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Redheredh's Potted Plots  by Redheredh 6 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/25/2011
Definitely a reckless pair they make. Am not certain what was going on there, but I can appreciation the fascination these two felt.

Author Reply:
And you have read on! :D

Religious mysteries are like that... ;) Thank you again for reviewing!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/24/2008
Aññolë ... great word. Two tildes and an umlaut!

Rostaro and Camentur being old school-friends! That's just delicious! A right pair of little monkeys, though - they deserved to get into trouble. I never thought of them being similar in age - but I just love the thought. Rostaro is just so gorgeous (and Camentur has a touch of Draco Malfoy about him - aristocratic and arrogant, but with potential) - while the dark sorceress reminds me of elliska's Black Swan.

I love Galadriel's Black-Swan-Dragon-Lady (- only Galadriel could cope with Elrovail as a member of her household - anybody else would be intimidated into submission). Although I'm not terribly fond of the toron - he seems a bit full of himself. I rather hope that Rostaro makes mincemeat of him in the future. ... Perhaps Camentur will exert his family influence. (Even if I did forget quite who Camentur was.)

I love this pair of stories, Redheredh - and, please write more about Rostaro. I want to know his story!

Author Reply:
lol! I snickered so hard when I found that! Just the word for a hick (red-necked) farmer's kid to say.

Well, I do think Rostero is a bit younger. But, comparing Camentur to Draco? I dunno... A black swan? Gimme a break! A black hawk! But, we have discussed a lot of this already. ;D

I do agree with that! C&G are the only ones who could put a leash on her. Menelmo does think highly of his place in destiny. It is going to take more than Rostaro to stop this ambitious servant of the Feanturi.

Hey, I forgot how to spell Rostaro's name several time! (I am just glad you did not think I treated one of your characters badly.)

*g* Well, you do know more than anyone else... besides me.

Thank you so much for the review!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/20/2008
Hopefully I am allowed to reply a reply…
Well, we had two mama goats have babies and bottle-fed the wee ones so to tame them because otherwise they'd never be tame enough to be milked. But the endless cycle of raising kids and milking was, to be put mildly, too big of a commitment. (Ever tried to feed five hungry goatlings with four bottles? Not as cute as some would think!) So now they are just pets; whew, just pets. And goats (as long as they are adults) are easier to care for than even cats. The only real livestock we have are the chickens. Egg-collecting is far more laid-back.
As on offside, I am glad to have correctly guessed Elrovail. I suppose her years have made her only more bewitching!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/18/2008
Yay, double doses of Rostaro! A good way to connect the two stories – that he kept his promise to make a friend. I liked the opening lines, especially “Neither was that good at skulking in the first place”.
Blood sacrifices! I liked their “scholarly” argument here. So their skulking was a noble task for knowledge, but really, they should have known better than to try to secretly observe Wood-elves. I was rather curious about it myself and was very glad to have seen… no goat sacrifices!!! (I have several goats and am usually quite fond of ‘em) Oh, or no quendi… that’s good. (Fond of them too).
You gave vibrant and almost eerie descriptions on the dance and music. They were so effective at setting the mood. I cannot figure out who the sorceress was; Elrovail, maybe, or who???
Hmm, I guess the overall lesson here is that boys will be boys, to-be-loremasters or not. And that was an amusing but creepy encounter, to be sure. The ending was fittingly fun… *chuckling mercilessly at First Instructor…*

Author Reply: Yep, related stories is how they turned out.
The idea was to setup the anticipated danger then dispell it, then spring it on them unexpectedly and in a different form than anticipated. (You raise goats! Pets or livestock? Do you milk and make cheese?)
I am very pleased to have gotten the intended mood going. *BINGO* Yes, that was Elrovail. :) The toron was the future Aratar of Alqualonde, who is referenced in "Beech Leaves".
I couldn't let the guys stay freaked out too long before getting them back into trouble mode. ;D Now, could I?

Glad you like their little adventure! Thank you for the review; they are always appreciated.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/16/2008
Wow! This was beautiful and so intense! You ahve such a way with words to create the atpsphere! By the end I was almost holding my breath and sitting on the edge of the chair!

Rostro and Camentur were friends at school! And Rostaro was Camentor's tutor! That was a nice surpirse! and the two youths are so well drawn in their eagerness , seriorness and playfulness! and solemnly said that their expedition had just become a mission. The truth should never be suppressed. This made me laugh, for it rang so true! :-)

But I do love the scene in the foret. Darkness, the fires a beryl of light I particularly loved this expression. And also the sounds of the drums beating into creating an atmosphere, where individual thought is drawn away and every mind beats at the same rythm.. a powerful sensation that was perfectly conveyed by words.

And the ending, of course, what a nice tweak, so anything is what looked like on the first plce, what a wonderful touch to leave us just wondering what ever happened between the stern toron and the tempting driad..

Masterful, so inventive! Lovely!

Author Reply: Thank so much for all the kind words! I am pleased that you enjoyed it! Its especially nice to know what you liked in particular.

But, you already know a little about the toron and "driad". She once lived in a palace in Ost-in-Edhil, and he becomes the Aratar of Alqualonde, whom Rostaro encounters again in "Beech Leaves". Of course, what was going on between those two at the time of this story is another story. ];}

And once again, take it easy going back to work!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/15/2008
As I recall, Camentur is older than Legolas's wife? In Bodkin's story, he's married? This is an amusing and charming look at two young males who learned more than they bargained for.

Author Reply: That's right, Camentur is the older married brother of Elerrina, whom we met during her and Legolas' courtship. Rostaro was released from Mandos around the time the Ringbearer's ship arrived in Aman. Elrond and Celebrian actually met him in "Golden Flower Blossoms".

*g* One of those 'coming of age' things?

Thank you very much for the review!

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