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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/16/2011
I keep on forgetting to comment on this every time I read this chapter, and yes I am rereading this, again! My son, who was nearly two at the time did something similar to Finrod falling asleep with a peice of bread in his hand, we were flying back from England at the time, and he was sharing lunch with his sister. He was so cute, why, oh why do they have to grow up!?

Author Reply: And now you have. *grin* As for the growing up part.... the lament of all parents, I'm afraid. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment,Lynda, and enjoy your re-reading of the story.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/21/2008
I've been waiting on pins and needles for this chapter - it was well worth the wait...

I smiled in the very first paragraph with the decision... I said YES when they decided to take them to the encampment... I felt embarrassed, for I had forgotten the poor elflings in the midst of all this... I just aw'd at the scene as the road was 'lined on both sides' - very nice.... I loved the paragraph with the warriors picking up the cots and aw'd at the sight it must have been... I had to hope that none would ever forget this procession... I laughed at the idea of the feast (don't tell anyone - they sound suspiciously like Hobbits!)... I love Finrod's sighs of contentment... and the fact that he is still, and always will be, Arafinwe's elfling, his Finda... You had me rolling on the floor laughing at the scene with Glorfindel and the hapless healer... good grief - poor thing! And I just cried at Glorfindel's fear of restraints... *sobs quietly* - I loved Beleg's command... and laughed out loud at the healer's quick escape and wise decision to ask for another assignment! - I loved the ending with laughter... all is well with the world... at least for another moment or two


Author Reply: Hi Agape. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and that you thought it was well worth the wait. I think a lot of people have forgotten about the poor elflings but never fear, they haven't been forgotten by me. *grin* There are many "awww" moments in this chapter as well as loads of laughter and I'm glad that the various scenes brought both tears and laughter, as they were meant to do. Thanks for reviewing.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/21/2008
They forgot the most important reason why they should be brought to Vanyamar, not to Lórien: When all the elves who want to see for themselves that Finrod and Glorfindel are okay are rushing to Lórien, then this will no longer remain a haven of peace and calm *grin*
Lovely image of the warriors forming a honour guard, btw.

Anyway, I am glad they listened to Ingwion and Laurendil, particularly as the kings got to see the two missed ones much sooner this way. It was really moving to see their concern for all of them. I felt so sorry for Arafinwë and Olwë for having to go through this all.

Ouch. Glorfindel’s awakening didn’t go very well. This unfortunate earlier incident left it’s marks on him, that much is obvious. And the poor healer probably didn’t even understand why one look at her was enough to send him into a panic. (I doubt any of Ingwë’s healers will touch him ever again after this *grin*)

The end was just hilarious. I said I was asleep you stupid Noldo. What part of that didn’t you understand? *rofl* Maybe the part of speaking in his ‚sleep’ while being too aware of what is going on? *evil grin* Well, Glorfindel found a perfect way to make sure if Beleg was asleep or not! And of course, Finrod had to take the game another step further *snicker* These elflings are so entertaining!

Great chapter, Fiondil! I look forward to know what happens when Finrod returns to the elflings in Lórien. And come to think of it ... what about Pelendur? The situation on Tol Eressëa? ... So many interesting things to look forward to! *happy sigh*
(Maybe we should start laying bets how long this story will be in the end *grin*)

Author Reply: That's a good point about Lórien being invaded by curious elves wanting to see the two ellyn. *grin* Good thing they decided to take them to Vanyamar instead. I'm glad you liked the ending. These three are certainly entertaining. As to what follows... only time and the Muse will tell. *lol* Thanks for reviewing.

TariReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/21/2008
Times of trial always seem to be “warring” parties together. Why can’t they be like that all the time? For us, it’s human nature. I guess for the elves, it’s elf nature as they have the same freedom of choice we have.

Finrod, Glorfindel and Beleg might be a bit week, but that didn’t stop two of them from tussling. What a delightful scene that made in my mind. The elfling in them shines through.


Author Reply: Glad you liked the chapter, Tari. They're all elflings at heart no matter how old they may be chronologically. *grin*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/21/2008
Ah yes, just like old times! Just how asleep is Finda?! Can't blame Glorfi, last time he saw the healer she was trying to tie him down to a bed and Beleg has every right to beat on Glorfi, not a good way to wake somebody up!
Fun chapter,
More please,

Author Reply: Well, it's unlikely that it was this particular healer Glorfindel saw last but certainly he recognized her as being one of Ingwë's healers and wanted nothing to do with her. And Finda is probably more awake than they suspect. After all, how can anyone really sleep through Glorfindel's screaming. *grin*

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/21/2008
Oh, this was just what I needed to read this morning! I have the biggest smile on my face and am trying to keep my laughter under control so I don't wake up my roommates.

I think that Manveru has got some nice blackmail material on Finrod now , if he dares to use it. I also thought that Arafinwë's "I think I’ll just continue calling you Finda, yonya," he said softly as he gave the ellon a gentle kiss on his brow, "for you are still my elfling." was perfect. We are always "elflings" to our parents, no matter how old we are, aren't we.

