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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
EärillëReviewed Chapter: 71 on 9/8/2010
The first, about the names, was somewhat confusing. Well, then again, I am still wondering why Arafinwë was not named Finarfin here, even now. LOL I enjoyed reading about the versions of the same names in one language or the other, though. Very educating. (Thanks. :))

The events afterwards were quite enjoyable, though, and illuminating. A problem seemed to be near its resolution... (But I am not going to hope much for the said resolution. After all, you can still put another twist, and I will have to wait longer. *grin*) The arrival of the three Councillors was quite surprising, but I am glad that it turned out to be a good thing for both sides. - And the reactions of the three 'living legends' were quite amusing... to say the least. It was another source of enjoyment entirely in this chapter... LOL

I do not really get the thing about the heraldic devise, though. Is it life-sized? (If then, how could three trees fit in a hall?) The hall itself was beautiful, though. I love it. You did the description on it quite well; and you chose the structure well, in the first place. :)

Was the Captain - Baradir? - the person Olwë had met in the shop he had visited with Beleg? - The owner, perhaps? :uncertain: The thing about raft-building still tickles me till now, by the way, and I laughed when it was brought up again, even though just in passing. (The moment of levity served to dissolve the tension, I noticed... :) At least it served to poofed away my own tension. Haha. :embarrassed:)

Another thing I enjoyed in this chapter was when you brought up those people visited by the Maiar when they had just arrived in the Lonely Isle, that I had read from your collection of one-shots. They made this story truly alive, well-rounded. :) You have done a very good job of it. ;)

I am curious about this, though... "Edrahil, however, was sitting between the two Lóriennildi, much to his disgust, but Finrod would not allow him to attend the meeting otherwise." - Who are the Lóriennildi? Laurendil and Manwen? And why the disgust? And why, for that matter, did Finrod not allow him to sit elsewhere? (LOL Rather pointless questions, but I am really curious about it. :sheepish:)

Oh, by the way, the reactions of the townspeople to the gestures of obeisance led by Finrod in the meeting were quite amusing... quite true to reality. It lent a realistic touch to the problem and the meeting itself as well. :) Another event - from the long list - you built up quite well - quite thoroughly. You gave hints to the people's thoughts and moods by those...

And now on to the next chapter, before the time is running out... *wince*

- Rey

Author Reply: Sorry about the confusion with the names, but with different cultures colliding with their different languages it's hard to keep them all straight. You will notice that sometimes people will address Finrod as "Finrod" and other times as "Findaráto". This is a subtle way of showing that the person using "Finrod" is speaking Sindarin and the person using "Findaráto" is speaking Quenya. But Arafinwë is always Arafinwë and never Finarfin since that is not a name he adopted; it was given to him by the Sindarin-speaking Elves.

As for Edrahil, he is sitting between Laurendil and Manwen because Finrod wants to make sure that if he suffers another episode, the healers will be right there. Narually he is disgusted by the whole thing.

The heraldic device is large but not life-size. The trees are merely represented in carving.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 71 on 9/11/2009
Well, the town meeting certainly went well...though I think the funniest parts of the chapter were the squabbling over "Lindaran" and "Teleran", and the comments about Ciryatan/Cirdan at the end. *grin* Rafts at Cuivenen, hmm?

That reminds me...since Elwe, Olwe, and Elmo were brothers, I suppose they were in the second generation at Cuivenen, or something? *ponders* I wonder what their parents' names would have been? Or were they brothers according to Iluvatar, like Namo and Irmo? But they're Valar and those three aren' *ponders more* What do you think, Atar Fiondil?



Author Reply: I believe that these three were brothers according to Iluvatar and have written them that way. Others may disagree but as Tolkien never says either way then it is open to interpretation.

njomoReviewed Chapter: 71 on 8/22/2009
Yes, it's good to see this meeting come about to provide the chance to clear the air. But as several other reviewers have noted, there are still a few questions begging for answers. One hopes the answers will be found without any agression or bloodshed.

One really cannot blame Finrod, Glorfindel and Beleg for their reaction to those who only want to see reborn "celebreties" such as they. Afterall, it's not pleasant to have to live in a fishbowl! But I did like the collective sigh from the three of them.

