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The Measure Of A Man  by Virtuella 6 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/5/2008
I am so excited about the book - and also hoping that, one day, the dear boy might consider trying his hand at drawing those 'unlikely' horses!

*giggles* just read the ending of this chapter... I guess my hope might be fulfilled for the boy.

Author Reply: It's amazing how thrilling a book can be, isn't it?

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/29/2008
Oh, Deoric is so *frustrating* in his insistence on believing something for very flimsy evidence!

I love the part about his carefully designing the letters he's going to use. I've spent many an hour myself, doing the exact same thing, trying to figure out the perfect hand for a particular document.

But I do love that bit at the end, there...*grin*

I'm so looking forward to what's coming next.

Author Reply: Well, you know some of what's coming already, but I hope you'll still be able to enjoy how it all comes about in detail. I had to make Deoric a bit slapworthy, because if he wasn't being stupid then it would all resolve too easily. ;-)

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/28/2008
Niarl has a good bit of perspective here (though perhaps he isn't quite understanding Deoric). "And who knows, it might be the making of him" made me immediately think of your new title, for some strange reason. And he's got a good point about the fact that soon the standing warriors are going to find themselves out of the loop.

But of course Deoric's going to read into it the wrong way...

A slow smile spread across my face as you described Deoric's awe and trepidation at the old book (which is an artifact indeed!) and his task to recopy it. *grins* And his slow growth in confidence as he mapped out the task and then began work on it (loved the father's advice, applied far beyond its original intent but still true; it's fitting that his legacy should enter the tale).

The end bit with the ovals and the shapes (I wonder if Deoric will take up drawing???) was simply inspired! I had wondered if you'd address the issue with the horses not looking "right" in this chapter.

I think this one's one of my favorites so far.


Author Reply: Part of my point with this story is that the end of the war will bring about a change of what skills are valued in Rohirric society and an orientation towards the more cultured Gondor.

Funny, isn't it, that two such different stories as mine and yours can have crucial aspects in common. What was the other I was thinking of, oh, yes, of course, Kira's disability.

I am imagining the "wrong" horses to look like those on the Bauyeux Tapestry.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/28/2008
It is good to see Deoric's artistic talents emerging.

Author Reply: As you can guess, they'll be the making of him. Thanks for the double reviews.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/27/2008
That my dear was wonderful to read! Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs the Imp

Author Reply: Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/27/2008
So, he has the heart of an artist, what with drawing the letters for the copy of the book and recognizing there are basic shapes in the construction of a horse that define the natural shape of the animal.

And he's mistaken mutual concern for his emotional well-being for love between the two of them.

Author Reply: Well, I suppose, if you put it like that, yes, that's it in a nutshell. I had tried to present it in an aesthetically pleasing way.

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