That poor healer! I'm betting that she got stuck with the assignment of Glorfindel as a "Welcome to mastership" initiation and she's going to be plotting revenge on whoever it was who submitted her name for the job.

But the best part was at the end when Findarato told Glorfindel and Beleg to be quiet, pretending to be asleep and calling them his brothers' names. If Glorfindel had any last fears that he was part of Finrod's family on sufferance, this had to have erased them. And Beleg has now officially been adopted, too, whether he realises it or not. Though I haveto wonder which of the two ellyn is which brother . And the comment about Artanis was pure "big brother."

Though amusing, and not really surprising, the regression of Finrod, Glorfindel and Beleg into (somewhat bratly, in the case of Glorfindel and Beleg anyway) elflings is also rather sad. In spite of the intervention of the Valar and Eru Himself, all three have been thoroughly traumatised. I wonder how long it will be before they are back to being ready to take up their adult responsibilities again.

Which brings up Sador, Ingwion and Laurendil who have been traumatised by the incident(s) as well. I hope that Irmo has s few Maiar on watch for each of them as well, because I fear that once they don't haveto be responsible for the care of their otornor, the what ifs as well as what really happened are going to hit them awfully hard.

The love that they all have for each other is so apparent in this chapter: Arafinwë's love for Finrod (and his other absent children as well), Olwë's love for Beleg, Finrod's love for his atar and otorno, Glorfindel and Beleg's fraternal love and affection for each other (complete with teasing and arguments)... no wonder I am brimming over with delight.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the relationships between the otornor develop (for some reason I am really curious to see how Sador and Beleg get along as they grow to know each other) and what repercussions ensue from Finrod and Glorfindel's not so little adventure. Of course, I'm curious to know how Aldundil and Vorondil are doing as well as the elflings.

Most excellently crafted, meldonya! (And I managed to write a long review for you again--with only one cut and paste--again)

Eru bless,


Author Reply: Hi Edlyn. I'm glad you found this such a delightful chapter. After all the angst in earlier chapters I'm sure everyone welcomed this lighter scene. I guess getting called by your otorno's brothers' name is one way of knowing you've been 'adopted' by the family. *lol*

I'm not sure if these three have really regressed so much as they are merely indulging in play, acting like bratty teenage brothers with the usual teasing and tussling as a release from what has happened. As for the other three elves... I'm sure everyone is keeping a close eye on them as well, knowing that what they went through will not be easily forgotten.

At any rate, over the course of the story we will see what connection Beleg has with Sador and the others and how Vorondil, Aldundil and the five elflings are doing as well.

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it and I'm glad you're back to writing long reviews. I missed them. *grin*

artistic spriteReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/21/2008
This is definately one my fav chapters in the whole story! I'm going to keep reading it till I memorise every words! :P
Sigh, reading good fanfiction is the way to relax after a taxing day of project and assignments!

Author Reply: Thanks sprite. I'm glad you liked this chapter so much. I certainly had fun writing it. *grin* And I totally agree that reading good fanfiction at the end of a tax day is a great way to relax. Thanks for reviewing.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/20/2008
YAY!!!!!!! Finda, Glorfi and Beleg are home and awake (despite Beleg's protests to the contrary on the latter issue)!!!!!!!

*laughs at Finda talking in his sleep*

Aw, poor Glorfi thinking he was going to be restrained again!

but I'm glad Laurendil got the respect he deserves, and that the three kings have their respective 'elflings' back (though Ara and Ingwe share Finda and Glorfi, I think *grin* but Beleg is all Olwe's...well, Finda is Olwe's too *grin* so he belongs to everyone!) Well done, meldonya...I can't wait for more!!!


Author Reply: Yes, they are back, more or less in one piece. I think it's safe to say that all those elflings belong to everyone! And none of them would dispute that claim either. *grin*

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/20/2008
And another perfect chapter. Hilarious ending.

Manveru appeared again bearing a tray with a bowl of broth and some soft bread and a flagon of water. Finrod grimaced at what he considered poor fare but Arafinwë insisted that anything else would prove wasted. "Ingwion became violently ill after the ordeal and the other two weren’t much better off. Have this and if you are still hungry and wish for something more we will see."

This confused me. Should it be Manveru rather than Arafinwe speaking? Or maybe I'm suffering sleep deprivation.

Author Reply: Glad you liked the ending, NiRi. No, Arafinwë is speaking here, having been apprised of what happened earlier with everyone, so he's able to tell Finrod about Ingwion and why he's being given broth.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/20/2008
What a delight! Love that poor healer girl with the most unfortunate assignment. Arafinwe is wonderful with his endearing "Finda".
Okay, so i'm really tired and not entirely with it while reading...Did Finrod with his self-satisfied smile know he was miscalling the names or did he do it on purpose for the entertainment value?

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. I'm glad you enjoyed this. As for Finrod... I think he was well aware of what was going on and just acted as if he were dreaming about when he was younger and trying to keep his brothers and sister quiet in the morning so as not to disturb their parents. At any rate, it worked, didn't it? *grin*

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