhere.

I touched upon Pippin's inability to sing way back in "A Humble Gift" and have been wondering how to resolve that. Gimli seems to have an idea.

Next chapter coming soon.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/20/2009
Hmm...trying to decide what hints the crafty GamgeeFest has left inside this chapter--Merry is buying clothes in Frodo's size, smallclothes especially...

And Frodo needs a delivery--now that was a definite hint, though I'm blest if I can figure out to what!

I loved Elladan and Elrohir's teasing of Legolas, and also the use of the little girl to spy on Merry.

And poor Pippin has developed "singer's block"? And Gimli is making his own personal conspiracy to help him overcome it?

Boy you weren't kidding when you promised wheels within wheels...

Author Reply: There's hints a plenty. Not telling though. :P

Nor can the proprietor. It's safe to say he's never received a request like Frodo's before. :D

The twins are enjoying their backrow seats for the prank war. Pippin has had "singer's block" (good term for it!) but I had left that unresolved in "A Humble Gift". Gimli seems to have come up with an idea that might help it though. ;)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/20/2009
And no one is thinking of keeping watch on Frodo, then? Hmm!

I find myself wondering of the clothing Merry purchased might be just a wee bit too big or small for Frodo. I remember a prank war on MASH in which Charles found his clothing no longer fit right....


Author Reply: Well, Frodo was just so tired; clearly he wouldn't get up to any trouble. ;)

You sound just as suspicious as Legolas now. ;) We shall see what he's planning with those clothes, if anything.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/20/2009
"So the hobbits are planning a prank war, are they? I don’t know why you are trying to prevent it. Seems that the distraction will do them all well, and they wouldn’t do anything to bring harm or embarrassment to the other. I say let them be, but let us be nearby to enjoy it."

I fully agree! What fun. :)

Author Reply: As do I. Much better to be at a safe distance observing the mayhem, than being front and center for it. :)

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