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Many Meetings  by lwarren 5 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/10/2008
Aww, Linda, that was so sweet!!!I so loved the image of the family sitting together in the branches of that tree, listening to the trees and watching the stars together! *sigh*

“This scion of my house shall join me as a guardian to all who would call Eryn Lasgalen home.” And indeed he did. This sounds so much like what Legolas is going to become that I'm beginning to wonder if Thranduil has a tiny little bit of foresight. *g*

It's probably needless to say, but I loved it. :)


Author Reply: Thanks, Almut! You know me...I dearly love writing about the elves. I could only think that as close a tie that the Elvenking would have to the forest, he would be certain to present his heir to those trees. And I loved the idea of one of those eldest of trees sheltering the little family for the night. Thank you for the kind review!


thechevinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/9/2008
What a lovely story this was and how appropriate that Thranduil would wish to introduce his son to his most loyal subjects and how proud they must have been when they heard his name.
So many wonderful visual images here, I'm happy to see a new set of tales from you it has been too long

Author Reply: Thank you, thechevin, and I'm so glad you enjoyed Legolas' little introduction to the forest! And I am excited to be back - RL and health issues pretty much eliminated everything for a long time. I've really missed it (and all of you, especially!) Thanks again for the kind review.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/9/2008
So sweet an introduction for the wee princeling! Wonderful beginning to what I hope will be a long and delightful series!

Have missed seeing your writing!

Author Reply: Thank you, Larner! I enjoyed writing about this special introduction of the Prince to his father's favorite subject! I'm glad you enjoyed this and I hope to add more to the series (*crosses fingers*). I've missed writing - didn't know how much until I got back into it (actually I've missed reading, too - and all of you guys). It is so very good to be back!


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/8/2008
What a lovely, elfy scene! I love the way the trees respond to Thranduil and his family.

Author Reply: Thank you, daw! I thought that the birth of the heir deserved some sort of recognition from the forest - and I've always thought Thranduil would have a special connection to his forest. (I'm very relieved it seemed elfy - sometimes I wonder if that comes across.)


Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/8/2008
Simply beautiful! I just love your Thranduil! And so nice to see you posting again!


Author Reply: Hello, NiRi! Thanks so much for the kind review - I have a soft spot in my heart for the King, too! I figured the birth of the heir deserved a special recognition from forest! :-) And thank you, it is good to be back! It's been a long, dry spell and I didn't realize how much I missed it (and you guys) until I got involved again! *big hugs to you* (You would have howled to see me figuring out how to post this - nilmandra has always assisted in the past, but I decided to be a big girl and do it myself! HA! Very big HA!) More to come! Yay!

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