It was good to see Pelendur curious and open to listening to Laurendil's comments about his name. Hopefully some progress will be made in his relationship with Haldir after this discussion. And maybe Arafinwë's comment “Different lives, different identities,” may also give Pelandur some food for thought, if he heard the comment.

As a side note, I did not find it odd at all to have Dúlinn chime in on the issue of Quenya v. Sindarin names. After all, it was the councillors' own introductions that caused Arafinwë to raise the question in the first place.

Well, the intrigue is killing me, figuratively speaking! Can't wait to find out what lies in store for the rest of the Progress, and, after that, what experiences Glorfindel will have. Well, it keeps my mind busy.

Thanks Fiondil.


Author Reply: If I had more time I would comment on the particulars of your comments, Joanne, but all I can say is that I appreciate you taking the time to let me know how much you are enjoying the story. Thanks very much. I really appreciate it.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 71 on 8/19/2009
That was a very interesting chapter. I think the encounters at the camp and later in the Town Hall were an eye-opener for many; it's good that they are at least able to talk so openly about all that without the other side feeling offended at once. There were a few issues that needed to be adressed publicly. I really hope something good will come of this!

And that banter about why the Teleri are called the Teleri was fun and brightened the mood nicely, I think :)

Author Reply: Glad you liked this chapter, Kitty. Hopefully some issues have been aired and opinions altered on both sides. The banter about the Teleri I think showed that these Amaneldi are indeed just ordinary elves even if some of them are kings and princes.

HelReviewed Chapter: 71 on 8/19/2009
A town-meeting. So the Tol Eressëans can see that the Anameldi are also normal elves even if they are kings and princes.
Their bickering and that they admit that the ignoring of the people on Tol Eressëan was wrong is a good ground to start talks. And of course the feast the next night. Nothing better to bond than getting drunk together.

Maybe we find out where certain roumours come from...

Great chapter as were the last two.

Author Reply: Thanks, Hel. I am glad you enjoyed this chapter and the last two. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate you telling me.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 71 on 8/18/2009
So Finrod, Glorfindel and Beleg aren’t happy to be the center of the particular kind of attention that is coming their way? I can’t say I blame them. I get this image of a horde of japanese tourists taking tons of pictures of the famous places they visit – and probably any interesting-looking people on their programmed stops, too.

Politics ... At least no daggers have been inserted in any backs. Yet. Although that may me coming, since the visitors are intent on breaking the conspiracy of silence. And the supposed captivity of Laurendil and manwen has not even come up yet.

Author Reply: Japanese tourist in Middle-earth! Perish the thought. *LÖL*

We will see how the efforts of the visitors to break the conspiracy of silence works out eventually.

TariReviewed Chapter: 71 on 8/18/2009
It’s wonderful to see the different groups of Elves put aside their misunderstandings and try to unite. Open trade between them will be beneficial to all. Who knows what else could develop.

I’m waiting to see who throws a “monkey wrench” into the mix.

Author Reply: Very true, Tari, and hopefully open trade will lead to better things for all. We will have to see how it works out.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 71 on 8/17/2009
A good meeting, and additional healing is obviously going on now. Still the saboteurs to identify, of course....

Author Reply: True, Larner. Whether the saboteurs are ever identified, though, remains to be seen.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 71 on 8/17/2009
Very interesting meeting, though long overdue.

I was slightly taken out of the tale here... “And I was born in Beleriand,” Dúlinn said." because I couldn't quite figure out who Dulinn was - just newly introduced - and I was surprised that one of the 'envoy' would speak during this little discussion between Finrod and those of the Progress. Just a note.

I also liked the fact that Dulinn reminded the crowd that their own people were the ones who raised prices... just in case the townspeople forgot. Nice touch.

Lovely chapter.

Author Reply: I am not sure what you mean, Agape. Dúlinn is introduced at the beginning of the chapter and at the point of this discussion when he mentions that he was born in Beleriand he and the other Councillors have been introduced to the kings. Once introduced he was free to enter into the conversation if he so desired, since it is because of his name being Sindarin even though he is a Noldo that prompts Arafinwe´s comment in the first place.

Anyway, I am glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 71 on 8/17/2009
I enjoyed this and look forward to seeing what happens next.

Author Reply: Thanks for letting me known, Aiwen. I really appreciate it.

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