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The Book of Mazarbul  by Soledad 5 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/29/2024
Wonderful chapter! So many small details... and the "puppies" are making it hard to type. The Ranger's ancient ring, the spell, Tom and Goldberry, and Maggot's helpful "gossip". I also find the moon-stones fascinating and wonder if they will play a role in future chapters.

Looking forward to reading more.

Author Reply: I am glad it didn't disappoint. :)

Sweetpea DeepdelverReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/13/2016
*clucks tongue* She's going to fall for him anyway. :) ! He's too cute!

I did have one quibble with this chapter. Moonstones aren't generally cut with facets--they are polished and round. It's because they are really rather soft. Now, are these moonstones different? More like sapphires? Or what? I'm a little confused.

Ee-yoi, Bree has a nasty side! Weeelll.....I'm not surprised. Honestly, they would have to, living where they do. It's almost like a town in the American Old West--looks pleasant as pie, but if you cross a line....

Anyway, still reading and enjoying! Thank you once more for writing!

Author Reply: Errr... these are not real-life moonstones. They are fantasy moonstones and were imported from my ungodly long original fantasy epos, in which Elves happened to come from the Moon... sort of. Anyway, I know the real stones are different, I actually did a lot of online research on gemstones, but I wanted a bit of mystery added to the found, so...

I don't imagine Bree being such a dark and unpleasant place as in the films, but as you said yourself, they have to be harsh if they want to survive on the Roadside.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/12/2016
Am rereading so as to put the new chapters into context, particularly as it's been so long I admit I'd forgotten most of the details of the story. Poor Nali has his work cut out for him, and to find himself in love with a Dwarf maiden who lives the life of Men would make things particularly complicated! Now, to continue on, although I fear I shall need to do so starting tomorrow.

So good to read your works again!

Author Reply: Thank you. :)
My Tolkien muse went into shock after Fiondil's death and didn't come back for over a year. I hope, though, that now that it seems to be recovering I'll be able to continue with at least some of my never-ending WIPs.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/23/2009
Scary-good chapter, with drama and danger from the Barrow-wight. And Rei is thawing towards Nali, thanks to his courage and the moonstones. But why does Rei dislike Goldberry?

Author Reply: To be honest, I have no idea. The original intention was of her disliking Bombadil, because, let's face it, Tom is fairly silly at times. But it somehow turned into her disliking Goldberry - perhaps she feels that Goldberry is a lot more than she looks and is afraid. And since she hates being afraid, she projects that hate to Goldberry? I'm really not sure.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/25/2009
Ah, she mellows! That is good! And the moonstones are a wonderful gift to her.

Nice interweaving of original text again.

Author Reply: Thanks. It was my intention from the beginning to make the two a couple. It was just hard to think of something that would really impress Rei. *g*

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