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A Teleri Treasury  by Rhyselle 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/11/2008
No, not just the Elves and Men of Arda have lost ones they've loved. And the thought of Olwe comforting Ulmo himself is such a tender one.

Thank you for this.

Author Reply: I think that it is easy to forget that the Valar are also Children of Eru, and despite the powers they wield, they too need comfort when things go awry. I have come to feel that Ulmo actually would be the Vala most likely to turn to the Firstborn for comfort, for has ever loved them, and has had more interaction with Olwe and his people than any of the other elves in Aman.

Thank you for reviewing!

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/10/2008
This is quite possibly the first Ulmo hurt/comfort I have ever seen! And there's nothing quite like grief shared, even when it's from Vala to Elf.

Author Reply: I hadn't actually thought of his as Ulmo hurt/comfort, but I suppose that you are right. :)

I'm very glad that you liked this ficlet. Thanks for reviewing.

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/10/2008
Must you make me cry, twinling?

It is so wonderful though, that the Valar can take comfort from the Children as well as give it.

I particularly love the description of the memory returning ot the forefront of Olwe's mind as well as the wave "hugging" him.



Author Reply: *hands over handkerchief* Sorry to make you weep...

It's funny how the comparisons to ocean things just flow naturally from my mind as I write Olwe. I can't even swim and I'm too nervous to get further into the surf than knee-deep! (and me having been in the Navy! LOL!) But that's how it comes to me, and I'm grateful that the muse is being so evocative this way.

You need to send me more pictures from the coral reefs you saw on your last diving trip, for inspiration!

VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/10/2008
Of course! I've never thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense!

Author Reply: We see so much of Morgoth in the SIL and he is always the enemy. I have to thank Fiondil's "Wars of the Valar" for reminding me that Melkor/Morgoth once upon a timeless time, was as innocent and good as any of the other Children of Eru's Thought, and had been brought forth in love. And so the ficlet flowed from there. Thank you for the commentary you gave me on the other group, btw. I did some tweaking and improved that first paragraph all around, I think, thanks to your advice! :)

Independence1776Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/9/2008
This is heartrending and beautiful. I could easily picture the two of them sitting there together, mourning.

~ Indy

Author Reply: Thank you so much for letting me know what you think.

I wasn't sure if I could pull off Olwe comforting Ulmo, but that is the mental image that triggered this ficlet. I'm very glad that it worked for you.

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