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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 12 Review(s)
KayleeReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/18/2008
"What is the easiest way to get a child to do what you want?" Irmo asked.

Finrod gave him a puzzled look but as he thought about it, his expression cleared. "You tell him just the opposite."

Irmo nodded. "Glorfindel wished to see Ingwion, and we Valar are actually curious as to why, but if we had acquiesced to his request immediately he might have become suspicious, though there would have been no duplicity on our part. Glorfindel has become... wary where we are concerned. It was decided to encourage him to go to Ingwion by forbidding him to go at all."

"If he ever finds out he’s been outsmarted...." Finrod couldn’t help saying with a knowing smile.

Irmo laughed. "Well, I won’t tell him if you don’t," he said with a wink.

Finrod joined the Vala in laughter.

So too would I be laughing, if my throat wasn't killing me, meldonya. Where are Irmo, Este and Elrond when I need them? This was a lovely chapter. And what are Ingwion & co, and Glorfindel etc. going to do now? Heh, can't wait to find out!


Author Reply: Thanks, Kaylee. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry you're still down with a sore throat. Hopefully this made you feel a teensy bit better. *grin* As to what everyone will be up to... we'll see soon enough.

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/15/2008
Oh, most excellent, meldonya!

I think my favourite line was Vorondil's "I... I want to see the birds flying through the rainbows again," he answered shyly. He looked up and they could see the wonder in his eyes. "They were so beautiful." My second favourite line was also Vorondil. "I hate camping in the rain," Vorondil muttered, frowning. "Why does it always rain whenever I go camping?" I wanted to sympathise because I've often had the same question!

Irmo is sneaky, isn't he? The whole business withthe Reborn acting out was very funny but Irmo explaining to Fnrod the reasoning behind telling Glorfindel that he couldn't go meet with Ingwion was priceless.

And I can just see Ingwion's face when he utters that last line. I'm sure that Glorfindel will be glad to see Ingwion but I certainly expect him to get upset when he realises how he's been manipulated. Maybe one day he'll grow up enough to realise that all manipulation isn't bad, especially when it's done by people who love you and for you explicit benefit.

I was sorry not see Namo in this chapter but I know I can't always have my favourite Vala in every one. However, I'm very happy to see all the gwedyr together again and to find that Ingwion, Aldundil and Vorondil all chose to live.

Eru bless and keep thee, meldonya. Stay warm!


Author Reply: Vorondil has most of the best lines in this chapter, I think. *grin*

Well, Námo may not have been in this chapter but I promise he'll be making an appearance again soon enough. Nienna will probably be calling in reinforcements as soon as Glorfindel shows up on her doorstep like a bad penny. *lol*

I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. More to come, I promise.

TariReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/15/2008
At first I though of the Valar as being both sneaky and shrewd. But now I see how “sending” the elves to the waterfalls allowed them to be cleansed, which they all needed. Now they can put the past behind them and look only to the future.

Author Reply: An insightful observation, Tari, and very true. Thanks for sharing.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/14/2008
Ah ha! So they all come together at last - and it seems BECAUSE of the Valar - should be an interesting next chapter!

Author Reply: Yes, the Valar have been behind this all along. *grin* We'll see in the next couple of chapters actually how it all is resolved.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/14/2008
"And you think Glorfindel is responsible?" -- Silly question.

"Glorfindel has become... wary where we are concerned" -- Just a wee bit. And when he figures out how he's been manipulated this time, it won't make him any less wary!

Clever rain, to wash dishes; I realize I should have taken advantage of our recent 4"-er to have *something* washed.

"This must be the stream that flows out of the valley," Aldundil said. / "We can only hope," Ingwion commented -- Yes, the rules of geography don't seem to apply. I suspect a compass would reveal magnetic anomalies.

Well, they've met. Ah: has Nienna manipulated the location of Glorfindel and Ingwion's meeting so she *doesn't* have to worry about Glorfindel wreaking havoc at her place?

If Glorfindel knows what's good for him (now, *there's* a dubious concept!) he won't stop at Lórien on the way back to Tirion....

Wondering how Glorfindel will feel after his discussion with Ingwion: will he feel all this plotting was worth it?

