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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 7 Review(s)
ParmalokwenReviewed Chapter: 92 on 2/17/2010
Oh Arafinwë and Olwë, how devious!

Soronwë's story: I really, truly loved this. There is so much to bother Finrod about that asinine stunt he tried at Tol Sirion, so I'm glad he got to hear that there was a positive effect of his otherwise-futile duel of songs.

Canon error: It was ten years, not twenty, from the Dagor Bragollach to the liberation of Tol Sirion.

Ponies! Apparently the ability of children to get excited about ponies is universal :)

Author Reply: I went back to my sources and realized I'd miscalculated the time span. It was actually 13-14 years from the Dagor Bragollach to the liberation of Tol Sirion. The Dagor Bragollach was in 455 and the Quest for the Silmaril began in the Autumn of 468 and continued to 470. Just when Lúthien rescued Beren is unclear but it was perhaps late 468 - early 469. I have changed Ailinwë's speech to read: 'My brother toiled as a thrall for Sauron for about a dozen years...' to make it conform to the timeline better. Thanks for pointing this out to me. I appreciate it. And I'm glad you loved Soronwë's story. It was something Finrod needed to hear in order to put that part of his life behind him for good.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 92 on 1/24/2010
Well, I had known the Elves can be devious, but not *that* devious! Never thought the Kings had that planned out. You've totally surprised me, Fiondil! After thinking it over, it might work, yes. Or at least I hope it does.

While the people in Avallónë and Kortirion need a wake-up-call (or at least most of them), I am glad the Kings are willing to act differently about Tavrobel, Angobel and the Nandor who have proven to be mostly more sensible. While removing some of them to the mainland, it would probably not solve the problem with all of the others. So I hope they will come to their senses. Even more so as these common Elves with Ailinwë appear to be much more nice; I was glad they were allowed in.

Ailinwë's story was touching. It must have been a comfort to Finrod to know that he even under these circumstances gave hope to the other prisoners in Tol Sirion. Hearing it from Námo is one thing, but to learn of this sort of experience is another matter altogether and probably much more impressive.

Author Reply: I can't believe I missed responding to this review of yours, Kitty. Sorry about that. I hope there aren't any more such, it's very embarrassing.

Anyway,I will merely state that all you say about this chapter is true, especially Ailinwë's story. It was something that Finrod (and others) needed to hear.

Thanks for being such a loyal reviewer. I really appreciate it.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 92 on 1/11/2010
Forgot to mention that I really liked the story Finrod was told about the influence his song of power had on the other captives. It had to have made him feel that his suffering and his feeble attempts at standing up against Sauron were worth it and brought some amount of good. I also think that news had to have had an impact on those Amanians around him. Finrod is such a cool elf... I'm glad you showed him some well-deserved gratitude.

Author Reply: I am glad you liked the story told to Finrod. It was something he needed to hear. And yes, Finrod is way cool....

6336Reviewed Chapter: 92 on 1/11/2010
Oh, sneaky, very sneaky! I wonder if the people of Avallone knew just what Morocano was up to when he 'attacked'?
It seems the people of Kortiron are not of the same mind as their leaders, just who elects who in the town councils and guilds?
Perhaps the Kings should look to the population as a whole, of Tol Eressea for the members of the council and not just the, so called, leaders?
Hope this makes sense, still a little sleepy, didn't get in until very early this morning, inventory! Retail, ah, what a life!

Author Reply: Well we always knew that Elves were devious. *grin* Hopefully the common people of Kortirion will win the day, though it remains to be seen.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 92 on 1/11/2010
Well, well, well – another surprise, namely that Olwë’s abrupt ending of the meeting was just slightly less than spontaneous. Although the sentiment that they might petition the Valar that certain despised groups – like the former thralls –be permitted to go to the mainland is probably genuine enough. Setting the cat among the pigeons, indeed!
And hopefully the strategy will have a positive effect. If not, it is likely that a number of people from the “nobility” of Kortirion and Avallonë may start new careers as shepherds up around Formenos, though whatever might happen that would produce such a result would undoubtedly also produce a fair amount of undesirable fallout as well.
The meeting with the ordinary citizens went well, though – and I can certainly understand how the story Ailinwë told would have a deep effect – on Finrod in particular, though most there would have been affected, I think.
I expect Ailinwë will take Olwë’s and Finrod’s suggestions. But are they now going to invent the concept of the Revolution? ;-)
*wanders off, whistling La Marseillaise*

Author Reply: I think Olwe and Arafinwe were hoping they would not have to use their ruse and were probably very disappointed that they had to, but hopefully it will serve as a wake-up call to the people of Kortirion and Avallone and they will 'get with the program' so to speak. As for the concept of the Revolution... I think the Noldor already came up with it when they defied the authority of the Valar and left Aman. *grin*

ellieReviewed Chapter: 92 on 1/11/2010
Arafinwe is coniving, but it's for a good cause :-)

Ingwion and the others followed suit very well considering they were clueless about what Olwe and Arafinwe were planning. I guess Olwe scared them pretty badly with his remarks to the council.

i like the guy who came to talk to the kings with the little band of ordinary people.

i missing the frequent postings of chapters by you now that elf academy is done. Do you have any cures for the withdrawal symptoms?

Author Reply: Well, Ingwion and the others are used to following the dictates of kings without question so when Olwe stood up to leave they just followed suit.

As for a cure for update withdrawal... you could always go back and re-read my other stories, otherwise you will just have to grit your teeth and hang on. *grin*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 92 on 1/11/2010
Good sense tends to do better among those who actually live by doing than those who are raised to see themselves as privileged and thus somehow born to lead. Such folk all too often become ideologues.

Author Reply: Very true, Larner, and unfortunately they are the ones who are usually in positions of power.

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