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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 99 on 3/2/2010
Honestly Glorfy, you have got to start paying attention! The Valar have given you the ability to sense evil and you seem to ignore it every time your radar goes off and get creamed by whatever it is! What good are you going to be when you go back to M.E. and start watching over Earendil's boys? Just be glad the snow has ended and you can see them coming!
What a time to have a flashback, it was good that Manaatmir was there for you, both to rescue and listen to the story. You still havn't got over the Helecarexe, I don't think you ever will.
Oh well now to find out what you have done to yourself this time!

Author Reply: Glorfindel is still getting used to his new-found (or rather, newly enhanced) skills. I'm sure with practice he'll get better at paying attention to that inner voice. Flashbacks never come at a convenient time, unfortunately. And I don't think anyone could ever get over an experience such as the Helcaraxë.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 99 on 3/2/2010
I think I have to repeat what I said in my review to the last chapter about Glorfindel not being allowed a smooth journey. When these tracks were mentioned the first time, I had been wondering if there could be some of these evil creatures Oromë is still hunting, but didn't want to get so paranoid. Seems I wasn't so far away from the truth now.

Hm ... should I be a bit suspicious of the identity of Mánatamir as well?

Anyway, so far they did a great job in defending themselves, though I don't like the end of the chapter very much. *runs off to read the next chapter - *one* advantage of catching up is that I don't have to live with these cliffhangers for a whole week ;-)*

Author Reply: I think you're the first person to link the tracks Glorfindel found earlier to the creatures that Oromë went hunting, Kitty. At least, the first to say so. Glorfindel never got a chance to examine their spoors the first time so never made the connection between the creatures he saw being killed by the Maiar and the tracks he found on the way to find Eärendil and Elwing.

As for Mánatamir....

SiiwReviewed Chapter: 99 on 2/25/2010
What a way to end a chapter! It is good that we will only have to wait one more day for the next. 8D

That Manatamir, i have had a feeling that he was Eärendil's son through the previous chapters. Now i don't know what to think anymore. This story has become so thrilling, i meant to read this before sleep last night but it wasn't exactly calming. In a good way, of course,

Author Reply: Mánatamir as Eärendil's son! What an interesting idea and quite original. Who he really is, of course, remains to be seen. I am glad you are finding this story so thrilling. I greatly appreciate you letting me know, Siiw. Thanks.

TariReviewed Chapter: 99 on 2/24/2010
Does Glorfindel really think the Valar would let these creatures kill them? Not happening. I can't wait to find out how they are rescued.

Author Reply: Well, he has no guarantees, does he? *grin* We'll find out how it all comes out on Friday when I post the next chapter. Stay tuned.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 99 on 2/24/2010
Exactly what is his friend, I wonder? very curious behavior from him. evil cliffy you have left us with. Glorfy needs to learn how to interpret his spidy sense when it is tingling. he should have stayed in training until he had that part down. At least it is warning him and he is listening to it. I hope glorfy wasn't hurt.

Author Reply: I know many readers have their suspicions as to who Mánatamir is and some of their guesses are pretty near the mark. Next chapter will reveal all. Glorfindel probably should have stayed in training with the Maiar but circumstances being what they are.... at any rate, I'm sure he will insist on more 'spidy sense' training in the future. *grin* I'm glad you got a chance to read and review, Ellie. I know how hectic life has been for you lately. Thanks.

njomoReviewed Chapter: 99 on 2/23/2010
And the plot thickens. It's hard to be patient, but some wishes do come true. Two updates in a week!

Maybe now Glorfindel will know to pay attention when he gets even a slight intimation of something not right. But at least he was forwarned soon enough--at least in time to raise a defense. Can't wait to find out what actually happened at the end, and yes, to find out the scoop on Mánatamir.

Thanks Fiondil. I'm still enjoying EI2 even though I haven't been able to review as often as I'd like.


Author Reply: That's okay, Joanne. I know how real life can get in the way of having fun. *grin* I'm glad to know that you are still reading and enjoying this story. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it. I think Glorfindel will start paying more attention to his feelings from now on. This particular skill is still rather new to him so it'll take a while for it to sink in. And yes, we will indeed find out the scoop on Mánatamir with the next chapter. *grin*

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 99 on 2/23/2010
Mánatamir is evidently not an Elf after all. Though I wonder what Glorfindel's reactions to that is going to be in the next chapter. I suspect he is getting a bit tired of not goineg anywhere without a bevy of babysitters!

Author Reply: Evidently. *grin* But just who and what Mánatamir is still remains to be seen. I'm sure Glorfindel is getting a bit tired of his minders as well, but in this case, it's just as well he had one, don't you think?

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 99 on 2/22/2010
Fiondil, you certainly know just how to write a cliff-hanger!

An excellent chapter, and one I was glad to see on this irksome day where there was too much work, too many things went wrong, and the reign of Murphy's Law continued upon coming home.

It looks like Glorfindel, at least, is having a worse day than I have.

I rather liked the end where he bid Manatamir farewell, and the regrets he had about Algaros and Cundu. (I still haven't figured out the meaning of Manatamir; will you share the meaning of the name with us or would that give too much away?)

I get the impression that I was right in thinking that there was more to Manatamir than meets the eye... that searing flash of light could be one of many things... including a Silmaril, perhaps? *grin*

Well done, my friend!

Author Reply: Hi, Rhyselle. I'm glad you think I know how to write a cliffhanger. I do try. *grin* I suppose if you try hard enough you can always find someone who is worse off than you are.

If you check back to chapter 96 you will see I give a definition of Mánatamir's name.

As to what the flash might signify, that will be revealed in the next chapter.

I'm glad this chapter help brighten an otherwise miserable day for you, Rhyselle. Thanks for reviewing and letting me know. I very much appreciat it and I hope tomorrow is a little brighter for you.

ShemyazaReviewed Chapter: 99 on 2/22/2010
A cliffhanger! The plot thickens and why do I get the idea that Glorfindel is being allowed to go so far and no further in his attempt to reach Elwing's tower. Mánatamir is no Teler methinks, either a Vala or a Maia possibly? And yet another test for poor Glorfindel it seems, poor soul. No wonder he came to Imladris, the poor little mite probably needed a rest from all that testing.

Author Reply: It's been a while since there's been a cliffhanger so I figured it was time for one. *grin* As to who Mánatamir is for real will be revealed soon enough. I'm sure after his stint in Aman, Glorfindel found Imladris very restful indeed. *LOL*

HelReviewed Chapter: 99 on 2/22/2010
Well after all the trouble the Valar went throught with Glorfindel, I´m shure they don´t wanted to risk something happen to him on his little trip. Or Lord Namo just don´t wanted him back after such a short term.

It looks like Gorfindel´s training is paying off.

Author Reply: I'm sure the Valar and Námo especially would be most unhappy if something very bad happened to Glorfindel after all the hard work they put into him. *grin* And yes, it looks as if Glorfindel's training is finally paying off.

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