Author Reply: Hi, Eiluj. You're probably right about Nienna deciding to have the meet take place outside her house for fear of the havoc Glorfindel (not to mention the other two Reborn) might wreak otherwise. *lol* We'll see soon enough if Glorfindel (and the Valar!)thinks all this was worth it.

Independence1776Reviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/14/2008
"Irmo nodded and Finrod stared at the mayhem around him as elves continued to scream and run about with Maiar and Lóriennildi chasing after them.
'I’m going to kill him,' he muttered darkly and Irmo gave him a thin smile.
'You’ll have to get in line, I’m afraid,' he retorted and Finrod could only snort in grim amusement." *bursts out laughing* I don't blame them in the slightest!

"Glorfindel wished to see Ingwion, and we Valar are actually curious as to why, but if we had acquiesced to his request immediately he might have become suspicious, though there would have been no duplicity on our part. Glorfindel has become... wary where we are concerned. It was decided to encourage him to go to Ingwion by forbidding him to go at all." Oh, dear. Yes, I seriously hope Glorfindel doesn't find out he's been manipulated that way! The Valar are certainly devious, though. (Of course, given everything they have to do, I'd be surprised if they weren't!)

Yup- the Vale is certainly tricky.

"'What do you suggest we do instead?' Ingwion replied. "Surely the purpose of this outing has been achieved, wouldn’t you say?"
'With the Valar, I wouldn’t bet on it,' Aldundil said with a wry grin." *laughs* The Valar never do anything for just one reason.

"Glorfindel!" Ingwion cried out. "What in Arda are you doing here?" This will certainly be interesting- in a good way.

Wonderful chapter!

~ Indy

Author Reply: Hi Indy. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I think that if Glorfindel ever finds out he's been manipulated he'll be very angry. Let's hope he doesn't. Yet as devious as the Valar may be, Atar is even more devious, as the Valar will eventually learn. *grin*

EllieReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/14/2008
What a wonderful way to meet! Each coming out of his own sort of mist so to speak. Love the Valar's tactics with the "children" in getting them to do what they want of them. Can't wait to find out what Finrod actually read about and what his atar will tell him. Very few writers attempt to tackle life in post-rebellion Valinor. Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: We may not see what Finrod read or learn what Arafinwë tells him about those times except in generalities. It's my intention to actually write about that time period once I get a couple of the other stories out of the way. I won't be posting the Darkening story (as I call it) any time soon, though, otherwise there will be plot spoilers to EI but I hope to post it sometime next summer. You'll just have to wait. *grin*

GoldenFlowerReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/14/2008
Hahaha, I really don't think Namo would be all to pleased with Finrod if he did indeed kill Glorfindel xD. I can just see him being all like, 'RAWR' and kicking him right back out of the Halls. Can't wait to see what happens between Glorfindel and Ingwion in the valley. Speaking of the valley, I LIKE the valley & I think it would have been absolutley hilarious had Glorfindel and Co. fallen into the waterfall. As usual, munderful chapter and I cannot wait for the next one :D:D:D


Author Reply: I don't think Námo would be pleased either. *grin* Glad you liked the chapter. Thanks for letting me know.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/14/2008
Ah, so *that* was why the Valar have forbidden Glorfindel to meet Ingwion? I *knew* they are devious, but I didn't expect that much deviousness! :) They're right, of course - the best way to achieve something is to forbid it *lol* Still, I hope Finrod doesn't give them a hard time about it.

Sounds as if our three Reborn had a very uncomfortable night. I don't envy them. Vorondil is right, camping in the rain is no fun! And even less without a tent.

Btw, going back in the vale to see the waterfall and the birds again is a nice idea. It sounds very lovely - I'd like to visit there, too!

There really seem *all* paths to be leading into the vale, eh? Very useful for the two groups to meet! Obviously it worked, though, and I am glad for it. And of course, I am rather curious to learn why Glorfindel wanted to meet with Ingwion.

Author Reply: The paths to the Fana Nîrion are rather like Escher's paintings... recursive without realizing that you are going back on yourself. Same with the valley itself, as Glorfindel and his companions have discovered.

I'm sure Finrod won't be too hard on them, knowing that the Valar actually wanted Glorfindel to find Ingwion. Still, I suspect he'll go into big brother mode with them. Should be interesting to watch. *grin*

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/14/2008
*smile* Great chapter!

Author Reply: Thanks, NiRi. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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