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Distractions  by GamgeeFest 8 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/20/2009
I have some catching up to do but the good news is, I have several chapters to enjoy at once! I totally agree with Merry, Sam is very, very, good at this spy thing. LOL I love how by being honest he may actually get away with far more than he would otherwise.
Enjoyed Merry and Pippin's fighting very much but then I always enjoy that kind of thing. LOL

Author Reply: Sam has had a lot of practice and a very good teacher, and being a servant, a certain amount of spying - though of good intention only - comes with the territory. Sam knows what to say and how to say it, but Strider is no fool! He may not suspect the lengths Sam might go to, but he will at least know to be on his toes. ;)

Merry and Pippin bickering is a lot of fun. :D

julchen11Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/28/2009
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this story, dear. Wonderfully written!
Thank you soooo very much for sharing!

Love and hugs,

Author Reply: Thank you, dear! I'm glad you are enjoying this so much! More hijinx and conspiracies to follow! ;)

mews1945Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/28/2009
I'm enjoying this story so much. I can't wait to see how the hobbits work things out and who is invited to lunch.

Author Reply: Thanks, mews! I can't wait either! There is so much that is starting to go on with this story. Seems everyone is determined to keep the hobbits distracted. ;)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/25/2009
“They’ll surprise you in a pinch,” he answered himself aloud and chuckled anew.

*grins* Strider might be surprised in a far different way than he thinks! Clever Sam. He is VERY good!

So, Frodo has already worked out his retaliation? Before he knows what Merry will do to him? I wonder if that was a good idea.

And I would love to have one of those detailed problem-solving dreams once in a while. Unfortunately they are very rare :)

Author Reply: Sam is throwing up a smoke screen here. How long will it take for Strider to see his way through it? ;)

Oh, Frodo has it all under control. His retribution can be guaranteed to work no matter what Merry ultimately decides to do. That's why *he* the best. ;)

I wish I could have one of those dreams too. When I do have lucid dreams, they tend to be pretty pointless. lol!

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/25/2009
Sam *is* really good. Delightful chapter and I am always glad to see Sam play a central part in things. I also really liked the offhand way you had Merry mention being turned into something "unnatural" as a practical consideration.

Author Reply: Sam is a master spy and knows how to size up his targets. The best way to put Aragorn at his ease is to tell the truth - just not all of it! ;) Well, they have all seen Gandalf do some pretty extraordinary things. Turning Sam into something unnatural would probably be a cake walk to him. :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/25/2009

I love how each hobbit is so very devious, and yet each one is devious in his own special way, appropriate to his own personality.

Pippin keeps his deviousness so close that he doesn't even admit it to himself. He just does what pops into his head and seems to fit.

Sam hides his own deviousness behind a mask of open honesty. LOL! I do so love the evasions he used on Aragorn. Frodo would have spotted the loopholes Sam left himself very quickly, but Aragorn is still just a little new to the deviousness of hobbits in general and Sam in particular.

Frodo, true to his own Brandybuck heritage, plans ahead--though he has his own unique Baggins twist on things.

And for Merry the wheels of devious planning never stop turning, even when he sleeps.

Delightful as always!

Author Reply: hehe The hobbits are all getting their time to be devious here, aren't they? Pippin's spontaneity prevents anyone from suspecting an ulterior motive. Sam isn't one to tell a lie, so Aragorn doesn't suspect the deception - yet, anyway. ;) Frodo can always be depended on to be one step ahead, and Merry just keeps on ticking. :D

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/25/2009
I can’t very well spy on you, what with you being the king now and all. It just doesn’t seem proper.

LOL, dear Sam! This is so delightful.

Author Reply: You know Sam, always concerned with what's proper - even if he is fully willing to throw proper to the wind if need be. ;)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/24/2009
Save the forgiving for next time? Oh, dear! I love this. And the argument about character in furniture is delightful. And Sam is already warning Aragorn he's being spied upon? Convoluted! Very convoluted, and worthy of the Conspirators!


Author Reply: Not that Pippin will accept that of course. He's going to try to use his free pass if he can! There might not be a next time, after all. ;) I have to side with Pippin on the furniture issue, and I'm sure Legolas and Gimli will too.

Sam has mad spying skills and he knows how to use them. He's far more dangerous than Aragorn suspects, but Aragorn also isn't leaving any clues around to found, either. ;)

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