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The Book of Mazarbul  by Soledad 3 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/13/2024
What fun! I am quite looking forward to this story, although I must admit that most of my reading fare is deliberately selected as having upbeat (or at worst bittersweet) endings. In my own stories, though the characters may go through "interesting times" (as in the old curse, Chinese, I think it might be?) to get to the end of my stories, I always have a satisfying (to me, anyhow) ending, already written, that I'm working through as I toil through the angst and chaos. That's the only way I'd be able to keep writing, I think. So kudos to you to tackle such a tragedy.

That said... like you, I've long been fascinated by Balin's story and the "slashed and stabbed and partially burned" book the Fellowship found in Moria. This gap filler holds a lot of promise.

(I must admit, I always thought the "women in beards" came from the films. Is there something in JRRT's original writings about that?)

Author Reply: As far as I remember, Tolkien only said that they look so much like Dwarf men when travelling that other people can't spot the difference. So I invented the idea of them wearing fake beards when on the Road.

Dís ThráinsdotterReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/20/2009
And great fun it is indeed. When I think of the dwarves I see them as kin and friends, I consider my home town and how they would fit in there.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 5/24/2009
I am so glad to see you writing again! Your responsibilities elsewhere finished for the time? Good to hear from you!

Author Reply: School term's closing in three weeks, thank God! I can't wait for summer holidays. Tolkienfic isn't something I can write just in the odd empty hour - it needs a special feeling, a mindset to it. I have been stuck with this particular story for quite some time, so I just sat down and forced myself to finsh Chapter 3. It probably shows, but at least I got away from the dead spot.

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